It’s a dream. There are fairy lights absolutely everywhere and candles on the tables which surround the large dance floor on three sides. The fourth side boasts a small orchestra with a DJ booth set up behind, which I’m guessing is for later. We check the seating plan and make our way to our table, and I’m relieved that I’m sat between Ace and Jax with Thorn and Rebel next to them. I hate sitting by strangers. Once I know I’m safe I relax, not caring who else is seated with us. Turns out it’s a couple of old people who are insanely stuck up.

I see them watching us all throughout the meal, trying to figure out the pairings. They don’t look too happy to be sat with ‘gay’ couples, and I have to stifle my giggles when Rebel and Thorn start playing up, feeding one another and calling each other ‘honey’ and ‘darling’. By some sort of unspoken agreement, Jax and Ace decide to join in, both pretending to be my date and the old lady’s face goes from shocked and uncomfortable to outraged. Her husband watches us a little too keenly. Ick. After each of the courses, we swap seats between us, and each guy that comes to sit by me lavishes me with attention and compliments, constantly touching and kissing me. The old lady looks like she’s going to have a fit. The old man looks close to coming in his pants. Double ick.

Somehow I make it through the meal, but as soon as the last plate is whisked away, I escape to the bar and let out my laughter. Keeping a straight face for that long as the guys got more and more outrageously flirty and touchy-feely with me was hard. Not to mention how hot and bothered it’s got me. I know they were only messing, but to have all of their hands on me continuously, almost simultaneously, was mind-blowing. I’m regretting my decision to forego panties tonight in the hopes of surprising Thorn.

A few drinks later and the party’s in full swing. I’ve danced almost non stop, and I feel ready for a break. After dinner, the old couple left and haven’t been seen since. I tell Thorn that I feel bad: I hope we didn’t ruin their night. He scoffs and tells me they’ve probably gone back to their room to bang - his words, not mine - because watching me squirm under their ministrations had gotten them harder and wetter than they’d been since the Berlin Wall went up. I have no idea what he meant by that, but it made me laugh.

I’m dancing with Ace, hours later, in desperate need of a drink and a rest when Thorn approaches us on the dance floor.

“Hey sexy, come with me.” He taps me on the shoulder, interrupting my dance with Ace, who I look questioningly at. Ace nods that it’s okay for me to go, but tells Thorn that it’s almost midnight so make sure he has me back in time. I giggle at the Cinderella-like reference, but I let Thorn take my hand and lead me off the dance floor. I have no idea what he has planned, but it’s always fun with Thorn. He pulls me out of the hotel’s ballroom to the entrance where we came in. It’s deserted now, and even the staff have disappeared - I guess because the party’s in full swing and welcome staff are no longer needed. Thorn pulls me close, turning me so that my back’s pressed against the wall beside a door. He quickly scans the foyer, and upon spying that it's empty, drags me through the closed door we were beside.

The room’s dimly lit, but it’s easy to work out where we are: the cloakroom. There are rows and rows of clothing rails, all full of expensive-looking coats, jackets, cloaks and shawls, all expertly organised. There are beautiful soft wall lights and a thick luscious carpet underfoot. At the back of the small room is a chaise lounge, although why they have one in here beats me. There’s even framed artwork on the walls in ornate gilt frames. Everything about this room is lavish and over the top like the rest of the hotel, and even this cloakroom is swankier than most places I’ve ever been. How sad is that?

“Really, Thorn?” I turn to him, crossing my arms and frowning. “An entire hotel to play in and you drag me in here?” I mock-scold him, and he knows I’m only joking. His eyes are alight with mischief, mine with excitement.

“I could hire a room for the night, but where’s the fun in that?” he asks, stalking towards me. I back up, enjoying the way he prowls.

“I could think of lots of ways to have fun in a private room with a bed and a shower for the next twelve hours.” My reply has just the right amount of snark and teasing. I’m considering running, but it’s like he reads my thoughts. As fast as lightning, he reaches out and capture me, pinning me against the nearest coat free wall, and leans in close. He’s careful to make sure that the only part of us that touches is where his hands wrap around my wrists. Somehow it’s even more electric than having contact with him.

“But that won’t excite you as much as the idea that in here we could get caught at any moment.” His whisper in my ear has me frantic. I pull and tug at his hold, trying to break free, but he refuses to let me. Instead, he captures my lips in a kiss which is equally teasing and scalding.

