“Raven is moving in with us until the end of term,” he tells her as he pauses at the door.

“Jaxon! No!” she gasps. “What will the board think?”

“I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. I have a duty to keep her safe where you ‘ve failed and are choosing to continue to fail. Until Tilly is gone, Raven is not setting foot anywhere near her. You better make special arrangements for Tilly to sit her exams in your office because if I see her in the hall, I won’t be sitting in silence filling in my exam papers like a good little son. The least you can do is put her in isolation now until the end of term. And I expect you to keep a very close eye on those cronies of hers too. I don’t want any revenge or retaliation coming back at Raven for this.”


“Keep her away from us, or you will regret it.”

With that final ominous threat, he drags me from the room and slams the office door shut behind him. Exhaling a large breath, he turns and punches the door. “Fuck!” he grinds out. I’ve never seen him - anyone - this worked up before. I don’t know what to do or say. I’m a bit scared to touch or speak to him because I don’t know how he’ll react. I wish the others were here.

“Jax?” My voice is softer and more tentative than I’ve ever heard it. He exhales noisily once again, eyes closed, head resting against the door. “Jax?” He turns to look at me, and I can see the effort it takes for him to calm himself.

“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry, Raven.” His anger has instantly dissolved into sadness and regret.

“You have nothing to apologise for.”

“I have everything to apologise for. I shouldn’t have let her wind me up like that. I shouldn’t have let her treat you like that. I shouldn’t have let you get hurt.”

“I wasn’t hurt.”

“Six days in hospital? You were hurt. Just not in the way she planned.” His voice is dark and brokers no disagreement.

“C’mon, let’s go home. I want takeaway and cuddles and a stint in the hot tub. If that’s okay with you, Doctor Jax?” I tease him with a twinkle, trying to lighten the mood.

For a moment I think he didn’t even hear me, he’s so absorbed with brooding on his thoughts. But then to my surprise, he cocks a half-smile and replies, “Absolutely. But I’m not leaving you alone so you’ll have to put up with me in the tub with you.”

“Promises, promises,” I joke, smiling at him, relieved. We quickly walk back to the house once we realise the Jeep’s gone so the guys must’ve grabbed my stuff already. Despite it being quite a beautiful day, the grounds are quiet, so we don’t see anyone else on the way.

“You okay?” Jax asks me when we get to the door. I swallow nervously and lie.

“I’m fine.”

“Go and get straight in the hot tub.” He rubs my shoulders. “I’ll speak to the guys, then bring you a drink.”


I don’t put up a fight - though I rarely do when it’s Jax telling me what to do - because I’m still reeling from what I just witnessed in the headmistress’ office. Instead, I head upstairs to get my bikini and a towel, before heading down to the garden and slipping into the warm water. Instantly, everything seems less wrong. My stress and worries seem to just melt away. Massage jets can do that for a girl.

“Hey Princess,” Thorn calls out coming out of the French doors at the back of the house. He moves over to join me, dressed just in his board shorts. I appreciate the view and give him a salacious wink. “Scoot over,” he tells me, climbing in, so I comply. When he’s in, he reaches out and pulls me over, tucking me onto his lap where I have to snuggle into his chest to keep my shoulders under the water. “Sorry about what happened with Jax’s mum. She’s such a bitch. I’m not surprised that she let Tilly’s parents pay their way for her to stay.”


“Don’t worry Princess, we won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Thanks.” I give him a weak smile. “Where are the others? Are they coming?”

“Jax is just getting drinks. Ace is...calming Rebel down. He’ll be fine once they’ve gone a few rounds sparring together upstairs.”

“Rebel and Ace spar?” Jesus, the thought of that makes my mouth water. How is it nearly the end of the school year and this isn’t something I’ve seen? I’m half tempted to get out of the water to go and watch them, but when Thorn’s hands find my shoulders and begin to knead my knots out, I figure I can leave it for another day.

“Damn your hands are mighty fine, Thor,” I groan.

“Just my hands?” My eyes may be closed in bliss, but I can hear the teasing smirk in his voice. Luckily, I’m saved from having to answer him by the arrival of Jax with our drinks.

“What’s this?” I ask when he hands me a tall glass with greenery in it.

“It’s a mojito. Virgin because I know you don’t really like to drink.”