Did I recognise disappointment from Haldor as it creased the corner of his lips and kept his frown rooted upon his face? Or was I reaching for a reality that did not exist? Allowing my anxiety to clamp its claws into me and conjure stories. Perhaps it was never Haldor’s doing in the first place. The inquisition had not listed him as a suspect before Queen Claria had closed it. Regardless, his stabbing interest unnerved me.

Princess Frila and her human Claim, Kai, had not been pronounced Joined mates for a few moments before Faenir stood up and offered me a hand. “Care to take a walk with me?”

“Sit down,” Myrinn hissed. “It is not over.”

“Unfortunately for you, it is not. Arlo, may we take leave?”

I reached up, not caring for the grumbling of annoyance from the guests who sat nearest to us. Due to their trepidation of Faenir’s proximity, the row to his side and those closest to both the front and back had been left empty. It made slipping out of the bustling chamber easier.

“Go then,” Myrinn whispered, shooing us away with a flick of her hands. “It is not my wrath you will face.” Her soft gaze flickered to Faenir who waited with silent patience. “Do not dare disappear back tomyhome. We have the rest of the evening to survive first. Together.”

I smiled apologetically for leaving but felt a great relief to be finally taken out of Haldor’s line of sight.

“Save me a glass of something strong,” I muttered to her.

Myrinn nodded, pressing a finger to her lips and replied quietly, “You will regret saying that to me.”

Faenir pulled me away before I could say anything more.

“Dare I ask where you are taking me?” I focused on not tripping over my footing as we moved through the crowd with haste. It parted as Faenir closed in, elves practically throwing themselves from his path.

“I have sat through that entire service without so much as a moan,” Faenir grunted, keeping his gaze focused on the path ahead. “I believe I deserve a treat for my patience and good behaviour.”

My cheeks warmed and I suddenly felt aware of every set of eyes and ears that seemed focused on us. Far in the background I could still hear the grumbling chatter from Queen Claria who’d begun untying cords from around Frila and Kai’s arms.

Faenir guided us before the grand door of the chamber. On quick feet and pulled by his persistent strength, we made it out into an empty hallway when he stopped just out of the sight of those within the room.

“I cannot wait another moment,” Faenir groaned, taking my jaw in his hand. His fingers gripped in desperation and his presence forced me steps backwards until the cold, solid press of a wall met my spine.

I gasped, writhing beneath his touch as my body reacted to our closeness. “Is this all you wanted from me?”

His lack of patience thrilled me. I could see my reflection in his wide, unblinking eyes and the smirk he had conjured; it was sly and all-knowing.

“I despise everything about today. How dare such a self-absorbed event eat into the time in which I could be touching you. The concentration it has taken not to lay you on the pew and take you right there… for all to see.” Faenir had to stop to control his breathing. “I want you.”

“Why didn’t you?” I asked, heart beating heavily in my chest. “Take me, that is? Do not mistake me… I would not care if it was put on display for the entire world to see.”

After last night, it was true.

I suddenly felt suffocated by my clothes. I wished to rip them free from my skin until only Faenir’s hands could warm me.

“Myrinn wishes for me to make an impression on the people of Evelina. Tearing your clothes off with my teeth and fucking you before them all, I am confident, was not what she had in mind.”

I looked around, pouting as his fingers gripped tighter into my jaw. “We are all alone now. No one to see us.”

His brows lifted, full lips wetting beneath his tongue. “Tell me you want me.”

I leaned in, pulling against his hold until my lips brushed over his. “Faenir, I do not waste time on wants. Only needs. And Ineedyou.”

As the crowd within the chamber hall erupted in cheers of glee, I exploded in moans of pure gratification. Faenir had twisted me until my cheek was pressed against the stone wall. With the doors still open wide at our side, he called upon his shadows to provide us shelter, especially as the crowd suddenly flooded out in a wave.

Hidden away in our pocket of darkness, none of the guests noticed us as they left the Joining. Not as Faenir, with frantic hands, pulled my trousers down until they laid around my ankles; or as he retrieved his hard cock from the band of his breeches and wet it with the strings of spit from his mouth.

Faenir fucked me before them and not a single one noticed.

“Scream for me,” he commanded. “I promise they will not hear a single sound.”

Sex with him last night had been beautiful and connective. This made me feel giddy as he ground within me, each thrust hard and enthusiastic as the one before.