“Nonsense. Don’t be stupid. It’s a gift.”’

“Don’t call me stupid!”

“I’m not. I said don’t BE stupid. If you refuse our gift, THEN I’ll call you stupid.”

I sigh. Why do we always end up fighting? I enter the house and follow Rebel into the kitchen where all the guys are sat around the table.

“What’s going on? Why are you fighting now?” Jax asks.

“She doesn’t like our gift.”

“I did not say that Rebel! Do not put words into my mouth or I’ll put a brick in yours.” I glower at him.

“Ooooh, good joke!” Thorn calls out. “What’s red and bad for your teeth?” He pauses. “No one? A brick! Now shut the fuck up!” He starts laughing like it’s the funniest thing ever. And it might have been at any other time, but Rebel and I just glare at him. He’s oblivious though.

“Well then, you tell me,” Jax cuts in before either of us can start attacking Thorn for his insensitive humour and poor timing.

“It’s beautiful. But I can’t accept it.”

“Why not?” Jax’s voice takes on a low dangerous quality that he usually saves for the bedroom, and I shudder.

“Because it’s too much.”

“I see... and if I...requested that you to accept it?”

“Okay, Okay,” I sigh. It’s a battle I’m never going to win, so I give in and slip the ring from the box in my pocket and back onto my finger. “Happy now?” I snap.

“I will be if you keep giving me attitude,” Jax threatens.




I blink in surprise as each of the guys except Ace is satisfied by the ring on my finger. I turn to him with wide eyes and ask him what’s wrong. He points to my hand.

“It’s wrong.”

“Wrong? How?”

“Wrong hand.” I look down at my right hand with the gorgeous stone the colour of heaven. I blankly look at my left hand, then back to my right, as if expecting a third, correct hand to suddenly appear.

“Erm, Ace, in this country, we only wear engagement rings on that hand’s finger,” I tell him awkwardly when I realise there’s no other hand.

“Yes. I get you ring. You wanted ring.”

The others are barely containing their laughter at this point as I continue to stare at Ace in puzzlement. He huffs in frustration and waves both hands around.

“Thor, how say brezpogojna ljubezen? Zavezanost. Safir.”

“Sapphire means unconditional love and commitment. That’s why Ace suggested this stone for you,” Thorn tells me. My jaw drops. It’s incredibly romantic, but suddenly I feel the weight of the ring - it’s significance - more than ever. I definitely can’t accept it now. I gulp.

“Guys...” My tone holds a warning.

“Don’t worry. We told him he can’t just give you an engagement ring on the sly, that he actually has to ask you.”

Ace drops to one knee in front of me, and I start to panic, but Thorn laughs and tells me to relax.“Just accept it as a pretty trinket, okay Rae, don’t sweat it.” Thankfully, Ace gets to his feet grinning.