“Not like that,” Jax calls.

“Unless you want to.” Thorn winks, stepping into the room.

“Ugh. No way!” I lie, secretly excited at the idea. “Get out.”

“Get up, Princesses,” Thorn teases. “If we’re not having an orgy today, then we’ll do the next best thing.”

“Fuck off. I’m a king, not a princess!” Rebel says, flipping him the bird.

“Which is?” I ask, flopping back against the pillows, ignoring Rebel’s interruption.

“A surprise. Now get dressed.”

“Hey,” I sit up suddenly as a thought occurs to me, “what happened to you guys? I didn’t hear you come back last night.”

“You wouldn’t hear anything over the noises you were making,” Thorn replies and my face flames scarlet. “But we actually decided to give you guys some privacy, so we stayed elsewhere.”

“Oh my god. Where did you go?” I ask. I’m pretty mortified.

“We slept in your room,” he tells me, deadpanned, and I laugh until I realise he’s not joking.

“Get the fuck out!” Rebel roars at them, grabbing me and pulling me underneath him. The covers slide off, but he’s covering my indecency with his body. His indecency, however, is on display for everyone to see. “It’s time for round two,” he tells me with a kiss.

“Erm Reb, I think we’re way past round two by now.”

“Shush, you’ll make them jealous,” he tells me nodding towards the door where the guys are all still standing with various looks of amusement on their faces. I start to push Rebel off me to make him stop, but then he grinds his hardness up against me, and suddenly I don’t give a fuck who’s watching, I’m pulling him into me and kissing him back.

I have no idea if the guys stay and watch, but by the time we’re done, the doorway’s empty, and breakfast’s ready. I’d call that a pretty good start to the day.

Lizzie’s Journal

April 28th

The party seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. I’ve spent nearly two weeks in my room, barely eating or leaving for anything, and today I have to go to the nurse.

When I went to the hospital after the party, the nurse also did an STI check. It’s where they take swabs, bloods and a urine sample to test for all of the major STIs. Results take around two weeks and if you don’t hear anything you’re fine. You know what they say, no news is good news.

The nurse actually said that to me: No news is good news. The same nurse who’s just performed a - I can’t even say it, I’ll call it an assault kit instead - on me.

I’m not a violent or confrontational person, but I wanted to react...somehow...when she said that to me. She’d literally just blown my world apart and confirmed my absolute worst nightmare, only to tell me to look on the bright side; no email response would mean I’m just an assault victim, not a diseased one.

I know that’s not what she said, but it’s how she made me feel. Instead of saying anything, though, I gave her a very weak and wobbly smile and nodded. Charlotte wouldn’t have though. Even with her whole world in tatters around her, she would’ve found the strength to give that nurse hell for her insensitive comment.

Anyway, it’s been about two weeks now, and I’m looking at the one email sitting in my inbox that I didn’t ever want to receive. The sender line says, ‘Devon Medical Centre’, and the subject line is, ‘Your test results’. I don’t even have to open it to feel sick. What’s the opposite to that no news saying? Any news is bad news? Sounds awful. It is awful.

I have an STI.

I just need to open the email to find out which one. That sounds like one of those fake ‘You have won’ pop-ups that you get on the internet, where it says you’ve won a prize, and you should click to claim. They’re always fake though.

I wish this email was fake.

I feel like I need a bit of tough love to get myself to open the dreaded email. Charlotte’s brilliant at tough love. I should channel her... Look, I tell myself, you’ve been assaulted, and there’s nothing worse than that. This is just a small...infection in a cut. Yeah. You just need to rip the bandaid off quickly to see what the damage is underneath.

Ok, so that doesn’t sound like Charlotte at all; she’d never be so insensitive, and she’s actually a total sweetheart, but it’s the pep talk I need to give myself to see this through. I think briefly that it doesn’t matter what STI it is really; it’s enough to know I have one, but then logic kicks in and I shake myself. I need to know to get the right treatment.

Chlamydia. He - this nameless, faceless presence that haunts my every moment - has given me Chlamydia. If I were capable of feeling anything at all at this point, I’d probably be numb again anyway. Is it possible to get more numb? When will the anger come? Anger’s good. I need an outlet for this black void that’s eating away inside of me. If I could just push it out somehow - through anger - maybe I could start to...what? Heal? Be okay? Mend? I don’t know if I can do or be any of those things.

So that's how, after two weeks of being bed-bound, I came to leave the sanctity of my room to go to the nurse to get treatment. It was painless enough after that - just a course of antibiotics to clear the infection right up. As if just a course of any drug could take away the memory or the pain. No, they just wash away the symptoms, not the cause.

That stays with you forever.