I closed my eyes, my body calm. “Do it.”

A low rumbling growl emitted from Marius, but I was too nervous to open my eyes to watch. I expected his mouth to find my neck or wrist, a place in which my veins shone blue from my skin. But his kiss found my arse and I melted beneath it.

He left a trail of his wet mouth from cheek to cheek. I gasped, arching my back more as his tongue would lap up against a sensitive spot. Then, as I groaned in pleasure, the cold touch shocked me. Not enough to break the enjoyment. But I felt the change.

The feeling was familiar. Reminiscent to when I would stick my gloveless hands into piles of fresh snow when I was young. Until the tips of my fingers would numb and my palms tingled.

But this sensation spread across my arse, followed by a gentle sucking.

My hand reached back and met hair. I tangled my fingers into it and held him firm.

The feeling of his bite was not painful.

No. But for a brief moment I understood that it would be if he so desired it.

Time, as it did so famously in this castle, fell away from me. I was lost on a wave of pure bliss, eyes slow to open and close as he had his way with me.

I lost my ability to hold a thought as Marius moved from position to position. Kissing, drinking, fucking.

Every time his breathing deepened and became uneven I willed him to calm, wanting this moment to go on for as long as I could muster. I refused to touch myself, even batting his own hand away as he reached for me.

At one point he had turned me on my back so I faced him. His lips were apple red, his teeth stained slightly from my blood. Not a drop ran down his chin. Not a drop wasted. Beads of sweat glistened like crystals across his temple, his chest and stomach flexing with each thrust as he re-entered me from his new position.

“I do not want this to end,” I told him, legs hoisted above his shoulders as he ploughed into me from above.

I meant it in more ways than just this sex session. I did not want this stay to end. For the final day to arrive and bring death with it. If I could will for time to swallow me entirely I would.

I pushed the thoughts into the darkest pits of my soul and dragged Marius down to my neck. As his teeth slipped into my waiting skin, thoughts simply faded.

There was only me and him. Marius lost to the rapture of our sex. Myself lost to the intoxicating kiss as he nipped at my skin and sucked on my blood gently.

The feeling we shared built like the beating of drums. With intensity and speed, it continued until we both cried out in sync as we shared in the climax we had so longingly kept at bay.

When we were done I felt lightheaded. I laid on my back, body tingling, as I stared up at the dark ceiling of the room. Marius lay beside me, fingers grazing my own as we waited in silence.

“It did not hurt,” I finally said, registering the slight tingle that spread across my neck, shoulder and arse.Which makes the thought of what is to come less intimidating.

It was the first thing I had said after Marius had finished within me. I had my hand pressed to my lower stomach, feeling just how slim I had become since leaving home. During the earlier days I ate my fill. But it had seemed that food had become less important now.

“I hate to ruin the illusion, but itwillnot feel the same. It did not hurt but I hardly took more than a sip from you.”Really?“No matter how I longed for more. You can thank the scraps of control I was able to keep, because as soon as that slips away from me I cannot promise you a painless experience.”

The silent pause between us went on for an eternity, only broken by Marius who rolled on his side to face me. “Have I ruined the mood?”

Not as much as I am about to.

The moment we had stopped, the returning sickness within me took me prisoner. His touch no longer distracted me from my thoughts. It simply stopped holding the door closed within me, allowing them free rein to overwhelm me.

“How long do we have?” I asked, voice cracking.

“Two more nights.”

It was so soon. And he was so certain as he hardly took breath before answering. I had never felt the want to claw back something so ferociously before. Time. With the power I kept imprisoned within, it was the one concept I could not control.

Not that I ever felt the need to. Except now. I would give all my magic up if it meant that this did not have to come to the destined end.

“I suppose all good things have to come to an end.”

Although I had not yet moved to face Marius, I could feel his gaze burning holes into the side of my face.