He’s right. The idea does excite me. I flush.

“I wonder if the guys will get impatient and come looking for us?” He whispers and I kiss him back with ferocity so that he knows how much his words affect me. I want to break free of his hold so that I can devour him. He smirks knowingly at me before giving me a chaste kiss on the lips and falling to his knees.

“Stay still,” he orders. “I’ve been dying to do this since I saw you on those steps, but once you flashed that thigh in the limo, I couldn’t think of anything else.” His hands smooth over my ankles, gently pulling my feet further apart. He then starts to slowly slide his palms up my exposed left leg, following his hands with a blazing trail of kisses. When he reaches my thigh, he runs his tongue up the inside, stopping and pulling back to gaze up at me when he finds my surprise.

“No panties?” I shrug and grin wickedly at him. “Naughty girl, I love it.” He dives right in, lavishing attention on my pussy which is already wet and waiting for him. The sensation of Thorn between my legs is the total opposite of Ace. With Ace, it felt like a marathon, not a sprint. He ate me out like he was having a twelve-course taster menu and had all day to finish. Thorn’s more like a starving man at an all you can eat buffet, enthusiastic and aware of the time constraints. But skilled too. Oh so skilled. Within minutes of just using his tongue, he has my knees buckling and my juices running down my legs. I love it when he pauses his sucking to slowly catch my arousal with his tongue, grinning at me and insisting, “Got to keep you presentable without panties to hold this nectar in.”

He licks and sucks at me like he really can’t get enough, and that’s a huge turn on. The sight of Thorn’s handsome blonde head moving between my legs has me groaning. I have to close my eyes and focus on breathing; otherwise I won’t last. I feel that heavy tightening deep in my belly and know that resisting it is futile. I’ve never come so quickly, been so unaware of the sensation building. But with Thorn, my orgasm sneaks up on me like a thief in the night. He gently sucks my clit between his teeth and grazes the sensitive skin just as he slides two fingers fully into me. The combined sensation causes the crest of my orgasm to break, and I come crashing down hard. Thorn braces one hand against my lower abdomen, the pressure driving my orgasm further and further on as he continues to lap up every last drop. My knees finally give way, and he catches me, lowering me gently to the lavishly carpeted floor before reaching for a condom.

“Don’t.” I put my hand out to stop him. “We don’t need...” He nods his understanding and throws the condom off somewhere over his shoulder. I have a fleeting image of some stuck up aristocratic lady finding it in the pocket of her fur coat later, and I giggle. Thorn looks questioningly at me, and I tell him what I’m thinking. His face lights up.

“Oh my god, that’s such a good idea! We could have all sorts of fun fucking with these coats. How hard do you think it is to get jizz out of real fur?”

“Let’s not waste it or get distracted,” I tell him, pulling him down so that our lips meet.

I know we don’t have much time, and I’m impatient to feel Thorn inside me. He scrambles back and drops his trousers, showing that he too is commando. His cock makes my mouth water. It’s perfection.

“Wow. You have a beautiful cock,” I tell him. He pulls a face.

“Thanks, I...think?” It comes out as a question. “That’s not something I usually hear.”

“Trust me, it’s a compliment. It’s like I’m having the Goldilocks moment of cocks; it’s just right.” Oh dear god, why on earth did I say that to him? I need to stop talking.

“Oh is it?” he teases. “And whose cocks are you comparing it to?”

“Shut up,” I groan, embarrassed. “Please.”

Having sex with Thorn is as much fun as hanging out with him. He’s as playful and energetic in the bedroom - erm, cloakroom - as he is at everything else. He enters me fully; straight as an arrow, a perfect 7 inches with enough girth to make me really feel it, but without pain. I gasp at how good it feels and immediately want more. I drag my fingernails down his back and dig them into his firm toned ass, using my purchase to pull him in closer. When he’s fully buried in me, I raise my hips and grind against him. It feels fucking amazing.

“More?” he asks.

“So much more,” I tell him. He pulls back, almost entirely withdrawing before sinking back into me again. He does this a few times, and I groan.

“Don’t tease.” I don’t know if I’m chastising him or begging.

“Yes m’lady.” He grins.