The man… creature, infuriated me. Disgusted me. At least that was what I told myself over and over as I washed the days of dirt from my skin until it was red raw.

I was becoming accustomed to the late nights and early mornings. My normal routine had completely altered since arriving. Before the drawn curtain the sky was lightening and with it brought my tiredness. The short nap I had at the dining table was not sufficient. I longed to swaddle myself in the comforting sheets of Marius’s bed. Which had, yet again, been prepared. No sign that Katharine had ever lied upon it nor the dried droplets of blood.

I did not climb into the bed until the water had grown cold and I struggled to keep my eyes open. My arms shook from tiredness as I lifted myself from the tub and trailed a line of water to the bed. I gave little care in letting my bare skin dry. Barely rubbing at it, nor allowing myself time to dry amongst the air before clambering within the sheets.

I turned over in the bed, stretching my exposed body as far as I could. Something stiff scratched against my arm. I fought the tiredness enough to lift my head and look through one eye as to what it was that I felt.

There, on the pillow beside me was a note. A folded piece of parchment that was sealed with black wax.

I ran my thumb over the seal, feeling the ridges of the design that I could not fully make out. It was what I thought to be a cross. But it seemed a rose was etched in the middle of the crosses interlinking lines.

It was a shame to pull the folded parchment apart, breaking the seal too.

Join me for supper.


The note was short.Precise.

“Dinner.” I laughed, discarding the note back on the pillow. Turning my back on it, I rolled over, my heart beating calmly in my chest.

Who knew it only took chasing a girl through the gardens to get his full attention?

I almost longed for the scrying bowl to be fixed, so Mother could see how I had changed the tides in my favour.

I suppose she would have to wait and see when I walked back home with his head in my hands.


Istudied myself before the mirror, this time wearing more than just the loose nightshirt I had found yesterday.

Someone had been in my room as I’d slept. For the pile of clothing had been laid out ready for me at the end of the bed. The thought unnerved me, knowing someone had watched as I slept. Being vulnerable was a new feeling, yet I woke without harm. That was enough to prevent the feeling from becoming overwhelming.

The clothes were grand. Each thread screamed wealth and privilege. The perfect outfit for the supper I had been invited to. One that I clearly had no choice but to accept — not that I would have declined.

The jacket was made from velvet. Each touch left marks in the dark navy material. In the candlelight it looked as though I wore the very ocean captured at midnight. I turned my body, from left to right, taking in the beauty of the material.

The breeches were fitting, hugging my slender legs to the cuff which was held together by a button made from the iridescent belly of a shell.

Everything was tailored to my body. All besides the shirt that was countless sizes too big. If it was not for the jacket holding the shirt in place, it would have slipped over my shoulders each time I moved.

I could have tied it up at the neck with the cream cords that were strung loosely. But I didn’t. I kept my neck on show purposefully.

I took my time preparing my brown hair, smoothing it down with the cool water that had been left in the tub. I ran my hand through my fringe, tucking it backwards to expose as much of my face as I could.

My weapon. More powerful than my magic could be against a creature of notable hunger.

He wants a feast.So I shall give him one.

* * *

“At last, he arrives.”Marius stood at the head of the table. He wore a dark cloak of shadow that swallowed the chair he had only moments before sat upon. “I was beginning to believe you would simply ignore my invitation.”

“I did not realise I had a choice,” I answered, walking towards the chair that Marius gestured towards.

“One always has a choice.”

“They do?”