Chapter Twenty-One

On Valentine’s morning, I’m woken by a gentle knock on my door. Last night was the first night I’d slept in my own bed all week. While I’d spent plenty of time with each of the guys during the day, somehow I ended up in Jax’s bed every night. There was very little sleeping involved. It was safe to say my dry spell had been well and truly broken, with all of the princes. The sex with each of them was different; equally amazing, but all so different. Ace is so sensual, Thorn’s playful, and Rebel’s intense. Sex with him is always a violent clash of wills. And then there’s sex with Jax. It’s intoxicating. He’s like a drug I can’t get enough of. I love what he does, the way he pushes my limits. But last night I’d been yawning and falling to sleep during his kisses - ooops - so he sent me to bed on my own to rest.

Sitting up, I make sure I’m decent before calling for whoever it is to enter. The door opens, and Thorn walks in with two hot chocolates. I smile at him and pat the bed beside me. For hot chocolate, I’ll let anyone in my bed. I give him a massive smile and a kiss on the cheek before snuggling up to him to enjoy his warmth and my drink.

“Do you have plans for today, Princess?”

“Hmmm? No, I don’t.”

“Good. We have plans.”

“We, as in...?”

“The five of us.”

My face lights up at his words. It feels like ages since the five of us spent time together.

“How soon do we leave?” I ask, excited. Thorn laughs at me.

“I reckon we’ve got time to shower first,” he tells me.

“Together?” I raise my eyebrows at him.

“If you insist.” I laugh, pushing him off the bed.

“What do I need to wear?”

“Definitely a dress. In fact, I don’t think we’ll be coming back tonight so maybe enough dresses for... two days?” He says it like a question, but he’s talking to himself. “Yeah. Clothes for two days. A bikini, like a really tiny slutty one, and don’t bother with underwear.”

“Boys are so useless.” I sigh. “Get out. I need to shower and pack, and your unhelpful vague instructions just lost you showering-with-me privileges.”

He sulks and protests, but I stay firm and kick him out of my room - making him take the empties with him for washing up - then quickly get to packing. I have no idea what the guys have planned, but I do know that I need to pack a little more than what Thorn suggested. I even pack underwear, but I do pick out some cute matching sets. I live for matching underwear. One of my biggest fears is that I might die in mismatching underwear - or worse, be buried in an odd bra and panties set. Once I’ve thrown everything but the last-minute essentials into a bag, I jump in the shower quickly and then get ready.

I’m just finishing up when there’s another knock on my door and this time Rebel enters. When he sees me, he scowls.

“What?” I ask. My tone’s challenging, but I’m a little self-conscious.

“You’re dressed,” he huffs like it’s the biggest insult known to man.

“Yeah, Thorn woke me pretty early.”

His expression heats and darkens. “He didn’t do a very good job if you didn’t fall back to sleep after.”

At first, I don’t understand his logic, but then I realise what he means. “Not like that!” I tut. Jeez, these guys and their one-track minds.

“Good,” he says with a wink. “I’d offer to take care of it, but you’re already dressed, and it might be better if you wait till later anyway.”

“Will you tell me what’s going on?” I plead. I’m definitely intrigued now; Rebel’s never passed up the opportunity to have sex with me.

“Nope!” He grins and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. “See you later, Princess.”


The surprise turns out to be a children’s soft play centre, which I find odd at best. Even stranger is that it’s closed.

“Er guys, are you sure this is the right place?”

Thorn smiles wickedly at me before pulling out a bulky set of keys on a ring. He shifts through a few before selecting one and unlocking the shutters and door. We step into the deserted play place, which is eerie abandoned and devoid of life, and Thorn quickly keys in a code for the alarm.