“Should we be here? I mean, is this okay?” I ask.

“Relax Princess, we’re hardly breaking and entering, are we? We have a key.”

“Besides, Thorn knows a guy.” That doesn’t fill me with confidence. How does he know the owner of a play place? Why does he?

I have to admit, now that I’m here and can see we have the whole place to ourselves, I’m quite excited. Is it immature? Probably. Do I care? Hell no! I slip off my boots and charge into the play zone after Rebel and Ace. Thorn’s already leading the way, stuck well into the giant ball pool. Jax brings up the rear, veering off to the office to turn on the sound system. A moment later, the whole area comes alive with the sound of summer tunes blaring across the speakers. It may only be February, but it feels like I could be on holiday.

I dive into the ball pool, and immediately Rebel begins to pelt me with a variety of different coloured plastic balls. Squealing and laughing, I chuck them back at him while trying to half crawl, half swim to safety. I race up the stairs to the next level where I find giant buoys on zip lines. I jump onto one and swing to the other side, laughing the whole way while Thorn chases me and jumps onto the one beside me. When we reach the end of the rail, he grins at me.

“Race you back! 3...2...” He’s already gone way before one.

“CHEAT!!!” I scream, jumping on mine to chase after him. “Ace! Thorn’s cheating! Come get him for me.”

Sure, I could’ve kicked his ass myself, but it was so much more fun having a boyfriend to order around to do my dirty work for me. Ace’s head pops up, and he smiles at me.

“Princess, you okay?”

I pout and point at Thorn. “He’s bullying me,” I lie. “Get him.”

“Pleasure.” He grins wickedly at me and clambers up, heading for Thorn. Ace approaches him slowly, then lunges at the last second, grabs the buoy from between his legs and tips Thorn onto the floor.

“Better? Enough?” he asks me triumphantly.

“No.” I shake my head. “Make him pay.”

“Happy to.” He straddles Thorn and starts to beat him over the head with the buoy while Thorn laughs and begs for mercy. The sight of the two guys roughhousing is hot. So much so, that I decide I want in on the action. I race over and jump on Thorn too and start to elbow him in the ribs. He squeals - a high pitched girly sound like the day we met - and I do it harder.

“Now!” Thorn suddenly yells, and I instantly find myself on my back, Thorn straddling my hips and Ace using his hands to pin my shoulders down.

“Boys, what...?” Before I can finish though all the breath is stolen from my body as they simultaneously start to tickle me.

I try to fight my bucking my hips and writhing, but they have me pinned too tight. I’m gasping, struggling to breathe and laughing so hard tears are rolling down my face.

“Stop! Stop!” I yell. “I can’t breathe!” I gasp.

“If you’re talking, you’re breathing, Princess,” Thorn tells me, and Ace tickles me even harder.

“Ace! Ace! Please!” I decide to appeal to my softest boyfriend for mercy, but he leans down and grins at me. “Aljaž, please.” I can't believe that he tricked me like this! I thought for sure that he was on my side, but he’s ganging up on me with Thorn. I’m beyond shocked.

“Me help you breathe.” He leans down and kisses me passionately, stealing the little breath I had left, and suddenly I’m burning. I have two hot guys pinning me down, and all I can think is how much fun this would be with less clothing. Thorn obviously reads my mind because as Ace kisses me, he slips his hands down my thighs and under my dress, stroking the soft skin as he slides higher, playing with the edge of my panties.

“What the fuck?” Rebel’s angry growl breaks up the party, and the guys pull away, leaving me spread-eagled, dress hiked up and panting hard. It looks worse than it is, but I still scramble to right myself.

“Pretty sure you’re going to get us fucking arrested, fucking around doing shit like that in here,” he grumbles.

“Pretty sure you were watching for a good five minutes,” Thorn retorts.

“You can get arrested for that too, you know,” I mock-scold Rebel with a wag of my finger.

“Little bird, I’m American,” he tells me. “We can get arrested just for crossing the road.”

“True that.” I laugh. “So why don’t you join us and get arrested for something far more fun?” I didn’t mean to say that, but it slipped out. My voice doesn’t even sound like my own; it’s low and sultry.

Shit, I can’t believe I just propositioned Rebel! He laughs and shakes his head at me, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me to my feet.

“Later, Princess, I have plans for us. Come, there’s a death slide with our name on it.”

“Gee, that sounds like so much more fun that what I had in mind,” I grumble.