Page 73 of Crossing the Line

“Yeah, we did. We’re good. I told her about Noah and how I’m thinking of going back to the police department.”

“I’m glad you sorted things out. I really like her,” Brooke says.

“I really like her too,” I reply, chuckling. “I’m going to make us some dinner. You need anything?” Everyone shakes their head, and I move toward the door.

“Hey, Sawyer.” Turning around, I look over at Brooke. “Bring Hallie down later, and we’ll play poker or something. Take her mind off everything.”

“Will do. Catch you later.” I leave them eating while I head to the kitchen. As we had pizza yesterday, I opt for a sandwich. I’m not starving, and I’m guessing with everything that’s happened, Hallie won’t be either. I hope she’s managed to get a hold of Jess. As much as I want to be there for her, there’s nothing better than a best friend.



“I’m okay, Jess,” I say after pouring my heart out to her for the past ten minutes. I’ve told her everything that’s happened since we left my apartment. It’s hard to believe it was only two nights ago. It feels like weeks. She hasn’t asked me where we are, so I haven’t had to lie, but I have kept from her that Sawyer’s family is with us. I don’t want her to join the dots, even though I trust her with my life.

I want desperately to tell her about Sawyer, but it makes me nervous after what he said about Logan having him replaced. I don’t think I could survive this without him.

“Enough about me. Tell me something good. What’s happening with you and Grayson?”

“Oh, he’s amazing, Hal. I can’t wait for you to meet him,” she gushes.

I smile, excited for my best friend. “So, you’ve been out with him more than once?”

She laughs, and God, I’ve missed her.

“You could say that! I’ve seen him pretty much every night since our first date. He’s amazing, and fuck, can he kiss…” she trails off and goes quiet. “I’m falling for him, Hallie. It all feels a little too perfect, though. I’m waiting for the ball to drop.” I can hear the uncertainty in her voice, and I wish I were there to hug her. She’s dated some assholes over the years, so she’ll be thinking Grayson is too good to be true.

“Don’t overthink it, Jess. It sounds like everything is going great. Not every guy you meet is going to be an asshole. Give him a chance.”

“You’re right. I know you are. It’s hard to put your heart on the line when it’s been crushed before.”

“I know,” I tell her quietly.

“God, Hallie, listen to me going on and on. Ignore me. You’ve got enough to deal with without listening to my insecurities.”

“Jess, you’re my best friend. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what’s happening with me.”

“I miss you, Hal.”

“I miss you too.”

“Where’s Sawyer?”

“He’s making dinner.”

“He’s well trained then,” she says with a chuckle. “How is your hot close protection officer? I was pretty shaken up when we met him at the station, but even I remember how gorgeous he was.”

My face flushes when she asks about Sawyer, and I’m glad she can’t see me. She’d know straight away that something’s happened between us.

“He’s good,” I tell her, not elaborating further.

“That’s it? Just good? Girl, you’d have to be blind to not see how hot that man is.”

“You sound like Kitty. Have you spoken to her lately?” I ask in an attempt to change the subject. Unfortunately, Jess can see straight through me, and she gasps down the phone.

“Did something happen between you two? Oh my God, it did, didn’t it?” The excitement is evident in her voice. “Tell me everything!” she screams.

I close my eyes and groan inwardly. “Okay, okay. We may have kissed once or twice.” It’s not the whole truth, but equally, I’m not lying to her either. She screams down the phone again, and I can’t help but giggle.