That’s reassuring, but there’s still something niggling in the back of my mind. I can’t put my finger on it though. I’m sure it has something to do with the two tables being opposite each other, alongside this idea of reigning princes and princesses.

“Princess,” I know I should hate the term, but coming from the guys’ lips it sounds like a prayer, and I just can’t help but love it. “Come back to us. You were gone,” Rebel tells me.

“Sorry.” I smile.

“Do you want to come over and watch a movie tonight? We’ll walk you home.”

“Sorry guys, not tonight. It sounds stupid, but the first day of class has really taken it out of me. I’m going to have a bath and an early night if that’s all right?”

“Of course it’s all right, you don’t have to ask. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Yeah, definitely.” I stand up and say my goodbyes, leaving the guys to finish their food. I really wanted to give each of them a hug - maybe even a kiss - goodbye, but I wouldn’t do that in a room full of people who are staring and waiting with bated breath for any juicy tidbits of gossip that they can sink their greedy little teeth into. No. I’m not their cannon fodder. My stomach’s twisting painfully, and my gut tells me something’s not right. But what?


Tuesday morning dawns and I feel much better. There’s still an uneasiness that I can’t quite place, but at least the twisting pain has subsided. I’m looking forward to today; my day starts with Rebel in chemistry, and we’re finally beginning the practical element of the syllabus. I have English with Michael and plans to get answers from him (did he really date a princess? What happened?), and I finish the day with gym sparring with Ace - a thrilling and terrifying prospect!

I enter the Chem lab with a spring in my step, pleased to see Rebel’s already there waiting for me with my hot chocolate. I really need to thank Thorn for this. I don’t think I could start my day any other way now. I give him my sweetest smile and hold my hand out for the beverage. He hands it over without making me beg for it, and I realise a smile really can go a long way. Sadly, I don’t think I can keep it up for long where Rebel’s concerned because I just enjoy ribbing him too much. I dig my elbow into his ribs and he grunts. Today’s going to be a good day, I can tell.

We’re about halfway through the lesson when it happens. Behind me, Lexxi and Natalia are working on their experiment, and they start arguing over which way round to add the components to the mixing beaker. I can hear Lexxi insisting that they should add the acid into the water, while Natalia insists it’s the other way round. I listen to them bicker for a moment and then when I see that Rebel is distracted I turn to them and say, “Natalia’s right.”

It’s the perfect opportunity to start my revenge plan in a seemingly innocent and accidental way.

Now, I don’t tell them to add water to the acid, but I know that Natalia’s wrong, so I’ve purposely misled them. Later, if I’m questioned about it, I’ll be able to say I thought Natalia said to do the water first. I don’t know, I wasn’t really listening, I was busy with my own experiment and not looking their way. They kind of sound the same anyway and I haven’t really been here long enough to know the difference. No one’s going to blame the new girl.

I smile sweetly and turn away. Not watching is the hardest part, but I need it to look like I’ve just helped some friends and am distracted by my own work. There’s no mistaking the violent bubbling sound of boiling acid though, nor the screams of the two girls as the acid begins to spit and sputter. Time to win an Oscar.

I spin round, eyes wide, hand on my mouth in horror. “Oh my god! Are you okay? Rebel, get Mr Cabrera!” I rush over to the girls and grab a wad of paper towels. What’s the one thing you shouldn’t do to an acid burn? Apply pressure. Why? Because the acid’s essentially eating through layers of skin until the chemical reaction burns itself out. Applying pressure will cause the tissue to dissolve faster, thus worsening the burn and causing deeper damage. So what do I do? Press those towels onto both girl’s hands under the guise of trying to help. Tears stream down my face as I ask, “Oh my god, are you both okay?”

The teacher rushes over and quickly takes over the situation, wrapping the girls’ injuries and ushering them out to the nurse. The class is in an uproar once they’re gone and Rebel turns to look at me with wide eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asks me.

I shake my head, feigning shock. “I-I don’t know. I think it might be my fault.” I break down, and he comes to comfort me, holding me close and wrapping his enormously strong arms around me. I’m surprised by how tender he is. It’s a nice feeling.

“Shhhhh. There’s no way it was your fault. It was an accident.”

“But I heard them arguing over the correct order. I wasn’t listening properly, and I thought Natalia said to carefully add the water to the acid, so I told Lexxi she was right. I don’t know how this happened.” I shake my head, and Rebel gives me a squeeze.

“Not your fault Rae, don’t stress. Come on, let’s get out of here and get a drink and some fresh air. You’ll feel better.”

“O-okay,” I sniff, letting him lead me from the room, “do you think they’ll be okay?”

“Of course, it was only a few little splashes on their hands and arms, nothing too bad or serious.”

That’s a fucking shame.

These bitches killed my sister. A few small mild splattered acid burns ain’t got shit on what they did to her.

Bitches, I’m just getting started.

Lizzie’s Letter

Thanks for your letter, Sis. Yeah, the Halloween party was fine. I didn’t dress up. The girls were there and, well, let’s just say they’ve moved up past name-calling and whispering behind my back.

It’s fine though! Nothing I can’t handle.

I’ll tell you about it anyway - though it’s not as bad as it sounds - simply because I know you’ll be bugging me in your next letter if I don’t.