Just as I go to speak, his hands shoot out and grab me. He moves me away from the dresser and presses me up against my door. My arms are pinned down by my side, and I can’t move. Jax steps in close once again, but now his face is entirely in shadow. I have no idea what he’s thinking or planning.

“Jax, I-“

I’m cut off by the ferocity of his kiss. His entire body presses into mine, and the crushing force of his lips steal away the words that were on mine. I try to join in, to meet his kiss, but he refuses to let me move. He has me pinned and breathless as his mouth devours mine with a passion I wasn’t expecting. When he moves to give my bruised lips a moment of respite and starts to kiss his way down my neck, I groan.

“Jax, we -”

He pulls my arms above my head so that he can trap both of my wrists in his one hand, leaving his other free to explore and play. He gently traces the side of my face with his right hand, stopping when his fingers curl gently around my neck. My breathing hitches. My pulse flutters in my throat, right under his fingertips like a frantic butterfly beating its wings against the glass jar it’s trapped in. That’s how he makes me feel; beautiful, delicate, trapped, at his mercy.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asks, his fingers lightly squeezing at my throat.

“N-no,” I just about manage to gasp. My bones have turned to jelly, and my core’s molten lava. I feel my own eyes darkening with desire, becoming hooded and heavy.

Jax doesn’t speak again. He presses his body against mine, but not in a sensual way; he uses his power as a weapon to pin me in place. His body's hard and sharp, angles that pinch and hurt, muscles like cold, unforgiving marble. When he rubs against me, the friction’s almost painful. My body loves it. His breath is hot and teasing in my ear. He’s watching me, not kissing, fingers still lightly squeezing my throat. He increases the pressure to my neck, and I groan as wetness floods my panties. I’m glad he’s holding me up, there’s no way I could coordinate my legs and spine to work for me right now.

An unwelcome image pops into my head, and suddenly I’m picturing the way Jax held Tilly by the throat in my bedroom. I remember the way she lit up with excitement at his touch. The way she scratched her fingernails down his arm and encouraged him to squeeze harder. I don’t want to be like her, but damn if I can’t understand her reaction now. I’m so turned on, a trembling needy mess.

I close my eyes, trying to banish the vision of the two of them and the chemistry that sizzled and crackled between them. I blink hard to bring myself back to the present moment. Jax is watching me intently. He carefully moves his hand from my neck, and I whimper at the loss of contact. That small sound from me causes something in him to snap. His fist grasps my hair roughly, jerking my head back so that my throat’s exposed to him, and this time, my whimper is one of pain. That seems to excite him more, and he returns to my lips, crushing them in a punishing kiss that seems to go on forever until I’m dizzy and lightheaded.

Jax pulls away from my lips and nips his way along my jawline and neck. When he reaches the soft juncture just before my neck meets my shoulder, he sinks his teeth in and bites me.


With a cry of painful pleasure, I yell out his name...

And I come.

Holy fuck.

I just came, without even being touched down there. I came from being kissed, bitten and...choked. Oh god, I don’t even know what to make of that. If I weren’t so turned on, I’d probably be embarrassed. My thoughts are as scrambled as my breathing right now. I lean back against the door, panting hard.

Jax grabs me roughly and spins me around so that I’m no longer pressed against the door.

I blink at the sudden rush of cold air around me and realise that I’ve been left standing - barely - alone in my cold dark room, still panting, and wondering what just happened. I actually start to question if I imagined the whole thing, but then I spy the single thumbprint sized bruise that’s beginning to form on the inside of my right wrist. No, this was real all right. I just don’t understand why it ended. Is it the confirmation that I needed? That Jax wants me? Or is he just really good at fucking mind games? I have so many questions racing through my mind, but the one that’s screaming loudest inside my head is: What the actual fuck?

Lizzie’s Journal

March 18th

How can such a perfect night that started so well, end so badly? Last night the princes threw a party at their house. How silly that I’ve been here over half the year and I didn’t even know that they had their own home on campus! And even though I’ve been dating four of them for nearly three months, this was the first time I ever went to their place.

The party was brilliant. Everyone was there, but because I was with the princes, nothing bad happened to me. It was like being untouchable; a heady feeling. I danced the night away without a care in the world. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had. The princes danced with me and the night was almost perfect. Almost.

It started when Ace kissed me. On the dance floor, right in front of everyone. Up until now, my involvement with each of the princes had been secret. I wasn’t about to draw attention to myself by saying anything - mainly because I know they all used to date the princesses. I’m not stupid. Letting the cat out of the bag would paint a massive target on my back, and I was under enough fire without one already.

But I did love it when Ace kissed me. For a split second I thought maybe if the princesses could see I was with Ace, they would leave me alone.

Stupid, I know.

What I didn’t expect - of all things - when Ace kissed me, was for Rebel to punch him! All hell broke loose when the two started fighting and smashing up the lounge. It was pretty bad. But Jax quickly split them up while Thorn kicked everyone out of the house before walking me back to my room. We didn’t speak on the way back, and when he left me, he didn’t kiss me goodnight. He just told me not to worry.

As if that’ll work. I’m already worrying! I really really hope that the kiss wasn’t what triggered Rebel’s flipping out. The thought that maybe it was sickens me. The last thing I want to do is come between four life-long best friends.