“Damn.” He peeks over his shoulder and catches me perving at him. “I picked the wrong position.” I giggle and agree, but I’m not complaining.

When we get to the water, Thorn tries to make sure I’m alright, but I shoo him away and tell him to go and have fun. I’ll sort myself out and join them in just a moment. I take the opportunity to watch the other three guys that are already in the water. They all surf pretty well, but once Thorn joins them, it’s clear to see he outperforms all of them. I watch for a while longer before pulling up my wetsuit and joining them.

I don’t go too far out, not liking the deep water, and I tentatively catch a few small waves on my front, not even bothering to try and stand. Sure my makeup is waterproof but who wants to risk total submersion on a date? I catch a few bigger waves as my confidence grows. I’m not very good, but I’m enjoying myself. I start to wonder, though, is this still a date? I’m a little confused. So far it feels more like mates hanging out, especially with the guys further out catching the bigger waves together. Whatever it is though, I have to admit I’m having a good time.

After a while, I get out and park my board in the wet sand. I take off my wetsuit, done for the day, and I sit at the water’s edge wrapped in my towel. I go back to watching the guys as the morning wears on and more people start to arrive at the beach. It never truly gets busy though, and everyone that’s here is a good surfer. I’m glad I’m out already, there’s no way I want to make a fool of myself in front of strangers. I grab some snacks out of my bag and reach for my flask of hot chocolate. It’s no way near as good as Thorn’s, but it’s warming me up.

Soon after, the guys join me and plonk themselves down on the sand next to me so that we make a circle. I pull out the rest of my snacks, indicating that the boys should help themselves. They do, and within seconds my stash is annihilated. We sit around chatting for a bit, and I enjoy the easy banter between them. They’re clearly all good friends, and they have been for a while. I’m not quite sure what I’m doing here.

Eventually, the guys all start moaning that they’re hungry and I tell them I know a place that makes a mean breakfast nearby. I turn to Rebel and shrug. “It’s no IHOP, I’m afraid.” I smile ruefully, and the other guys groan.

“Don’t get him started on IHOP,” Jax groans.

“IHOP, schmihop!” Thorn pouts. “What’s so special about it, anyway?”

I glance at Rebel, and unspoken words pass between us. “It's indescribable. You have to have had it to understand. But this place is great, I promise.”

With that, we get packed up quickly and head back to the car. I contemplate sitting in the back of the car this time to be nice, but I don’t really know Jax and Ace that well, so I wouldn’t be too comfortable between them. Turns out it doesn’t matter anyway because Rebel climbs into the middle again without complaint. It’s cute, and it makes me smile. I always appreciate a gentleman.

Lizzie’s Letter

Hey Charlie-Bear,

You would laugh so hard if you could hear the rumours going around about me. They’re so absurd and outlandish that no one could possibly believe them!

Apparently, when I’m tutoring in the library, it’s all a ruse. I’m actually paying for sex because I’m so so inexperienced. Although, one of the rumours was that I’m such a slut that I’m not really tutoring guys, they’re just paying me for sex.

Ridiculous isn’t it? Whoever’s spreading this stuff is pretty stupid if they can’t even realise that those two rumours alone contradict each other.

I didn’t think anyone would believe the stories being told about me, but apparently, they do. As I walk down the corridors, people call out names. Pig. Bitch. Tramp. Slut. Slag. Whore. It doesn’t hurt, but it bothers me that people would be so immature.

Don’t worry about it though, I’m ignoring it. I figure if I do that, they’ll soon get bored and move on to something else.

Love you sis, don’t worry.

Be good

Your Busy Lizzie x