His hands lightly graze my bare sides, and the heat from his touch causes goosebumps to rise all over my stomach. He slowly traces them with a single fingertip, and I feel like I can feel every single microscopic bump that he skims. His fingers dance over my flesh with surprising dexterity and lightness, finding their way to the zip on the front of my sports bra. His scorching violet eyes meet mine for a second, asking silent permission and I nod infinitesimally. With painstaking slowness, he reaches and slides down the zipper, it feels like one ridge at a time, and I want to scream at him to hurry. But I don’t. I bite my tongue, stay still and suffer in silence.

Once the bra’s undone, he pulls me up to a sitting position and slides the straps down my shoulders so that I’m completely topless like him. His eyes haven’t left mine the entire time, but when his hands glide from my shoulders down to my breasts it’s like something in him snaps and his mouth is on mine in a flash. He’s kissing me like he did last night; that drowning man looking for a lifeline again.

He encourages me to wrap my legs around his waist again, then he slides his arms under my back. Without breaking the searing hot kiss, he lifts me up and strides until we‘re pressed against the wall. I’m so lost in his lips that I barely notice he’s flicked the switch to lower the bed until he lifts me again and places me on it. I break away from his devouring mouth to catch my breath. Ace is standing over me, breathing just as hard as I am, and the desire I see in his eyes makes my heart stumble.

“Bed?” he asks, and I can’t speak. I nod, swallow, and try again.

“Yes.” I didn’t mean to sound so needy.

He reaches out and grasps my leggings, hooking his fingers under the waistband of my thong too, then pulls them slowly down my thighs and removes them together. I’m laid on his bed completely naked, and instead of feeling self-conscious, the way he looks at me has me feeling like a goddess. He falls to his knees, using my ankles to spread my legs wider and pulls me closer to the edge of the bed.

The instant his warm breath tickles my pussy, I’m fisting my hands in the duvet and arching my back. I have no idea what this boy’s done to me, but his torturously slow teasing has got me on edge already. I’m so sensitive I writhe under him and try to pull him back up my body, but he’s not having any of it. He plants his hands on my thighs, somehow spreading my legs even further, making me even more sensitive. He lowers his head to my pussy and gives me the lightest of kisses. I’m out of my mind with frustration. I need more contact. He’s driving me crazy.

He alternates between lightly kissing, licking and blowing on my pussy, and suddenly it’s not frustrating anymore; it’s incredibly hot. He’s not even touching me, and I can feel myself winding tighter like a coil poised to snap at any moment. I have no idea how he’s doing this to me, but suddenly I’m a fan. It’s the right kind of crazy.

Finally, it feels like I’ve been waiting forever, he starts to gently suck my clit, and I see stars. I’m ridiculously close to coming, and I don’t even have to tell him; he can tell from my shallow panting and twitching hips just how close I am. He slowly inserts a finger into my opening, only going as deep as his fingernail and I swear that’s all I need: I’m gone.

My orgasm builds from the soles of my feet, which heat and tingle. I feel the warmth spread across my entire body, and all my muscles tighten to the point where I feel like I could break. My body goes rigid, and my hips lift from the bed. I go still for a moment and then tremble all over, from head to toe, as the power that’s been building inside of me breaks free. It’s like an all-encompassing avalanche, and every sensation I’ve been holding back comes flooding out at once. I cry out, bucking hard against Ace’s face as he continues to gently tease my opening and kiss my clit. He laps at me until my orgasm subsides and I collapse back on the bed, spent.

Holy fuck.

When I open my eyes, Ace is grinning down at me with devilment in his eyes. He brings his pinkie finger up to his lips and sucks my juices from it. “Prekleto okusno,” he tells me, and my face reddens. How the hell did I just come from the tip of his little finger? I have no idea how he did it, but I’m impressed. And as exhausting as my orgasm was, I definitely want more.

We’re rudely interrupted by my stomach growling loudly, and I’m mortified. How unsexy, but sadly realistic. I’ve been up for hours, done two runs and sparred on just a glass of water. Luckily, Ace just chuckles and takes my hand, pulling me to my feet and passing me my clothes.

“Breakfast now. More after.”

“That sounds like a bloody good idea.” With a kiss, I vow to hold him to that promise.


