Faenir nodded, wincing in discomfort at his confirmation. “If she forces my hand, then so be it. I told you, Arlo, if it means keeping you, I will end them all. After all, it was Claria who had me thrown into the Styx hoping to have me killed. I am only repaying the debt… if it comes down to it, I will do so without guilt. That lack of emotion will be one we both share.”


Iwoke abruptly, coughing so terribly that my throat burned as though I had swallowed fire. There was nothing else I could focus on but trying to catch my breath. I was panicking, hands clutching at my throat as though it closed in on itself.Each dry inhale was harsh and felt as though daggers pierced my lungs. It took a moment to finally calm myself, forehead damp with sweat and body covered in icy chills—not from the cold, but dread.

I felt the tickling of warmth across my palm and did not need to look to know that blood covered it. There was already the taste of it across my mouth, covering my inner cheeks, the sharp flavour turning my stomach into knots.

I sat there, hands upturned upon my lap, as the blood dribbled between my fingers and stained the white sheets. All I could do was watch it, a physical confirmation of what was to come. An omen.

The sickness rattled around my lungs with each breath. I waited patiently, trying to calm myself, until my breathing cleared and all that was left to prove that what had happenedhadhappened was the red across my palms.

There was a storm brewing in the sky beyond Haxton. Each day it was becoming worse, with no sign of it passing; it mirrored that of the one within me.

I was thankful that Faenir was not in bed beside me, lucky in equal measures. He had taken to waking early since May’s death to visit Ana; that, and the preparations for our Joining were well under way and consumed most of his time.

With the sun beyond the balcony devoured by the blanket of ominous clouds, it was hard to know what time of day it was. Usually, he would come bearing a tray of food late morning.

Which could be any moment.

Pushing away the discomfort that lingered in my chest, I threw myself from the bed. Tearing the sheets free, I bundled them into a ball in my hands and ran frantically around the room for a place to hide them.

The serving staff could not see the blood without alerting Faenir. And with my plan so close to fruition, he could not know of it either.Or what it meant for me.

I bundled the bloodied sheets beneath the bed. Hiding them in plain sight seemed to be one of my only options. As I clambered onto all fours and thrust the sheets forward, I caught a glance at the carving marks I had left on the stone floor, forgotten and pointless.

How long did I have? Days? When the first spotting of blood showed, I would have been preparing to leave Tithe to secure more of the vampire’s blood. I never let it pass long enough to play with the knowledge of how long I had left.

Soon you will find out.

Shut up, I scorned myself, inner voices fighting as one.

I raced towards the basin of water that had been left in the adjoining bathing chamber. The cloudy water that filled the brass tub was tepid. Memories of the night prior passed through my mind; Faenir and I, sitting in the water, our naked bodies in constant contact.

There was no room for fussing as I stripped myself bare and climbed into the tub, wincing as it passed every sensitive inch of my body. Until I was completely submerged, blood melting from my hands in smoke-like ribbons, did I finally relax.

I laid like that for a while. Testing out my lungs, I held my breath and lowered myself until I was fully submerged. The tickling in my chest began before I reached the count of ten. Over and over, I slipped beneath the water and held my breath, hoping that this was all a trick. It was not.

I did not leave the bath when an unfamiliar clipping of feet announced a visitor.

“May I come in?”

My hands moved to clutch my groin as Myrinn’s voice echoed throughout the marbled room.

“You came,” I spluttered, water splashing beyond the tub and puddling on the floor.

Invitations for our Joining had been sent to all of Faenir’s family, strapped to the claws of proud crows. Myrinn, Haldor and Gildir had responded within a day. Frila and Queen Claria had not yet responded as of the night prior.

“How could I not? I only hoped Faenir would have agreed to a Joining with you, Arlo, but what powers do you possess to have swayed his mind so quickly?” Myrinn beamed the most beautiful of smiles. It curved her eyes and painted her rounded cheeks with a pink blush. “The moment the invite arrived, I had practically thrown myself into a… what is the matter?”

I dipped my face lower into the water, annoyed that my expression had given my inner thoughts away.

Myrinn, regardless of my naked state, sauntered over to the tub’s side. As though reading my mind, she snatched a softened towel that hung upon a wooden railing and thrust it towards me.

I reached and took it, knowing there was no hiding from the conversation. “It is happening quicker than I thought it would.”

Myrinn’s eyes glanced behind her as though searching for anyone that might hear. She turned her back on me as I stepped free of the tub. Satisfied we were alone, she replied, “I brought my most trusted healer with me. Arlo, I should have gotten to you sooner, but with how things were left with Faenir, I would have had no passage to Haxton if he did not permit it.”

“You can look,” I said, gripping onto the towel I had wrapped around my body as I was overcome with chills. When Myrinn turned around the pity in her eyes was too much to bear.