Faenir moved after me, fingers gripping harder on my hand so I could not pull away.It was Faenir’s hand woven with mine that finally broke the crowd. The murmuring of conversation began, and eyes turned away from us, all the while I still felt their interest pinned to our union, even if their eyes suggested otherwise.

By the time we reached the last carpeted step the music picked up in volume and pace once again.

“That was an entrance,” I said, finally feeling like I could breathe without the weight of so many eyes upon me.

“Indeed, it was,” Faenir replied. “It would seem our message has been received. We should leave before any further damage is done.”

“And miss a dance?” My legs felt far from dancing as they trembled with anxiety. “I think not.”

Myrinn waited for us at the bottom of the sweeping, red-carpeted stairs. Her human was steps behind her as she navigated the swell of the crowd that seemed to press in around us.I was lost in her embrace as she threw her arms around me. “I am so glad to see you. And I am sorry for anything my grandmother has said…” When she pulled away, I could not remove the scent of sea-salt that danced across the breeze. It was not an unpleasant smell, but I preferred the one that clung to Faenir, not that I would admit it.

“Have you heard from her?” I whispered, forgetting instantly of everything that had occurred around me.

Myrinn’s smile dimmed, and my heart seemed to plummet within me. “The Watchers have confirmed your sister is well. As the families of all the Chosen, she has been moved to her new settlement and is being provided with thanks for hersacrifice.”

I wished to ask her more, but Myrinn tactically shifted the conversation. “Faenir, your presence at court is for the best. I hope you know that.”

“We will not stay for long,” Faenir cut her off with his reply. I glanced up at him, seeing how his mask of emptiness had returned to his face. He spoke to his cousin but looked over the crowd as if hunting for something. “Arlo wishes to dance. Then we will return to Haxton Manor.”

“Dance?” Myrinn practically choked on the word. “You?”

He scowled down at her, but not without a glint of something softer in his eyes. “That is what I said.”

Myrinn closed her mouth and drew her finger across her lips. This made the human boy I could still not name chuckle as though she had just spoken the most humorous tale.

“Then Gale and I will join you.” She took the human man back into the crook of her arm and beamed from ear to ear.

“That will not be necessary,” Faenir groaned.

“Oh do stop moaning, Faenir, it is unbecoming of the future King…” With that she melted into the crowd, a teasing grin brightening her beautiful face.

We stood looking out at the throng of people, side by side, and silent, both as out of place as the other. There was a noticeable space between the crowd and Faenir. If he took a step, they moved.Their potent fear of his closeness left a sour taste in my mouth, one I could not deny.

“Shall we?” I asked, reaching my hand back out for his.

Our fingers grazed one another. There was a reluctance before he took my hand. His eyes left their warm trail from my hand, up my arm, and to my face.

“You can at least force a smile,” he said. “We are about to put on a show, are we not? At least pretend like you are enjoying yourself.”

I pulled a face, halfway between a frown and a pout. It felt more natural to stick my tongue out like a child; I chose to keep that imprisoned behind my clamped teeth.

“Don’t you dare step on my feet,” I warned.

Faenir pulled me in close and inhaled deeply. “It is best that you keep up then, Arlo.”


It was awkward at first, our bodies pressed close together, our feet fighting with one another as we stepped on toes and tripped over the strange pacing. I had danced before, but never with another. Usually, it was before a mirror as I imagined a man pressed behind me as I moved my hips in soft circles.

This, undoubtedly, was a different type of dancing. And Faenir, I imagined, had done neither type before.Yet there was no denying that he was a fast learner. Soon enough Faenir took control and we twisted and spun, his hand pressed into the small of my back, mine reaching up and gripping his broad arm for support. The music melted within our bodies until we were one in the same.

It was easy to get lost in the moment, to forget the crowd of elven gentry that stood from the edge of the room and watched as we seized the floor as our own. Soon enough I was aware of other couples who braved the floor and joined us.

Myrinn glided across the tiles in the powerful arms of her human, Gale. I then recognised the red curls of Haldor and his human Samantha.Another recognisable face could be seen, the youthful, heart-shaped visage of Frila. Her white hair spilled down across her shoulders like strands of silk which swayed as her human mate danced with her.

Evelina royalty danced around one another as the rest of the court watched. Except, there was one elven prince I could not find. Gildir. Perhaps he watched from the crowd, that was close to impossible to confirm as those watching swelled like a wave.

“Your heart is thundering,” Faenir said, demanding my attention once again. His fingers tensed on my back, pressing deeper into the skin beneath my clothing. There was something intense about his hold, it had to be as he controlled our movements and kept us dancing. “It is a beautiful thing.”