“What do you do?” I ask him.

“I’m about to graduate from university.”

“Oh, how old are you then? I thought you were my age.”

“I’m older.” Seriously? That’s all he says. Like, no shit Sherlock I didn’t figure that one out if you’re graduating. Dickhead.

“What do you read?”

“Books.” He’s being pedantic now, trying to wind me up. It works.


“My degree’s in business management.”

“Oh, where from?”

“Knox Academy.”

“I’ve never heard of it.” I pull a face, and a dark look passes across his features briefly.

“You wouldn’t have.”

“Ooooh is it like some super-secret posh school for the rich? Or is it a spy school?”

“Something like that,” he evades.

“Let me guess; you’re going to manage a business with that degree?”

“Wow, you’re so clever I can’t believe you’ve not graduated early... Yes I’m going to run businesses, my Grandfather’s for one.”

“Well, that’s stupid,” I say, pulling a face.

“Why?” He scowls.

“Because what idiot would be stupid enough to hand over the reins of their company to a kid fresh out of school with no practical business experience? Why does a piece of paper that says you read a few books and wrote a few essays make you more qualified to run an actual business than say, people who have decades of experience?” I finish.

I almost regret speaking when I see the look Baxter’s giving me. Dark like he’d love nothing more than to cause me pain right now. It’s fleeting, gone as quickly as it manifests, but I catch it.

“Interesting idea,” is all he says.

Once again, the doors open, and the next course is served. I want to weep in relief at the interruption. I’m half tempted to invite the servers to join us for dinner, but there wouldn’t be enough food to go around.

Or so I thought.

I look down at the plate that’s been placed in front of me and see that it’s full to the brim with the juiciest, most delicious looking steak that I’ve ever seen. There are chips and veg on the plate too, but the steak holds my full attention. My mouth is actually watering as the server passes me a steak knife. This is so much better than fairy food!

“Now this is more like it!” I exclaim, digging in.

“Glad you’re happy.”

“Please tell me this is it instead of another 10 courses?”

“9. You have ice cream for dessert.”


“Do you really love steak and ice cream that much, or do you just want out of here quicker?” he asks with a smile that could almost be construed as warm.