Chapter Eleven

I don’t know how I manage it, but I avoid the guys for a couple of days. My head’s reeling. I cried off my weekend plans with them, needing time to process what I’ve learnt from Michael. There’s no doubt that I have to get revenge on the princes, but the question is how?

I spent a lot of time debating what to do. Do I call them out on their behaviour? Do I tell them what Michael told me and see how they react? Do I pretend like everything’s okay?

I spent the whole weekend holed up in my room working on Lizzie’s journal, but I’ve hit a roadblock on it. I’ve been going back over her old entries that I’d already decoded looking for clues. So far, there’s been no mention of Lizzie dating any of the other guys. Surely that’s the sort of thing you’d write in a journal? I know I’ve written about the guys in mine.

I’m wondering if the best way to bring the princes down is to split them up. Can I destroy their friendship somehow? Can I continue this weird dating thing we’re doing and use it as a way to get closer to them, to learn their weaknesses, so that I can then tear them apart?

I feel like that’s my best option right now. I managed to dodge them all day at school today, but I know I can’t avoid them much longer.

As if conjuring them up by my thoughts alone, there’s a knock at my door. I quickly hide the journals and open the door, fully expecting to see one of the guys. I’m thinking it’ll probably be Rebel because he’s pushiest and the most impatient. Or maybe Thorn because he can be sensitive and serious. Wrong.

All four princes are crowded around my door. They don’t wait for an invite before they try to barge their way in. In their haste to get to me, there’s this comical moment where they’re all kind of wedged in the doorway, and no one can get through. It’s like something from a slapstick comedy gag. If my heart didn’t ache so much, I’d be laughing.

Act normal Raven. They can’t know there’s anything wrong.

“Guys, to get through the door, you have to come one at a time.”

Thorn and Ace step back, but there’s still some kind of power struggle between Jax and Rebel. Rebel shoves his way through and launches himself at me. He scoops me up in his massive arms and gives me an enormous bear hug, my toes dangling inches from the floor. I fucking love it. Damn him.

“Princess, what’s wrong? Where have you been? Are you sick? Have we upset you?” He throws questions at me in a panic, and I remember how adorable he can be at times.

“Let her breathe Rebs,” Jax barks.

“Bite me,” he snaps back, squeezing me harder. Whoa, where has this tension between them come from? Eventually, he gently puts me down and releases me. I take a step away from him to catch my breath.

Ace and Thorn come into my room and close the door. Suddenly, my huge dorm feels tiny as these larger than life guys fill the space and steal the oxygen from the room. Except for the night Jax tucked me into bed because of my sprained ankle, none of the guys have been in my room. I certainly never expected to have them all here at once. I swear the temperature’s risen by several degrees. I want to fan myself or open the window… or take a cold shower.

Yes, these guys are insanely hot. But they fucked with my sister. I don’t know how or why, but until I find out and deal with them, I need to harden my heart against them. Without giving myself away. Act normal. Pursue the relationship. Destroy them. That’s my new mantra.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I manage a cool indifference like the sight of the four of them, mere feet from my bed, hasn’t got my heart thumping.

“What’s going on?” Jax levels me with a hard stare. “And no bullshit.” Damn him. He’s using my own line against me.

Shit. It’s decision time: bullshit or truth? I quickly choose truth. Well, a version of the truth anyway.

“I met with Michael on Saturday.”

“Bloomberg? Why are you having anything to do with that tosser?” The vehemence in Thorn’s voice shocks me. I knew him and Rebel had a beef, but I didn’t expect laid back, easy-going Thorn to be so aggressive.

“We had an English project together.”

“Ok, calm down, guys,” Jax tells them. He turns to me with calmness and asks if they can sit. I nod and watch as they move around the room. Thorn heads for my window seat, Jax sits on my sofa, Ace takes the desk chair, and Rebel stretches out on my bed. I throw him a dark look and go to sit by Jax on the sofa. He’s a calming presence. He takes my hands in his and turns me so that I’m facing him.

“Tell me why an English project with Bloomberg has you avoiding us.”

“He said some stuff about you guys that’s made me...uncomfortable.”

“I’ll fucking kill him,” Rebel growls, but Thorn quickly shushes him.

“He said that the girl who killed herself a couple of years back was dating all of you?” My voice weakens, and it ends up coming out as a question. Ace gives a sharp intake of breath, but Jax doesn’t react at all.

“God, I fucking hate that shit-stirring prick,” Rebel groans.

“Rebel…” Thorn’s voice is a low warning.

“I see. And you’re feeling...?” Jax gently probes me to continue.