“And keep away from the books?” I said, looking up at him side-on through thick lashes.
He sighed, eyes unblinking, lips pursed. “Precisely.”
“I admit, I have never heard of such a place before.” No one ever spoke of the castle before the curse. It was almost hard to believe it did not just conjure into existence the moment it was laid upon Marius. His life before had never seemed to matter to Mother or the coven.
“I thought that would be the case,” Marius muttered, keeping his pace slow beside me. His longer legs always kept him a foot ahead, but I could sense his controlled restraint to not pull me along. “We will add the mystery of the hot springs to the ever-growing list of others that I fear has been lost with time.”
There it was again, the tugging sadness that seemed to drawl beneath his deep voice. A pause of conversation followed, broken by me clearing my throat and squeezing his hand without thought.
“To answer your question, I cannot swim. There hasn’t exactly been any opportunities for practice back home.” It was not a lie. My control of the water as an extension of my power meant I did not fear it. Although I had not been submerged in a vast body of water before, I trusted in my ability and instinct to keep me afloat. “You surely do not expect us to go in now? It is dark and cold.”
“They are hot springs… Jak.” Even as he spoke, I could hear the smile that had returned to his mouth. As though he laughed through each, prolonged word. “I will not solve the darkness issue, but you will be warmer within the spring than outside on the bank.”
I shivered on cue. “Then can we get to the springs with haste? This walk is not as relaxing as I thought it would be.”
“Patience, Jak, it will be worth the wait.”
* * *
The bodyof water sat nestled among the grounds of the castle just as Marius had explained. The crescent moon was painted across its surface as if it were the aquatic twin to the one which ruled the night above us. Tendrils of mist rose from the lake like ghostly fingers. Even from my distance on the grass-bed beside it I felt its enticing warmth.
Everything was still here. Beautiful.
“It is best you do not wet your clothes,” Marius explained, no longer holding my hand. “By the time you come out you will be thankful for something dry to wear.”
I turned to question him, only to swallow my words. Marius had stripped the shirt from his back, lifting it slowly over his head. His muscle flexed as he tugged his arms from the sleeves last. I watched as he scrunched the material into a ball and threw it to the ground without care. Marius was sculpted with more definition and precision than I could have imagined. His chest was broad, but his hips were narrow. The image of pure strength. Muscles flexed in his chest and stomach, tightening in mounds that protruded from his skin.
“Everything okay?” he asked, hands reaching for the brass buckle of his belt. His smile was sly, his eyes narrowed as if he could read the thoughts that filled my mind.
I shook my head and turned back to the calm surface of water. Hand to my chin, I tried everything to not look back… no matter how loud the siren call to do so was. “You truly want me to get in?”
“That is completely up to you,” Marius said. “You are welcome to stand here and watch.”
Before I had a chance to act, Marius had thrown himself into the water, disturbing the once glass-like surface. I tumbled back away from the incoming splash of water that had risen up in response. Water soaked the bottom of my trousers and dampened the bank which now squelched beneath my boots.
“What happened to keeping dry?” I shouted, looking back at Marius who kept afloat in the water. My voice echoed across the surface as though it was a skipping stone.
“There is nothing wrong with getting wet,” he called out, as his arms moved to keep him afloat.
My mouth dried as I studied him. The water did little to conceal his naked body. Naked. Completely. I quickly looked away, cheeks warming as his alabaster skin glowed proudly beneath the water. The pile of his clothes confirmed all I already thought.
He had removed every article. Even his undergarments.
“You are…” I muttered, covering my eyes with my hand.
“Well, could you not have… I don’t know. Kept something on?”
“And why would I do that?” I could hear that gentle swoosh of water as Marius sliced his arms through the spring. “If it makes you uncomfortable you do not need to do the same.”
It was not discomfort I felt. No, the feeling was far from it. It was not only my cheeks that warmed but my stomach and chest. My skin prickled with… anticipation. A flashback to the study filled my mind for a moment.
“Turn away,” I said, quietly.
“Speak up.”
I lifted my stare and looked him dead in the eye. “I said turn away.”