Marius’s grin widened whereas his eyes narrowed as he nodded. “As you wish.”

I only reached for my shirt when the back of Marius’s head was all I could see. A giggle threatened to escape me as I caught a glimpse of his behind that rippled beneath the water’s surface. I tugged at my clothing and left it in a heap on the bed of the lake. Like Marius, I did not leave a single item of clothing on.

It was easy to forget when my mind was full of thrill and wonder. Deep in the corners of my mind I could remember what I was here to do. But now, out here with Marius, the cold, the water, I gave myself the moment to just… live. Without rule, or fate, or anything really.

The breeze across my bare body sent a shiver through me until it turned into violently shaking. My teeth chattered and my toes curled. I stepped closer to the warm mist of the lake, thankful for the source of heat.

“Can I turn around yet?” Marius called, turning his head far enough for me to pick up my pace.

My heart skipped at the thought of Marius seeing me like this. Exposed. Feet first I stepped into the water and sighed. As soon as I entered it the warm fought away at the cold that seemed to have embedded itself into my bones.

Soon enough I was completely submerged, with the water up to my chin. “You can look now.”

Marius turned instantly to face me, the water rippling around him. “Wonderful, is it not?”

I felt completely relaxed as the water hugged me. “Could you not have mentioned this place any sooner? I have an awful feeling that getting out of this is going to be the worst part.”

“For you.” Marius swam towards me, his large arms treading water.

“Are you just so terribly brave that the cold does not affect you?”

“I am always cold, Jak, even now. It has been a long time since I last felt the warmth of this water. Even now it feels no different to me.”

“I do not understand.”

“May I?” Marius asked, offering a hand for me to take.

I took it without hesitation. His soft palm pressed against mine as his fingers held onto me and all I felt was his usual chill.

“How?” I asked, squeezing onto his hand as if I would lend his cold skin some of my warmth.

“That is an extremely good question. One that can only be answered by my assumptions. The curse altered me in many ways and this is just one of them. I am cold. Always.”

Just the thought made my teeth want to chatter. I tugged Marius closer, enjoying the sudden shock that splashed across his face. His strong chest pressed against mine and he let go of my hand, holding both of his around the bottom of my back. Even as the warm water kept me comfortable it did not stop the shiver of delight that ran across my arms and neck.

“You are dangerous,” Marius said, ruby glare piercing right through me. “So dangerous that I fear you know just how to use it as a weapon.”

“Coming from the creature that is doomed to kill me.”

“You say that as if it does not bother you.” Marius’s brow peaked.

“Well, perhaps you will not kill me,” I whispered, face close to his. Lips only inches apart.

Marius eyes flicked from my parted mouth to my narrowed stare. I sensed his want to kiss me as his hands tightened on my back, pressing my naked body upon his. He parted his lips to match mine and a low growl emitted from his throat, catching me off guard.

I pulled away slightly until Marius let go of me completely. His face pinched in what I could only see as… shame. Then he turned away, running a wet hand through his white hair with his back to me once again.

“What is wrong?” I questioned. “If I said something wrong…”

“It is not you, Jak, but me. I fear I was getting away from myself for a moment.”

Marius did not look at me as he spoke, instead he stared off into the dark distance of the lake. I paddled towards him until I was close enough to reach out for his shoulder. As my touch gripped him he shrugged me off.

“Don’t...” He turned his head to the side, enough for me to see his forehead creased and lips curled over his teeth. “Please.”

I snapped my hand back from him as I took in the profile of his contorted face.

“You do not scare me, Marius.”