The creature slammed a paw upon her chest. The guttural breathless sound that followed sickened me as the beast slammed all air from her lungs. Her hands slapped at the dark paw, both no match for its size. Then she simply stopped as the shattering of bones sang into the night.


The thought was no longer a plea, but a command.

And my magic answered without further reluctance.

The wind went from still to screaming. A storm of powerful gusts that brewed around the gardens, whistling through trees and broken statues. My air was fearful of the stalking creatures — I sensed it as I willed for it to attack. The mighty force of conjured wind nearly ripped me from the ground as it barrelled into the wolf’s sides. I gritted my teeth, jaw clenched as I forced my energy into the element. My heart jolted with relief as the yelp of the whimpering beast sang a song to my very soul. Ripped from its prey, the cloud of shadow and fur was thrown into the night. A useless doll in the grasps of my power.

I wasted no time in moving for where the girl lay across the ground, the wind dwindling to the natural breeze it had been as I relaxed the leash on my power.

“Are you alright?” I said, breathless. I leaned over her, head snapping back towards the dark where the beast still cried and whimpered. My neck threatened to break as I looked from the shadows back to the girl. She was unresponsive, eyes closed and lips parted. I held a finger beneath her nose and felt the tickle of breath against it. She was breathing, but weakly. Her youthful skin as white as snow. I could not deny the small pulse that sounded beneath my touch of her wrist. Even in the dark my eyes adjusted enough to see the small rise and fall of her chest.

A string of profanities spilled across my mind as the whimpering turned into a growl and grew closer once again.

I faced the dark and the hidden creature that lurked within it. A scowl pinched across my face.

Hands readied at my side, I willed the wolf to strike.

“Come on!” I shouted, body tensed, a wall of flesh and bone between the beast and the girl. “Give it another try. I dare you.”

Deep, guttural growls responded and more wolves of shadow stepped into view. Each lowered their bodies close to the ground. Ready to strike.

Wind raced around me. Fire warmed beneath my skin. “At last, a fight.”

One of the larger beasts shook its mane of shadow and snapped its jaws. It seemed to be a signal as the pack of wolves split and raced for where I kept crouched above the young girl.

My skin burned as the fire beneath my skin itched for release. But as my scream tore out of my throat, yet another shadow joined the chaos. It landed between me and the racing beasts. Pure white hair glowed among the night, body broad and arms wide as though he would simply catch them as they pounced.


I could not see his face, not as he screamed towards the pack of wolves. He was bent low, hands curved in a claw-like motion as he gave a single, never-ending screech. I let go of the elements, clapping my hands over my ears to block out the horrific sound.

The very night seemed to shake around us.

I watched in… awe as the wolves dispersed into the night. Each whimpering as they ran, tails between their legs.

Their fear mixed with my own as Marius snapped around to us. His eyes glowed the same red as the beasts he had frightened away. His mouth was split, unnaturally, exposing the lines of spittle connected to his white, pointed teeth.

I could not catch a breath as I looked up at him.

“What have you done?” he growled from the pits of his stomach.

“I didn’t — I was…”

“She knows not to leave the path!” he snapped, gaze flaring with anger. “What have you done!?”

Refusing to look away, no matter how I wished to, I seethed my response, “I was not to know.”

In a blink he was before me, teeth mere inches from my eyes. “Get out of my way. Now.”

I could not move fast enough, flinching as Marius lifted a tensed arm to push me himself.

As he hovered over the girl, his entire demeanour shifted. His body softened and his shoulders lowered. With a long sigh, he scooped her small frame into his arms without much of a thought.

“If she dies…” Marius did not face me as he spoke. But I heard as his voice hitched. “You will soon follow her.”

Helplessly I watched as Marius carried the young girl back towards the castle, her pale face resting against his chest. I could hear him whisper to her, but only a muttered sound. I made out not a single word he said.