I think they may have just broken whatever this was starting to be, beyond repair.

Lizzie’s Journal

March 23rd

I knew it was stupid to think that being seen with the princes would afford me some kind of immunity from the Princesses’ torment. It was even more foolish to think when nothing happened for a day or two that I was safe.

I was a fool.

It’s almost too awful to say, but I will because when I’m ready to share this journal with you Charlie-Bear, I’d rather you read my story than me have to tell you it all. Excuse me for skipping the final details, but you’ll understand why shortly. So here goes...

I came back to my room last night to find horrible words scrawled all over my door. When I went into my room, I found it had been absolutely trashed. Everything was ruined: my bed was wrecked; all my clothes had been ripped and tossed; my desk emptied; the furniture and tv broken. And scrawled everywhere were more awful horrible words - like slut, whore, cunt and slag - in what appeared to be red paint.

It wasn’t.

It was blood. And it was everywhere. Worse, when I pulled back my bedding, I found my bed was filled with used sanitary products. The smell was horrific.

I just sank to the floor and cried. I had no idea how to go about cleaning it all up or repairing the broken things. I didn’t want to report it to administration and risk getting into trouble or losing Grandma’s security deposit. And I definitely didn’t want to tell the princes and deal with all the questions that would follow. So I turned to Michael.

He was brilliant. He took me to his room and made me a drink to calm me down, told me to stay the night in his room, and promised to take care of it all for me. I wasn’t really keen to stay in his room, but there was no way I could remain in mine. And besides, after the hot drink, I felt really tired and sleepy. I guess it’s just the stress of everything.

So I woke this morning to find Michael had got me clean uniforms and all my school stuff in the night. He brought me breakfast in bed and let me use his en suite to shower in and get ready for school. He assured me that by the time the school day was over, my room would be as good as new.

Only, it’s even better than new! I don’t know how he did it, but my room is amazing. Everything in here has been replaced and updated with nicer, newer things. Even my clothes have been replaced. I have no idea how he pulled it off, but I’m eternally grateful. I have no idea how I can pay him back for this.

The best thing of all though was the looks of shock on the princesses’ faces when I turned up to class on time, freshly showered, wearing a pristine uniform and somehow managing to look like I hadn’t a care in the world.

It felt good to have the upper hand for once.