I suck Rebel’s earlobe and gently tongue the little dip just underneath it as I begin to move slowly. I take his huge cock all the way, grinding my hips in a circular motion when I hit the bottom. I kiss and suck from his ear, along his neck to his shoulder, leaning in close so that my breasts press against his chest and my taut nipples graze him with every movement. I stay with my head nestled in the crook of his neck, my lips in constant contact with his skin.

“Come for me Rebel,” I whisper in a breathy, needy voice. His groan and the way he digs his fingernails into my ass to grind me harder against him tells me he’s close.

I shift, dipping my back so that my ass pops upwards and outwards, altering the angle of his dick inside me. The friction inside my tight pussy is incredible. Like this, I have him hitting all the right spots. So many people think there’s only one or two, but my god, there are so many more. I love how Rebel’s cock has stretched my opening, and his extra girth means he can stimulate that thin wall of skin between my two holes, building a delicious pressure that feels almost as good as having a finger or two back there. Ummm, we’ll have to do that next time I think as I flick my ass again and really begin to move. I keep my body entirely still so that only my hips and ass are moving. It feels like I’m vibrating, I’m flicking it that fast, but I guess it could only be described as twerking. On his cock. Sounds ridiculous, feels insane.

With my head still firmly nuzzled in the side of his neck, I beg him once again to come. His guttural groans are nearly my undoing, but I hold on tight, refusing to give in. Instead, I distract myself by sinking my teeth into the side of his neck and sucking hard. I suck as I feel his orgasm build, biting and applying more and more pressure as I feel his cock swell and throb inside me. His breath leaves him in tortured groans and his, “Please” is a tortured prayer that’s dragged unwillingly from his lips. I give a final burst of speed, and with a roar and a groan, he’s emptying his load inside of me. It feels never ending.

He grabs my hips and tries to halt my movements, but I know the trick is to drain him dry. I continue my gruelling pace, grinding down on his cock until his trembling limbs go limp. Only then do I slow to a halt and lie my head on his chest to recover. I’m panting as hard as he is, and a sense of victory floods me, making me grin. I realise that I’m finally close enough to study his tattoos in detail, but I can’t be bothered. I feel boneless. Like jelly or water. But the heavy concrete kind.

We lie together, limbs entangled, trying to catch our breath. A couple of minutes later, Rebel blinks up at me in awe, his breathing ragged.

“Where the fuck did that come from?” I love the admiration in his voice, and I smile at him, kissing his chest and snuggling in.

“It was great. Not rainbows coming out of my pussy great, but still great,” I tell him with a smirk, which earns me a sharp stinging slap on the ass. It’s enough to almost have me ready for the next round. But Rebel envelopes me in his massive arms and rolls us over. At this point, I don’t even care what room we’re in or who might catch us. Spent and exhausted, for now, I relax into his hold, and within minutes we’re both fast asleep.


I’ve no idea what time it is when I hear the door open later, except that it's fully dark outside. I’m laid in Rebel’s huge bed, with his arm slung around me, in a post-sex haze of bliss. I don’t even remember making it back up the stairs to his room; I feel like we’ve been having sex for days. Or involved in a severe road traffic accident if my sore joints and bruises are anything to go by.

In reality, it’s only been one day, one deliciously long day of rough, noisy, painful sex. Lots of it. Every round was a battle of wills, neither one of us willing to submit or surrender. It was almost violent in its intensity. I’m deliciously sore in the best possible way. But I’m not complaining; I’m insatiable when it comes to Rebel. I can’t get enough. He’s my drug of choice, and after just one hit, I’m totally addicted.

“What the fuck? Have we been burgled?” Thorn’s loud voice carries easily up the stairs to Rebel’s room.

“No. Not burgled,” Jax’s response is calm, almost amused.

“Then what the hell happened here?”

“I think Raven and Rebel happened.”

“Finally,” Ace chimes in.

“I’ll get a broom... oh fucking hell it's like Armageddon happened in here too. Shall we check the rest of the house?”

“I think we’re lucky it’s still standing at all.”

“Damn, to be him right now.”

It makes me giggle, but I snuggle in closer to Rebel, not willing to break this delicate truce between us just yet. It feels kind of...nice. For once, the others can wait.

Lizzie’s Journal

March 24th

I’m so torn. I don’t know what to do.

Somehow, word’s gotten out that I stayed the night in Michael’s room two nights ago. The princes are livid!

I can’t even give them the real reason why. I said I’d fallen asleep there studying, but I know they don’t believe me. Rebel flipped out, threatening to beat the shit out of Michael. The princesses are telling everyone I got the ‘Crown Jewels’ which is some stupid term for sleeping with all five of the princes apparently. Never mind that I haven’t actually slept with any of them! So, of course, I’m being called tramp and hussy and slag by everyone.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the Princes believed me when I said nothing had happened - but they don’t. They haven’t said as much, but they’ve been more distant, and both Thorn and Rebel asked for space. That hurts because I would’ve thought they’d know me better than that by now - especially Rebel. I haven’t ‘put out’ for any of them, so why would I be sleeping with Michael behind their backs? It feels too ridiculous to have four boyfriends and be accused of cheating on all of them with a fifth guy!

I’m starting to wonder if it’s worth the hassle. Maybe I should just end things with all of them? At least that way I wouldn’t have to choose.

What would you do Charl?