“Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” I laugh at Rebel’s lyric and sing the next line back to him, much to the amused confusion of the other guys. Huh, I thought that song was a classic? Oh well, Rebel gets it, and that’s good enough for me. We share a look and a laugh.

As I relax back into Thorn’s massage, I contemplate how perfect this moment is. The sun’s setting over the ocean in a myriad of fiery watercolours so beautiful that it takes my breath away. I don’t want to leave. The realisation’s like a punch in the gut. It hurts to think about what has to come next. The guys think we're all meeting up after our respective holidays. And they will. It’s just I won’t be there. They just don’t know it yet. Tears threaten to spill, so I force myself to focus on the present and enjoy the moment.

When Thorn finishes, I sit up on my knees and turn to Ace. I take his cheeks in my hands and gently kiss him. I’m not usually one for public displays of affection, especially with the other guys around. They usually have other ideas, but I try at least to be respectful of their feelings. Especially after the New Year's fight. But tonight it just feels right to kiss Ace, even with the other’s gazes burning into me. As I kiss him I try to convey everything I feel. Without words, I thank him for the most fantastic year. Done, I turn to Thorn and give him the same treatment, the same kiss. I let my kiss tell him how much I care for him and how much I’ll miss him.

Of course, when I turn to Rebel my plans go out of the window. He doesn’t allow me to kiss him how I want; instead he grabs my ass and pulls me into his lap so that I’m straddling him. My dress rides up, but Rebel’s huge hands have me covered, so I’m not too worried about flashing the others. Besides, they’ve all seen it before anyway. Rebel doesn’t kiss. He consumes. He devours my lips in a way that steals my breath and my senses. His message is loud and clear: he won’t be letting me go. After the summer, he’s coming for me.

My heart flutters. Rebel’s obnoxious, loud, unique way of caring has gotten under my skin. He’s buried his way deep into my heart...maybe even more deeply than the others. Here, at this moment, I think to myself that if I could stay, if I had to choose, my heart would choose him. Even though my head knows it would be a total disaster. I love... shit. And that is why I have to leave tonight. Any longer and I’ll fuck everything up. When he’s done kissing me, I pull away, and my eyes flick to Thorn and Ace. My heart squeezes, and I realise that I can’t let them go either. That’s testament to how Rebel’s kisses are so powerful they steal all rational thought from my mind. At the moment, with his lips, I think he could convince me to do anything.

I lean forward and give him a chaste peck on the lips, my goodbye to him, before climbing off his lap and approaching Jax. I wait until he opens his arms and invites me in before making contact. To my surprise, Jax allows me to kiss him my way, not taking over the kiss like I expected him to. When I pull away he whispers low in my ear so that only I can hear.

“I know what you think you’re doing. It won’t work.”

“Oh?” I raise my eyebrow. I try to exude calm, but Jax has always panicked me. He watches too closely, sees too much. If anyone could devour my secrets without even trying, it’s him.

“You’re trying to say goodbye, to push us away.”

“Am I?”

“Yes, because you think that after the summer we’ll forget about you... but I’m telling you now Princess, that isn’t going to happen.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do.” He fixes me with a hard stare, one that says not to question him.

“How would it work, though?” For a moment, I allow myself to buy into the fantasy that can never be.

“We’ll find a way to make it work.”

“How? It’s impossible.”

There’s no way the others can hear us. Sitting behind us like this, it probably looks like we’re still making out.

“Decide where you want to be. We’ll come to you,” Jax tells me. I shake my head. “Wherever you go, I promise we will follow.”

Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t doubt Jax’s promise to follow me. I don’t say anything, but the thing I’m most worried about is how I’m going to disappear and vanish without a trace. For a moment the desire to tell them the truth burns within me. I feel my secrets dancing on the top of my tongue, threatening to spill if I open my mouth, so I simply say nothing and nod at Jax. He thinks I’m giving in, agreeing to choose a location where we can all be together in the fall. But I’m not. I’m just trying to stop my life from imploding with my next breath.

I carefully pick up my champagne flute and raise it to my lips. In one mouthful I swallow the fruity dry liquid before turning to Ace for a refill. “Thirsty?” he asks, and I nod, still not trusting myself to speak as he refills my glass like a perfect gentleman. “Hungry?” He begins to unpack the wicker basket with a selection of small boxes. I help him remove the lids and see a variety of tapas-style hot and cold dishes that make my mouth water.

“Wow Aljaž, this looks amazing,” I tell him, thankfully distracted from my truth-telling thoughts. He smiles at me, and we all tuck in, enjoying the delicious creations he’s made for us. My favourite is the spicy slices of chorizo that have been cooked in a sticky-sweet red wine reduction, and the Thai style crispy pork and prawn wontons with a plum dip. For dessert, he’s made mini floating islands with a burnt caramel sauce, and they’re just divine. I leave room to toast marshmallows on the fire though.

There’s a heated moment when the guys declare we’re making s’mores for dessert, only to pull out a pack of chocolate-covered digestive biscuits. I try to be polite about it, but Rebel snorts in disgust.

“That isn’t a fucking s’more,” he gripes. “It’s a fucking biscuit marshmallow fucking sandwich...thing.”

“Shush Reb, it’s fine. That’s how they do them over here,” I tell him.


“I know. I get it. I really do. But it’ll still taste nice, and it’s the thought that counts.” We tuck in, and they do taste amazing, but they’re not really s’mores. I, at least, am gracious about it, Rebel’s not. You can take the SoCal boy out of Cali...

By the time we’re done eating and toasting, the sun’s set, and twilight’s fallen. A slight wind’s gotten up, so the guys have all moved closer, and Ace has draped a blanket over my shoulders. I lay back and watch the stars slowly appear. At first it feels like they’re popping up one at a time, but then I blink, and millions are shining down on us.

When rebel’s hand slides under the blanket and onto my thigh, I stiffen. “Reb...” My voice is a warning.

“Shush Princess,” he tells me, sliding his hand higher.

“Relax,” Thorn adds with a kiss. Does he know what Rebel’s doing to me under the blanket? Thorn’s words have the opposite effect on me, there’s no way I can relax now. I blink at him and notice the gleam in his eyes. Turning to Rebel, I see wickedness in his. Even Ace looks mischievous. Only Jax is unreadable, as ever. Shit. Are they really doing this? Here and now on a beach which, although deserted, is public and could have visitors at any moment? My stomach clenches, and oh god, I don’t know if it’s in trepidation or excitement. When Thorn’s hand lands lightly on my other thigh, I’m pretty sure it’s in excitement.