Page 84 of Crossing the Line

“This isn’t something that just happened, Logan. I fought my feelings for her. I didn’t want to get involved.”

“She’s vulnerable,” he yells before lowering his voice. “You made her feel secure when her world was falling apart. The lines have become blurred, and you’re both reading more into it than is actually there.” I bristle at his words and frown. “Don’t get me wrong, I see the appeal. Hallie is beautiful, but this… this attraction… it’s not real.”

“You’ve no idea what you’re talking about, Logan. This isn’t just an attraction. I love her. I know how I feel.” He rolls his eyes, and although he’s only a couple of years older than me, it feels as though he’s treating me like a child.

“You might know howyoufeel, but for Hallie, I guarantee this is an infatuation.”

Anger courses through me, and I clench my fists at my side. How dare he say that about me? He’s got no idea how either of us feels. “She’s been through something traumatic, and you were there for her, that’s all.”

“I’m not listening to this,” I tell him through gritted teeth. I need to walk away before I punch him. “You’ll be getting my resignation in an email.” I turn to leave, and he grabs my arm.

“You’re resigning?”

I pull my arm away and turn back to face him. “I thought we were friends. I knew you’d be pissed I’d broken your stupid rule, but to say all that to me…” I shake my head. “Goddammit! What me and Hallie haveis real. I want a life with her, and I can’t have that as a CPO. Not that I oweyouan explanation.” I look behind me to the kitchen door, hoping Hallie hasn’t heard any of our conversation.

“Sawyer—” Logan begins.

“Are we about done here?” I ask, cutting him off. “I need to lock up.” I raise my eyebrows in question. “Oh, and Hallie won’t be needing the car ride home. She’s going back with me.” He walks toward the front door, and I follow him. “I want to know when Bryant’s back behind bars.”

“Look, I’m sorry. Maybe I said too much—”

“Let’s leave it there, Logan. I’m tired, and I want to go home.”

He sighs. “Bye, Sawyer.”

“Bye.” I close the door and drop my head onto the wood. That’s not at all how I thought this would go. I knew he’d be annoyed, but I never expected him to say what he did.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, I make my way to the kitchen, finding Hallie sitting on the countertop with a can of soda. “That went well,” she says, giving me a small smile.

“Shit. You heard all that?”

“Most of it.” I walk across the room and stand between her legs. Her arms wrap around me, and I sigh as I hold her close. “We didn’t meet like most people do, Sawyer, but I know how I feel. It’s not an infatuation. I genuinely love you.”

I step back and cup her face in my hands. “I know, baby, and I love you too.” I bring her mouth to mine and kiss her softly. My hands wind into her hair as she deepens the kiss. When I pull back, we’re both panting. I rest my forehead on Hallie’s, and she reaches her hand up and strokes my face.

“I’m sorry he said all those things to you. I hope this won’t affect your friendship. I’d hate to be responsible for ruining that.”

“You won’t be responsible for ruining anything. He’s managed that all by himself, sweetheart. I knew he’d be annoyed, but his reaction...” I trail off, not knowing what to say. If I’m honest, I’m furious. I thought after knowing Hallie and Poppy were safe, and my relationship with Hallie hadn’t jeopardized me protecting her, he’d be happy for me. Clearly not.

“Shall we go home?” My hands go to her waist, and I lift her off the countertop.

She nods. “I can’t wait to see my parents.”

Taking her hand, I lead her through the cabin and outside, locking the door behind me. I’ve arranged for a cleaning company to come in tomorrow to deal with all the blood in the house from where Bryant had been shot. Brooke is coming to the cabin with her friends on Friday, so I don’t want her walking into that.

Placing the key in the key safe, I turn to Hallie. “Ready, baby?”

“More than ready.”

We walk around the back of the cabin, and I climb on my bike, holding a helmet out to Hallie. She slides on behind me, her arms winding around my waist. My hand goes to hers, and her fingers lace with mine. Starting up the bike, I ride slowly away from the cabin, leaving the nightmare of what happened firmly behind us.



The reunion with my parents is an emotional one, and I’m crying before Sawyer even pulls up outside the house. They’re waiting on the driveway for us, and I fly off the bike into my mom’s arms. After multiple hugs from my parents, I turn to see Sawyer standing at the edge of the driveway. Walking toward him, I take his hand.

“Ready to meet the parents?” I ask with a chuckle.