Ace cooks up a feast. While he’s doing that I slip away for a quick shower to freshen up and come back downstairs dressed. I don’t have any plans to go out today, so I’m just wearing a large chunky kitted oversized cream jumper and matching knee-high socks. It’s my favourite cosy, slobbing at home outfit and I love it. Once I’m down, we have a full fry up and pancakes. They’re not as good as Aunt Josie’s, but they’re a really close second. Ace beams when I tell him this. I love how simple things make him so happy.

As he heaps even more food onto my plate, I feel like he’s trying to fill me up so that I have enough energy for what comes later. I’m definitely not complaining. I want to scarf my food down as quickly as possible so that I can drag Ace back to the bedroom, but somehow I manage to refrain and eat at a normal speed, with table manners and everything.

“When are the guys back?” I ask him. I’m actually not missing them, though I thought I would. I also don’t want to be interrupted by any of them walking in on us. Especially not Rebel; he’d probably just pull his clothes off and try to join in. Hmmm, there’s an idea...maybe later.

“Tomorrow night.” Wow that’s good news. We basically have two more days alone together.

“Do you have anything you need to do today or tomorrow?”

I nearly fall off my stool when he looks me dead in the eye and with a straight face says, “You.”

“Great answer,” I blush. Honestly, it’s the sort of joke I’d expect from Rebel or maybe even Thorn, but not Ace. He smiles like he’s just so damn proud of himself and it’s adorable.

After breakfast I expect Ace to grab my hand and drag me back upstairs straight away, but he doesn’t. He starts tidying up. Okay, I get it, he’s a bit of a neat freak. I can wait. I’m not an impatient animal... why isn’t he done yet?! Once he’s done tidying, washing up (even though they have a dishwasher), drying and putting the breakfast things away, he starts to wipe down the countertops and job. I don’t know whether to salivate in anticipation or foam at the mouth in annoyed frustration. I go back to my original observation: this boy is driving me crazy!

Finally...finally he’s done, and he comes and takes my hand, pulling me from the stool and out of the kitchen. But instead of turning right up the stairs, he crosses the hallway into the lounge. He closes the curtains, lights a fire and turns on the fairy lights. It’s amazingly cosy and romantic - okay I can live with this and do without a bed - but he’s selecting Christmas films to watch! What the hell?

Ace sits on the sofa and pats the seat next to him. “Come,” he tells me, and I quip back, “Again?”, to which he smirks at but doesn’t say anything. I have to tell myself to be nice and not take my frustrations out on him, even though he’s the cause of all of them. I sigh and take my seat on the sofa beside him.

Ace surprises me by reclining the chairs and pulling me down so that I’m laid in front of him, my back pressed to his front. He scoops an arm around my middle and cuddles me in. Okay, I think, this isn’t so bad at all... I wriggle to get more comfortable, and I hear Ace’s sharp intake of breath as my ass rubs against his cock. I pretend I can’t get comfy and wriggle some more. His hand shoots down to my hip where he holds me still and orders me to stop. I’m glad he can’t see my grin. I like that I’m affecting him too.

We settle down to watch the movie, a Christmas Rom-com which has us both laughing, and the day begins to ebb away. One film becomes two, then three, and I relax into it, enjoying Ace’s company and his warm firm body pressed up against mine. We stop for popcorn and lunch, snacks and drinks, even dinner, but always resume our PG movie watching. With the curtains closed, it’s impossible to tell what time it is, but I’m starting to tire when Ace suggests one more film. I agree, reluctantly, and lie with my head in his lap for this one. Ace absentmindedly strokes my hair, and it’s so relaxing that I feel myself start to doze off before the opening credits have even finished. I don’t care; I’ve seen all of these movies before, and Ace seemed to be having a good time.

“Zbudi se, mala princeska.” Soft words and a gentle shake of my shoulder rouse me from my nap, and I look up to see Ace standing over me. At some point, he must’ve moved off the sofa to let me sleep, and placed a blanket over me. The movie on the tv screen has faded to black but is still on, casting an eerie dull glow to the room. I don’t need the darkness outside the closed curtains to know it’s late.

“Bed?” Ace asks, and I nod sleepily and stretch. Before I can stand, Ace’s strong arms are under me, and he’s lifting and carrying me through the house like that first day when I hurt my ankle running. This time though he takes me up the stairs. I think, given his behaviour all day, that he’s going to take me to bed, but he continues past the door to my room with me still in his arms. Instead of dropping me off and tucking me into bed, he carries me along the corridor to his room where the bed’s still down from earlier.