
“Do you want to go dancing with us?” He’s got me.

“Yes. Definitely.” My response is emphatic.

“Then it’s settled. We’ll all go to the party together.”

“Okay. Sure.” I sound a little shell shocked, but I’m happy. I think. I have a feeling this will complicate things, but I’m just going to go with it. What will be, will be as Cordelia always says.

“Okay, it’s settled. So, do you want to come back to the house with me to hang out? We’re going to watch a few movies?”

“I would love to, but I really do have to study. I hardly did any when I was away over Easter.” I’m tempted to say screw it and go anyway, but I’m trying to be good.

“How about tomorrow then? You can come for the weekend, bring your study stuff, tell us all about your holiday.”

“Yeah, okay.” I smile at him.

“Great. Now about that kiss....” I laugh and tilt my head up to meet his, happy to accept his kisses any day.


Saturday morning, I get up late feeling happier and more rested than I have in a long time. I get ready and head down to the guys’ house, hoping I’ll be there in time for one of Ace’s delicious breakfast creations. Hopefully Thorn will make me a hot chocolate too as this is the longest I’ve ever had to go without them and I’m definitely in withdrawal.

I ring the bell and slip in through the unlocked door. Sure enough, remarkable smells hit me as soon as I step inside, and I follow the sounds of Ace whistling into the kitchen where the master’s at work. Silently, I slip into one of the seats at the island counter where I can watch him cook. His back’s to me, and he’s wearing sweat pants and an apron. The toned muscles of his shoulders create fine lines and ripples down his back as he moves. It makes my mouth water. I wish his sweat pants were tighter so I could see his ass more clearly.

He spins and catches me staring. He doesn’t seem surprised to see me, but a slow grin stretches across his face. “Pervert,” he scolds me with a wink, and I blush. I shrug my shoulders, unapologetically.

“I’ve missed the view,” I tell him.

“You missed food,” he corrects.

“Maybe a bit of both.”

“And kisses? Miss those?” He switches off the gas and takes the pan of sizzling bacon from the ring before slowly walking towards me.

“Maybe. It’s been so long I can’t really remember them,” I tease.

Ace huffs and grabs my shoulders, spinning my stool so that I’m facing him. He steps in close between my legs and his hands drop to my hips. He grasps them hard and slides me forward on the seat so that I’m pressed against his firm sculpted apron-clad chest.

“Can we lose the apron?” I ask him. I want to feel his bare skin with my greedy fingers. Without hesitation, he pulls it off without putting an inch of space between us and then before I can blink, his lips are on me.

He kisses me with a bruising force that shows me how much he’s missed me. I meet it equally, telling him how sorry I am. His hands fist in my hair and mine fly to his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin without complaint from him. We’re tougher with each other than we’ve ever been before, but I’m certainly not complaining. When he drags his hands down the front of my light summer dress to my breasts, bolts of electricity shoot through me on contact. I moan into his mouth and drop my hand to the large bulge in his sweat pants.

“Children!” A mock outraged voice interrupts us, and we pull apart guiltily. I’m breathing hard and annoyed by the interruption. I turn with a scowl to see Thorn smirking at me from the doorway, merriment dancing in his eyes. He wags his finger at us and tuts, “I thought we were having bacon for breakfast, not sausage.”

“Always time for sausage,” Ace tells him. I blush at his crassness and smack him lightly on the arm, but Ace only laughs. Thorn pushes past us to the hob and resumes cooking the bacon.

“Don’t let me stop you,” he says. “I love free porn.”

Yeah, that’s like a bowl of icy water chucked over my head. No way am I about to put on a show for Thorn. He’s far too much of a pervert. I scowl at him, and Ace moves to smack him on the back of the head.

“Mood kill,” he tells him. The two of them start play fighting, and the bacon lies forgotten. I sigh in feigned annoyance at their roughhousing and move to rescue the bacon before it burns.

“Oh fuck yeah, do I smell bacon?” Rebel’s voice calls out from the hallway.

“Hell yeah, you do!” I hear Jax answer him with a joyful whoop. A moment later, both boys crash into the kitchen but stop when they see Ace and Thorn fighting.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Jax asks, but they don’t pull apart, just glance up and then resume their scuffle on the kitchen floor. I plate up the bacon and step around them carefully, heading for the table at the other end of the room.