“I will send for her immediately.”

“No,” I snapped, taking a moment to calm my racing heart. “I need to see Faenir first, before he comes looking for me. Your healer can wait until later… not that their visit will have much effect.”

Myrinn’s hands were warm compared to my skin. She took me by the shoulders and stared deep into my eyes as though searching for my soul. “Have faith, Arlo, it is not over yet.”

“And it will not be over until the Joining is complete.” I pulled away from her hands and paced back into the bedroom.

Myrinn’s light feet padded after me. “I admire your determination,” she replied. “However, I cannot help but feel it is misplaced.”

My body vibrated with nervous energy. “Frila, and your grandmother, have they bothered to provide a reply?” I asked, changing the subject somewhat, and pulled free the clothing Myrinn’s tailors had recently made for me. These, much like the clothes I had arrived to Evelina in, were simple and durable, leather trousers and a plain, simple tunic with loose brown ties around the neckline.

“I would be lying if I said that Frila took a little more convincing to come than the others. However, I regret to inform you that Queen Claria has not been contactable since the previous Joining, although I am sure you are not surprised to hear this.”

I could not say I was shocked at Queen Claria’s lack of interest to come to the Joining. In doing so, it would mean she accepted our union, which she’d made clear that she did not.

Faenir’s words came to mind.If it means keeping you, I will kill them all.The more time went by, the less they bothered me; a fact that should have disturbed me had the opposite effect.

“How did you do it?” Myrinn asked. “Convince him? He was adamant he wanted no part in the crown, yet I cannot help but notice that this sudden Joining was a silent acceptance of his fate.”

“Faenir believes I will not leave him to return to Tithe if we go through with the ceremony. I have tricked and deceived him, manipulating Faenir’s… love to get what I want.”

Myrinn frowned, shaking her head. “Unfortunately, it will take more than those words to convince me you do not want this.”

“It does not matter what I want. I will die either way. But I will not give up on my life until I am certain the lives of thoseIcare for are secured.”

“Auriol is not the only one you care for,” Myrinn said quietly. “I see the way you look at Faenir. Even those who now work for Faenir have sent word of your love for one another. I understand you are dealing with turmoil that I, nor anyone else, can relate to… but even I do not need you to tell me you are doing this for any other reason than love for my cousin.”

I raised my arms at my sides. “Oh, Myrinn, you caught me. Am I that predictable?” I despised the way I sounded, how angry I felt at the world, but everything that was being said was just another slash to my soul, reminding me I was dying and leaving more than I dreamed of ever having behind.

“Love is as predictable as it is a surprise. A blessing and a curse. It is love because it hurts as much as it heals and I wish it was not so, but it is.”

“I am sorry,” I said, lowering my stare to the floor. “My head hurts and I am tired. I should not have taken it out on you.”

Myrinn stepped towards me and embraced me with open arms. I inhaled her scent, salt of the ocean and the light buds of fresh flowers. If I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine it being Auriol.

Ever since my parents’ death, it was rare for me to lose myself completely to grief. Often, I had felt the urge, but never did the tears come so violently, until now. Myrinn held my head and allowed the shoulders of her navy silk gown to soak up the tears that spilled from me.

We did not speak. She simply let me be. It was the grief of my future which clamped down on my chest this time, not the sickness. It made breathing hard. Myrinn’s hand rubbed circles into my back which helped somewhat.

I focused on her touch to draw me back out long enough to calm myself down. “When I die…”

“If,” Myrinn corrected, tone ablaze with her belief.

“If, or when… please send a message to my sister. I have so much to say to her. So many things to apologise for. I cannot say goodbye on my terms, and I know I have already asked a lot from you…”

“Arlo,” she said, breathless. Myrinn placed a finger beneath my chin and raised it until our gazes were levelled. “With your agreement to Bond with Faenir, it will not only save himself, but our world. The least I can do is to ensure your message reaches your sister, so she understands what has happened. I swear to you I will make sure she knows… everything.”

“You know, I will miss you too,” I blurted.

Myrinn chewed down on her lower lip as her azure eyes glistened, mist passing over them. “Never did I think I would care for a human as I do for you.”

“What about your mate?” I asked, clearing my tears with the back of my hand whilst Myrinn dabbed hers away with the edge of a napkin she drew from her chest.

“Faenir was blessed to have… picked.” We both grinned nervously at her choice of words, knowing how my being here was far more than being chosen as a Claim. “Chosen someone whom he truly connected with. Perhaps if Gale had not perished so prematurely, I may have come to love him too.”

“Still no more news on whom is behind the attempts on my life?” I asked, being reminded of what she said.

“All fingers point towards Claria.”