“She didn’t tell me to push Lizzie off the cliff.” His words, though expected, are a punch to my gut. But I can’t show him that.

“So, why did you?” I ask like I couldn’t give a shit that he just confessed to murdering my sister.

“She came to me, all meh sob whinge this and poor me that... I wasn’t really listening, but when she said she was pregnant, I knew I had to take care of it.”

“Because it was your baby?”

“Oh yes, I fucking ripped a hole in her virgin cunt and ruined it for anyone else. It was my fuck trophy she was carrying.”

Rage, white-hot and burning, flares through my veins at his vile brag. I see red, and I struggle to reign my emotions in. I need to have patience if I want to win this game, think ahead, plan and strategise. ‘I’ve come too far to blow it in a temper now,’ I remind myself. For Lizzie, I’ll bide my time that little bit longer. I grit my teeth, trying not to grind them. He’s lucky the princes are trapped in a burning building right now, and that they’re not here to witness this. There’d be a fight over who gets to kill him first.

Patience, I tell myself, breathing deeply to try to calm myself. It doesn’t work, I’m still incandescent with fury, but it gives me a semblance of control.

“So why help me?”

“I needed to know what you knew. It’s been fun watching you run around all year trying to piece it together. It was an added bonus that you took out some of those bitches too.”

“Okay, but now I know. I can go to the authorities with this.” I pull out the old school tape recorder that I’d hidden in my bag and wave it in front of his face, but he just laughs. It’s a maniacal sound that fills me with dread. He stalks towards me now, and I realise, for the first time, I don’t have the upper hand.

“The only way you’ll be leaving this cliff is the same way your pathetic ruined sister did. Dead. I heard Jax could barely identify her broken body by the time they fished it out of the sea. I guess you had a closed coffin funeral.” He cackles before continuing, “I watched her you know, from this very spot as the waves bashed her brains out on the rocks down there. It was too dark to see the water turn red with her blood, but I have a good imagination. It got me hard all over again. My only regret was not bleeding her a little first. I would’ve loved to bathe in her hot blood, palms stained red as I jerked off to her corpse down below.”

Sickened, I back away from him, slowly like I’m trying not to startle a wounded animal, but he follows me step for step. I’m near the edge of the cliff, the ocean roaring below like a hungry beast that’s demanding to be fed.

“The best thing is, no one will be coming to help you. No one knows where you are because you locked them all in a church and set fire to it, you little maniac.” He wags his finger at me playfully, and I want to vomit. “Even if they knew to look for you, they’ll be dealing with the fire first, and it’ll be too late for you. They’ll either think your body burned in the fire or that you jumped off the cliff after setting the fire. It’s perfect.” His voice is smug, his soulless eyes dancing with glee. He’s beyond repulsive; I have no words.

“I’m so happy you’re here, Charlotte.” He stresses my name in a way that makes my skin crawl. “I’m excited for two reasons. As I’m such a great guy, I’ll share them with you.” His grin makes my stomach churn, and I barely manage to hold on to my stomach contents.

“Oh?” I try to sound interested, keeping one eye on him and one on the path out of here. I don’t think I can make a run for it and beat him, and the trail winds too close to the clifftop to safely risk running for it. Fuck. Plan B it is then.

“First, I’ve grown bored of drugging cunts. It’s too easy. I’m looking for a challenge, and I think you’re it. I’ve decided I quite like the idea of my pussy fighting back. The added bonus is that I can make sure you bleed to make up for my missing out on that with your sister...,” he pauses, pulling out a long lethal-looking knife and admiring the blade in the moonlight. Ice-cold fear trickles down my spine. Shit. He’s threatening to rape me. No, he’s telling me his plans. He plans to rape and cut me. Even though he knows I’m recording him. What the fuck is wrong with this...this monster? How the fuck am I going to get that knife away from him without getting close?

“And second, I’ve always wanted to collect twins. You’ll be the first pair I’ve fucked - ah hell let’s call a spade a spade as I know you like that and call it rape... so you’ll be the first pair of twins I’ve raped AND killed. Double whammy. All the firsts for me tonight.”

