As my cries turn to whimpers, he releases my clit from his mouth and slides his tongue down to my opening. He laps up every drop until I’m squirming and moaning all over again.

He keeps tonguing my hole and moves back to toying with my ass. I soon come again, a smaller orgasm this time, but still as delicious. I feel invincible yet broken. Thorn removed my blindfold, and I blink as even the low light shocks my system. I look up at Thorn as he looks down at my spent body sprawled in a heap on the bed. I’m a mess. A beautiful mess, panting hard and covered in sweat.

Jesus, after that there’s no way I can be stressed about Jax, Tilly or the exams starting tomorrow. I grin and stretch out in bed, sated. Before I can overthink, I drift off into a dreamless slumber, not even hearing Thorn let himself out.


“Raven?” Belle’s voice cuts through my last-minute panic. We’re standing outside the main hall where the exams are held, waiting to go in. I’m chanting chemical equations and frantically trying to remember the periodic table when she asks me if we can go for a chat.

“Erm? Like right now?” She nods at me, her short funky pink bob flying.

“Please.” She doesn’t wait for my reply, merely walking off expecting me to follow her. She may have been the least diva-like of the princesses, but that move right there showed she was still a princess through and through. I sigh and move to follow her, feeling four sets of eyes burning a hole in my back the whole way. The guys have remained true to their word and not let me out of their sight.

“What is it, Belle? Can’t this wait until after the exams?” I ask exasperated. I really can’t deal with drama and distractions right now. I need to focus. I need to concentrate. I need at least another four hot chocolates before my nerves stop jangling.

“I know it was you,” she tells me in a flat, dead sort of voice.

“What are you talking about?” I’m too confused and stressed to even worry about what she knows.

“I know it was you that outed me. I don’t know what your connection to Lizzie is exactly, but I know that there is one.”

“Huh?” I have to admit, I’m still reciting chemical compounds at this stage so I’m only half-listening to her, but my head snaps to attention at the mention of Lizzie’s name.

“Look, I’m just staying that I know what you did. What you’re doing. It’s because of what we did to Lizzie, isn’t it? I don’t blame you. We deserve careful, okay?”

“Why?” I blink at her, confused. Is this a trick? A trap?

“Because Tilly’s figured a few things out and she’s gunning for you. I don’t think I can keep her in check this time.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I gnaw on my bottom lip. Shit. What do they know?

“Because you don’t deserve to go the same way Lizzie did.”

“What do you mean?” I press urgently, grabbing her hand as she turns away, needing answers. She’s definitely alluding to Lizzie’s death, and suddenly I’m desperate to know what she knows, all thoughts of chemistry and exams forgotten.

“Nothing. Forget it. We’re being called in now, so we’d better go...Just watch your back at the grad party, okay?” She pulls out of my grip and walks back towards the hall where most of the students have already entered. I follow her and see my four guys waiting by the door for me, arms folded and stony expressions on their faces. At the door Belle gives them a nod, which they ignore, then turns to me with a quick, “Good luck.”

“What the hell was all that about?” Rebel demands before the others can speak.

“Nothing,” I sigh, “Come on, let’s just get this over with.” My head’s spinning and I have no idea how I’m going to get through the next three hours of chemistry.

“C’mon on then, Princess,” Rebel says as he takes my hand. “Let’s go and write some bullshit about covalent bonds.” He gives me a wink, and I laugh, tension easing for a moment at least as he drags me into the hall and leads me to my seat. Once we’re through the doors there’s supposed to be silence and zero communication, but Rebel kisses my hand and wishes me good luck, ignoring the scowls of the staff and invigilators, before taking his own seat.

I take a deep breath, wait for the go-ahead, and then turn my exam paper over. I almost laugh out loud when I see the first question is about covalent bonds. Maybe I can do this, after all.

First exam down, three more subjects and 11 more papers over the next six weeks to get through. I can do this. Not for Lizzie, but for me.

Lizzie’s Journal

May 23rd

Somehow life has gone on. I’m a shell of what I once was, but I’m just about functioning. I have no idea what I’m going to do about this thing growing inside of me. I think I’m supposed to hate it, but I’m not sure I can. Would you get rid of it, Charlie? Should I? I have no idea what to do. I don’t know if I can get rid of it, but I don’t see how I could keep it either.

I guess the one small mercy of being absolutely broken is that the bullies seem to have backed off. I’m glad that I’d broken up with the princes before all this happened. I wouldn’t be able to stand their affection now. Though that doesn’t mean that I don’t still long for it.

Don’t you think it’s ironic that I’ll never be alone again with this life growing inside of me, yet I feel more alone than ever? It’s like I’ve died or become invisible at school. I’m completely ignored. All I ever wanted when I was being bullied was to be left alone, and now that I am, I hate it.

Even Michael seems to have disappeared. I thought he was my rock. I still see him around, but he’s wary now. He keeps his distance. I think it must be because I dated his friends, but there’s a look in his eyes that wasn’t there before when I was dating them. I must’ve done something wrong. I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself at the party. Although that should probably be the least of my worries right now.

How funny that my life’s in tatters and I’m still worried about others and what they think of me. I need to be more like you, Charlie and not give a damn.

I love you