Chapter Sixteen

Christmas morning dawns bright and early. I’m ridiculously excited to be spending it with the guys, so I wake stupidly early. I sneak downstairs to hide their presents under the tree and then head to the kitchen to grab some biscuits.

I’m searching through the cupboards trying to find biscuits when I come across Ace’s hidden stash of cookies. There are easily a dozen containers stacked up in the cupboard, so I gather them all down and take a few cookies from each and pile them on a plate. Perfect.

I’m just putting the last box away again when a noise behind me makes me jump. “Morning,” Thorn says.

“Jesus, you scared the crap out of me! What are you doing up so early?”

“Thought I’d make everyone a hot chocolate in bed.”

“Looks like we had the same idea,” I say, pointing to the cookies. “But I’m shit at hot chocolate compared to you.” He smiles when he hears my compliment and gently moves me out of the way so that he can take over making the hot drinks.

I watch him for a moment admiring the way his pyjama pants are slung low on his hips so that his sexy V and toned ridges are shown off. I admire his smooth golden skin and blemish-free body. I love tattoos, but there’s also something beautiful about the way that Thorn is the only guy without any. I also love that these guys seem to have an aversion to sleeping in shirts because it lets me ogle them freely any time I want.

“You know,” Thorn says, turning to me and leaning back casually on the kitchen counter. He reaches out for me, putting his hands on my hips and pulling me in close, “you need to pay for your hot chocolate. And as it’s Christmas I’m charging extra.” The softness of his voice belies the devious merriment dancing in his eyes, but I’m not complaining. A Christmas kiss with Thorn? Sign me up.

I lean in towards him until our lips brush. I’m not going to mess around with him this time by kissing his cheek; I want to kiss him properly. But I also want to have a little fun first too. I rise up onto my tiptoes and Thorn gently squeezes my hips to keep me steady. I turn his head to the side, and I begin slowly, licking his ear and then making my way down his neck. My tongue never once leaves his skin. I groan at how good he tastes like saltwater and sunshine. ‘Fuck he tastes so good,’ I think to myself. I run one hand up his chest until I reach his nipple, using two fingers to play with it, pinching it lightly and gently teasing it. His mouth drops open in shock, and I seize the opportunity to kiss him.

Our lips meet once, twice, and then a third time. I pull back slightly and pull his bottom lip into my mouth where I gently bite down, before running my tongue over it and sucking gently to help soothe any sting I may have caused. Thorn groans at my playful kiss, moving one of his hands to my ass and one to lace through my hair so that he can pull me closer. My hardened nipples, pressing through the thin cotton of my vest top, graze against his chest, causing ripples of excitement to wash over me. In an instant, the tides have turned, and Thorn takes control of the kiss. Our lips crash together, and his tongue immediately demands entry into my mouth so that it can swirl with mine.

After a minute or two, I break away, needing to catch my breath. In less than twenty-four hours I’ve had sex with Ace, kissed Rebel and Thorn, and run away from kissing Jax. What the hell is wrong with me?!

“Take your drink and the cookies up to Rebel’s room,” Thorn tells me. At least he looks as shaken as I feel. Good. It was a damn good kiss, but it’s left me wanting more. I pull a face at him, and he asks me what’s wrong.

“Nothing. I’ve just never kissed a guy before to literally be sent away to another straight after.” I wink to show I’m joking and he laughs lightly.

“Rebel has the biggest bed. We’ll all be getting into it for breakfast and present opening,” he tells me.

“Oh, that makes it so much better... I’m being sent away by the guy I’m kissing to get into bed...with another three guys.”

“You love it,” he teases.

“Do I even want to know why Rebel has the biggest bed?” I ask.

Thorn shakes his head at me like I’m the one with a dirty one-track mind and tells me it’s because he’s the biggest. I think he means in general stature, but I can’t be sure.

I head upstairs, carefully balancing my drink and the overloaded plate of cookies, so I don’t spill anything. I head along the corridor to the door just before Ace’s room and gently knock. There’s no answer, so I slip inside, intending to wake him gently. I go in and place the plate and my mug on the dresser just inside the door and then turn towards the bed. Rebel’s stretched out in the biggest bed I’ve ever seen, covers thrown completely off. I’m distracted by the fact that he is sleeping stark bollock naked, and is sporting some serious morning wood. I think Thorn was right; Rebel does have the biggest bed. But he also has the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. I knew it was large when he waved it in my face getting into the hot tub that time, but here, now, in all it’s morning glory, I can safely say it’s of behemoth proportions. And, like a perv, I can’t stop staring at it. Jeesh.

I look around for something to throw at Rebel, and the first thing that comes to hand is sitting on the dresser. A baseball. Huh. That’ll do. I launch the ball - none too gently - at his head and wince slightly when it cracks loudly in the silent room. Rebel lets out an enraged roar and sits up, rubbing his skull and looking poised to spring and attack.

“Jesus Reb, put some fucking clothes on. It’s Christmas morning, and everyone’ll be getting into bed with you in a minute.”

Rebel just grins at me, stretches out his arms and pats the spot next to him. I shake my head, I grab the cookies and my drink and climb into bed with him. I may as well get a comfy spot against the headboard with the pillows before the others come in, and I can at least check to make sure I didn’t give the guy a concussion. As I do though, I bark at Rebel to cover up. His cock is seriously distracting. In fact, all of him is seriously distracting. And hot.

Once he’s pulled on some boxers, which do very little to make him decent, I feel like I can relax a little. Being around Rebel’s dangerous. Sure, I’m attracted to all the guys, but with Rebel, there’s a magnetism between us that promises to be explosive if we act on it. There’s no denying the sex would be amazing, I just can’t guarantee that we won’t destroy each other in the process - and not in a good way.

“Merry Christmas Rae,” he whispers, his hot breath chilling my skin and making it zing alive.

“Merry Christmas to you too Reb,” I reply. The words stick in my throat and come out lower and huskier than I intended. I kiss him on the cheek and damn it if I don’t linger to drink him in. He smells divine. Where Ace smells of hard work and sweat, and Thorn smells of summer and the ocean, to me, Rebel smells of dewy forest mornings. It’s intoxicating. I breathe deeply, drinking him in greedily and he totally notices and calls me out on it. Bastard.

“You can just have a taste if you like me that much,” he smirks. I hit him on the arm as I blush. And to think I felt bad for concussing him a moment ago!

“Jeez, can you lay off hitting me for one day? It’s bloody Christmas, after all.”

“Sorry, no can do. Your present from me is a year’s worth of punches.” I smile sweetly, and he grumbles, rubbing his arm. I love that my Krav Maga training means I know how to hit someone as built as Rebel and make it hurt.

There’s a commotion at the door as Jax, Thorn and Ace join us, all carrying their drinks and in various states of undress. Jax is just wearing sweats - oooh that reminds me, I need to steal some more from him – Thorn’s in cotton pyjama pants, and Ace has on thicker bottoms with a checked pattern that would look grandadish if he wasn’t so buff. All three are barefoot and bare chested, and only Rebel’s wearing tiny boxer shorts. Damn, I’m a lucky girl, I think. I don’t need any gifts; that right there, that visual, forever burned in my memory, is the only gift I’ll ever need.