“I understand Neveserin is overwhelming for the likes of your kind, but do not let its grace distract you from the danger that lurks behind it.”

I tore my hand from his. “Stop worrying.”


“You made it,” the light, blissful voice called out.

I turned, feeling the easy slip of Faenir’s hand fall protectively upon my lower back.

“I cannot express how glad I am to see you. Both of you.”

Myrinn watched us from the arched doorway of the grand building that stood guard before us. The lowering sunlight cast a golden glow across her dark skin. Her bare shoulders seemed to glisten as though shards of stars had dusted across them.

It seemed normal for Myrinn to wear only the finest of dresses. Each time I had seen her, she was wearing something that belonged in the pages of books instead of real life.The dress she currently wore was the shade of burnt amber. The cowl neckline was held up by thin straps and the dress seemed to skim across her frame, highlighting each curve and perfectly drawn line of her body.

Faenir tipped his head into a subtle bow. “Thank you for hosting our stay.”

I dipped my knees and bowed a beat behind Faenir. “It is good to see you, Myrinn.”

Her smile warmed at my comment. Faenir had told me at the beginning of the journey that Myrinn still housed a lot of guilt for what Gale had done to me. I looked forward to telling her that not once did I blame her. She had been the only one to show me kindness since Faenir had brought me to Evelina and I would not forget that lightly.

“As they have been before, and will be going forward, my doors are always open to you, cousin.” Myrinn stood aside, sweeping a hand towards the elegant, curved doorway of light cedar wood. “Perhaps we should catch up over wine… there truly is much to discuss.”


Tailors fluttered around me like frantic birds; hands pulled at fabric, fingers pinched my skin carelessly. I gritted my teeth as needles wove in and out, stitching a deep navy material to fit my outstretched limbs. I dared not hiss or show my discomfort for fear that Faenir would explode at the handmaids, for he watched from the shadows of the room, leaning against the wall with a knee angled up for support. Not a movement went unseen by him. Myrinn had already scorned him for snapping at one of her handmaids whose needle grazed the skin of my arm.

Myrinn laid across a grand chair, plucking grapes from the plate beside her and inspecting each one with intense interest. “It is important you look the part, Arlo,” she said through a breath.

Faenir had refused Myrinn’s request for her to escort me through Neveserin to collect a wardrobe of clothes. I guessed he preferred seeing me in his oversized hand-me-downs which he had provided. Instead, in her passive act of defiance, she had commissioned the tailors to her home hours after breakfast that morning instead.

If I cannot bring you into the city, then I will bring the city to you,she had said as the tailors and handmaids floated into the room with arms full of cases overwhelmed with fabric.Faenir glowered and shrunk into the shadows of the room in defeat, yet still he watched.

“He does not need to be paraded like a prized bull,” Faenir grumbled from his shadows.

“Hecan speak for himself,” I retorted through a hidden smile as Myrinn rolled her eyes dramatically. “If our presence at the Joining is a test, then it is important we prepare to pass it.”

“I was thinking of it more as a message.” Myrinn popped a purple grape into her mouth and bit down on it. “It is encouraging to know you hold such interest in Evelina’s politics. If that is a result of your change of heart to your circumstance, I cannot express how glad I am.”

I caught Faenir’s piercing gilded stare as Myrinn spoke. Within the reflection of the standing mirror before me I held it, until another needle poked my side and distracted me from him. “It is not like I have a choice in the matter. If I cannot return home, then I must make the most of my visit. I’m not one for hiding from those who wish me harm.”

I was certain I heard Faenir swallow hard at my comment.

“Nothing will happen to you during your visit, I promise that.” Myrinn glanced subtly over her shoulder towards Faenir. “You will have us both to protect you. After what… what Gale did.” She quietened, as though losing herself to a darkening thought. “I will not let it happen again.”

“Do not make promises you cannot keep, Myrinn,” Faenir grumbled. “Now the inquisition into Gale’s actions have been dropped by the council there is no knowing if it will happen again.”

Myrinn had been the one to share that update with us when we had arrived the night prior. Queen Claria had closed the investigation and labelled Gale as volatile. Jealous. There was no pressuring the investigation. In the eyes of the Queen and her council, the matter had been dealt with.Except it hadn’t, not in Faenir’s eyes.

“Rest assured nothing will happen in my home.” Myrinn’s fingers pinched the grape, letting juice spread down her wrist and staining her silk dress. “And if your hunch behind Grandmother is correct, no pass will be made for Arlo during the Joining. She would not wish to interfere with such a spectacle and ruin Frila’s day.”

The tailors shared glances with one another. They did not utter a word, but from the look in their eyes I was cautious not to speak ill of the Queen.Not yet at least.

“I’m not frightened,” I announced, feeling the need to make them aware that I did not need protecting. It was suffocating. Both Myrinn and Faenir, although speaking from a good place, spoke on my behalf. And I didn’t like it. For a moment I felt as though I wore Auriol’s shoes.“And perhaps the council were right, and Gale was simply mad? When he spoke to me it was like he did not know who you were, Myrinn. His mind was not in a clear place.”

“Arlo could be right, Myrinn. What is to say you simply picked a rotten apple from the orchard?” Faenir enjoyed watching Myrinn squirm under his words.

“What is done is done.” Myrinn sat up straight, clapping her hands together in dismissal. As though dispersing from the surprise of the noise, the tailors gathered their belongings and parted from the room with haste and whispered breaths.