“What? Why?”

“You were brought in unconscious by four guys, dressed for a party. It didn’t look good. They wanted to keep you away from us until after the police had spoken to you - to make sure we weren’t coercing your story I guess - but after Rebel threatened a few people and punched the wall, they let us sit with you.”

“Jesus that’s awful.”

“He didn’t do too much damage, don’t worry.”

“Not that, although you can hit him for me for being an idiot. I mean it’s awful that you basically saved my life, but we’re treated like suspects for it. I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault baby.” He shrugs.

“I’ll be very clear about your involvement when I speak to the police, I promise.”

“Just rest, we can worry about all that when you’re better and home.”

“Home.” This time I smile. I have something to look forward to. “Oh, do you think one of the guys could swing by my room and grab my revision notes?”

“You don’t have to sit the exams if you don’t want. The doctors already said they’ll give you a medical certificate.”

“Thanks but no,” I pull a face, “I can’t do that. I’ve worked hard, I’m ready. Seems stupid to throw it away now.” He seems really pleased - proud almost - by my answer, and it makes me glad that I chose to do the right thing.

“I’ll get your notes here for the morning. Do you want to rest now? It’s not too late, but this is the longest you’ve been awake for a while.”

“Actually, I’d really love to get out of this room and maybe, if it’s not too much trouble, see the others too?”

“Absolutely. I’ll message them now and go find a chair. Do you need anything before I pop out? I’ll only be a minute.”

“No, I’m fine,” I tell him. He leans over and gives me a quick, tender, and wholly unexpected kiss on the lips and then heads out, pulling a phone from his pocket as he does. Huh. So the no phones rule doesn’t apply to everyone then? He is the headmistress’ stepson after all, maybe he’s allowed special privileges. Although, he said he’d message the others, so they must have phones too. Odd, they’d never said anything or asked me for my number.

Overthinking causes my head to hurt, so I lay back on the pillows, just closing my eyes to rest until Jax comes back with a wheelchair for me. But before I know it, I’m out like a light.

When I wake up on Tuesday, all of the guys are there with my revision notes, which they won’t let me read. Instead, they take turns reading them to me and quizzing each other, using game-show host voices and funny sound effects. It entertains me and helps me get back on track with my schoolwork. They even stick me in a wheelchair and take me to the cafe - which is surprisingly good - and for a little spin outside. It feels incredible to get some sun and fresh air. I’m so sick of being in hospital already, I’m constantly harassing them about when I can go home. I try to leave with them Tuesday night, but they’re having none of it. It’s only because Ace stays with me in the hospital that I agree to stay and spend one more night. I threaten to revolt and self-discharge if they try to keep me any longer than that.

Thankfully, the doctors finally let me out of hospital on Wednesday afternoon. I think they probably would’ve let me out sooner, but Rebel got a bit overprotective and insisted they run all sorts of tests and scans and things. It was completely over the top, but also totally adorable. Not that I let him know I thought that. I bitched and moaned at him instead and blamed him for my prolonged incarceration.

I was beyond happy to pull back onto campus, nestled in the front seat of the jeep with Jax’s hand resting on my thigh whenever he didn’t need it for changing gear or signalling. To my surprise, Jax pulls up in front of the primary school entrance, and I turn to him with trepidation.

“I thought I was coming to your place?”

“You are. Of course.”

“Why have you stopped here then?”

“We’re going to go up to your room to grab some stuff, and my stepmother wants to see you in her office.”

“Shit. Okay.” I swallow nervously. “Can you come with me?”

“I will if you want me to, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“Please,” is all I say. I stare at the entrance to the school with dread swirling in my stomach. I don’t want to go in there. I don’t want to speak to anybody. I especially don’t want to talk to Headmistress Archer. But of course, I don’t say any of that. I smile and nod and climb out of the car.

“Make sure those two pack panties,” I tell Ace, pointing to Thorn and Rebel as they head inside and off to pack my bag. “I need practical items too.”

“Trust me,” Ace replies with a quick kiss to my temple, which is reassuring.

Just as we’re about to knock and enter the headmistress office, I hear laughter on the main staircase and look up to see not only Tilly but Belle, Amber, Lexii and Natalia coming down the steps towards me.

In total dismay, I turn to Jax and ask, “What the fuck are they doing here?”