Chapter Eight

“Little bird,” Rebel says as he plonks himself down in the seat next to me in chemistry. It’s Monday morning, and I’m so not ready for anything remotely school related. Ugh, why can’t it be school holidays all the time? “I hear you’ve put the cat among the pigeons.”

I glower at him. I’m not a morning person. Not today, anyway. “I have no idea what you’re talking about granite boy, nor do I care.” My growl is almost as low and deep as his, only mine is in annoyance, and his is just his sexy voice.

“Granite boy? Ouch. I used to be granite mountain.”

“That was before you shoved your cock in my face.”

“Burn... you know, if you’re going to be mean to me, I’m not sure I want to pass on the gift that Thor gave me for you.” He’s taken a flask out of his bag and is waving it tantalisingly in front of my face.

“Gimme!” I instantly brighten, knowing that Thorn has sent hot chocolate in that flask for me. It’s just what I need to get me going today. On days like today, I really wished I liked coffee, but sadly I just can’t stand the taste of the stuff. Love the smell, though. Is that strange? I make a grab for the flask, but Rebel easily holds it out of my reach. Ugh, stupid short girl problems again.

“Uh-uh.” He tsks-tsks me, and if it weren’t for my fear of spilling the chocolate nectar he was wielding, I would punch him in the arm.

“Please?” I begrudgingly beg, but he doesn’t budge.

“No. You insulted me and my cock. Say something nice.”

“Okay, fine! Please Rebel, can I have the hot chocolate?” He stares at me, one eyebrow raised as if to say ‘Is that the best you can do?’, so I sigh and continue, “Your cock is magnificent, it’s mighty, and it’s mammoth!”

His shit-eating grin stretches from ear to ear, and I realise that half the class has just heard me yelling about how much I love Rebel’s cock. Fucking great. I turn crimson. It’s not even 9 am, and my big mouth is already getting me into trouble. Rebel’s shoulders shake with silent laughter, and he slides the flask across the desk towards me. I practically snatch it from him with a snarl and scramble to unscrew the lid like a frenzied addict. Without pausing, I lift the flask to my lips and guzzle the sweet drink. I don’t need to worry about burns, Thorn always makes it the exact perfect temperature for me and has found a way to get the beverage to me every morning since our first date. It’s fucking delicious, and I swear it tastes better than ever today.

“That’s all you had to say. Just be nice. You’re always nice to the others, why not try being nice to me once in a while?” A dribble of chocolate escapes my lips and runs down my neck. Rebel’s finger shoots out and catches it, then he brings his finger to his lips and sucks the chocolate drop off. That makes me pause in my guzzling and lower the flask back to the table. The move on his part was seriously intimate, and I can’t help but imagine it was his tongue chasing the errant dribble. Damn, I can’t believe I’m sat waiting for class to start and getting turned on by Rebel and a chocolate drop! I clear my throat and consider his question: why can’t I just be nice to him? Because I like him too much. Because he sets me on fire without even trying. Because I want to lose control with him.

“More fun this way.” I shrug with forced nonchalance. “You’re the best whipping boy I ever had.”

“Huh? You want to whip me?” He scratches his confused head, and it’s seriously adorable. He seriously just misunderstood my meaning, but I don’t bother to correct him.

“Not my kink, but sure darling,” I tease him with a flirty wink. Luckily, I’m spared his response by the arrival of the teacher. We share a look and get down to business, all conversation and flirting forgotten. For the time being at least.

After Chemistry, Rebel and I have Biology together in the same classroom. It’s tough, the three and a quarter hours in the same room with the same teacher, but Mr Cabrera is a nice guy, and he lets us go and stretch our legs and stuff in the five minute lesson changeover. Most of his Chem students are doing biology like me. I guess there’s a lot of budding doctors at West Prep.

When the bell goes, Rebel pulls me from the table and starts yanking me towards the door. I pull myself free and walk beside him. “I get it! Where are we going?”

“Toilet,” he grunts.

He pulls me along the corridor and drags me into the ladies toilets. Thankfully they’re empty. “What are you doing? You can’t be in here!”

“You need the loo,” he tells me. Weird, but come to think of it, I could do with it. Though I’m sure that’s not really why he dragged me in here.

“So? I’m not going to go to the toilet with you in here!”

“Why not? There’s doors.”

“Because you’ll be able to hear!” I don’t think I’m being a girly girl here, I just think Rebel’s overstepping the line. I’ve noticed that about him. Yesterday, I was showering in Jax’s en suite, and he walked in on me. I hadn’t thought to lock the bathroom door because I was in Jax’s room, but that didn’t stop Rebel from barging in and having a good look. I definitely would’ve thumped him that time if I hadn’t been naked.

“So? I know what you’re doing anyway. Look, it’s no big deal. Watch.” He strides into the nearest cubicle and proceeds to have a wee - with the door open. I can’t see anything, obviously, but still.

“Where’s the fucking boundaries, Rebel?!” I cry. He finishes up, flushes and turns to me before putting his junk away. He walks over to the tap, cock out, and washes it. Once it’s tucked away and he’s rezipped, he washes his hands.

“See? No big deal.” He turns to me.

“Why did you just wash your cock?”

“Always do. Keeps it mouth-ready. For the ladies.” He winks.

“You’re so gross. Enough cock talk. Aside from needing to use the facilities, why are we in here?”