“What’s going on?” someone asks.

“Who did this? What kind of a sick fucking prank is this?” Tilly’s really losing her shit, but everyone’s confused and dazed.

“What is going on here? What is all this noise about?” Headmistress Archer strides down the corridor, taking command of the situation.

“Someone’s pranked us!” Tilly’s voice is less fury and whinier now. It’s not like she can tell the Headmistress the truth now, is it?

“Isn’t that kind of the point of Halloween?” The Headmistress’ voice is acidic. She’s not happy to be woken up at 3 am on a school night. “I suggest you all get back into bed before I put each and every one of you in detention for the month!”

Suddenly, students are scattering and scurrying like mice, desperate to avoid punishment when it wasn’t their fault they were dragged from their rooms by Tilly. Not that any of them would be brave enough to tell the Headmistress that. They’re more scared of Tilly.

As I turn back to my room, I hear the students whispering about what was going on. One confirms that messages had been left on each of the princesses doors, in what looked like red paint. I smile as I close my door. It’s actually blood. Real pig’s blood that I got from the science lab. It stains better than paint, and apparently, even if you paint over it, the enzymes in the blood mean that a few weeks later it will bleed right back through again. I can’t wait. Tilly will really lose her mind when that happens.

I climb into bed as I ponder if the message was just right. Each of the girls was different: bully, killer, murderer, slaughterer, and for Tilly, you’re next.

Perfect, but I won’t rest until at least one of them is as dead as my sister.

Lizzie’s Letter

Oh my goodness, you’ll never believe what just happened today, Charlie-Bear!!!

I nailed my audition for the school choir!

I followed your advice and sang the song that you recommended, and it was absolutely perfect! I swear you know me better than I know myself. So I have to say a MASSIVE thank you to you because you’re the reason I got in! I’ll buy you an ice cream at Pete’s when I get home. You can even have a four scoop with toppings! That’s how much I love you.

Not only that, but something else amazing happened...the music teacher offered me a solo in the winter concert on the spot! Can you believe it!? I couldn’t!

I thought for sure I was going to have trouble because two of the princesses, Natalia and Lexxi, are also in the choir, but nothing happened! Lexxi even congratulated me and said how good I was! Did hell freeze over or something?

One last thing, a THIRD amazing thing happened! They say these things happen in threes, right? Well you know the guy I’m tutoring? HE ASKED ME OUT!!! I said hell yes!

Oh! That reminds me, I need to tell you about that awful date with Michael (do you remember? The guy from the Halloween party who gave me his jacket and walked me home?) He’s such a sweetie, and we’ve become really good friends, but that date was...cringe. I’ll tell you all about it in my next letter because I don’t want to put a downer on how amazing I’m feeling right now!

Today was the best day ever!

Anyway, I have to run because I have to squeeze in some singing practice around swim practice and eating so I’m busy, busy, busy! By the way, you know this means that you HAVE to come to the winter concert now, right? Ha! I win!

Love you! Be good!

Your VERY Busy Lizzie xxx