Fuck. There’s bile in my mouth, and it takes everything I have to swallow it back down. Michael’s so excited he can barely keep still. He’s still prowling around me with his blade like a twisted sadistic dancer, and I’m still stuck between the cliff edge and freedom.

It’s time.

I pull my shoulders back and harden my stare. Planting my feet firmly into the ground, I keep my knees loose and my body supple. He may want his rape victims to fight him, but he’ll only get 1 out of his 3 firsts from me tonight: I’ll fight. But I will win.

He charges towards me, bent low, racing too fast, knife in hand. I have to ignore the blade and focus on him first; his momentum could easily take us both over the edge when he hits, so when he crashes into me I swing us round onto firmer ground. He’s going down, but he won’t be taking me with him. Instead of it being macabre that we’re at the site of Lizzie’s death, suddenly it’s poetic. Justice will be served.

We fall hard, rolling together in a way that reminds me of Rebel and me in the bedroom but I quickly banish that thought. He sickens me, and nothing I’ve shared with any of the guys can be comparable to this moment with him. We struggle for purchase, and eventually he ends up on top, knife pressing to my throat, but we’re right on the edge of the cliff once again. I can see it in his eyes; he thinks he can rape me, right here, then roll my broken body off the edge of the cliff to dispose of the evidence. It excites him. In the struggle, my short dress has ridden up, and his hardness is pressing against me. The small mercy I’m thankful for is that he’s at least still clothed. I deeply regret not wearing panties now; they would’ve at least offered another layer for him to break past. Not that my skimpy thong would put up much of a fight. He makes me sick to my stomach. I despise this psychopath, but for Lizzie, I have to do this.

I force myself to stop fighting, relaxing all my muscles and going limp. He grins and grinds against me, leaning in to kiss me. The shifting of his weight causes the blade to press into my neck a little, and I feel a thin line of wet blood appear. He moves to my neck and licks it. Repulsed, I turn my head to the side to avoid him, but he grabs my jaw and turns my mouth to meet his with surprising strength. I’d forgotten that he’s a champion rower and that brings power. He forces his tongue into my mouth and, even though it kills me to, I pause, biding my time. I taste my own blood as I let his vile tongue plunder my mouth. It’s horrific.

I wait a moment more, and then I strike: I bite down hard on his tongue, tasting his blood this time, and he pulls away with the pained scream of a wild animal. He rears back and attempts to swing a punch at my face, but I’m too quick for him. He’s underestimated me and forgotten about my training.

Thankfully, that shit’s ingrained in me, and I’m going to use it now to save my life. My hand flies out to catch his fist, squeezing hard. You don’t have to be the biggest, strongest fighter to incapacitate someone - you just have to know where to apply pressure. I do. Bones crunch and he howls a high pitched sound like a wounded dog, dropping the knife in his other hand as he rushes to cradle his broken bones. I quickly pull him towards me and roll to dislodge him from my hips. Twisting to the side, I bring my feet up and plant them firmly in his solar plexus. And then I push with everything I’ve got.

He stumbles backwards onto his ass and teeters on the edge. I jump to my feet and scramble after him, determined to see this through to the end. I spy the knife off to one side and grab it. My pulse is racing, and I’m panting hard. My hair’s tangled and wet with sweat. I know I must be a mess, but I can’t let him fight back now. I stalk towards him, the predator now.

“For Lizzie,” I tell him. “And for me.”

A swift kick to the stomach is all it takes to send him sprawling over the edge. He barely has time to register shock, and he’s gone. I don’t hear his body hit the water below. I don’t step closer to the edge to look. I toss the blade over the cliff after him, and I sink to my knees. Then I finally breathe deeply for what feels like the first time since I came up here.


My blood’s pounding, racing through my veins, filling my ears so that I can’t hear anything above the din in my head. Even the roar of the ocean below pales into insignificance.