“I have not been crushing on him,” Jess exclaims before taking a mouthful of her wine.
“So, you don’t run past his apartment block three times a week hoping you’ll bump into him?”
She looks sideways at me. “You make me sound like some crazed stalker,” she states, and I laugh, slinging my arm around her shoulder.
“I’m pleased for you, Jess. I know how much you like him.”
“God, he’s so hot. I can’t wait.”
“Where’s he taking you?” Kitty asks. “And more importantly, does he have any friends?”
“I thought you were sworn off men after your ex?” I ask with a chuckle.
She waves her hand and shakes her head. “I’m so over him. I’m ready to play the field again. What about you, Hallie? Any guys you like the look of?” She gestures with her head to the packed bar, and I glance out at the sea of people.
“Nah, I don’t have time to date.” I brush off her question, hoping she isn’t going to force the issue.
“Girl, you have to make time,” she pushes.
“I know, I know.” I wave off her comment before taking a sip of my drink, attempting to hide my face.
“Shall we dance?” Jess asks, knowing I’m uncomfortable.
“Great idea,” I affirm, swallowing down the last of my drink before standing up. I whisper a thank you to Jess, and all three of us make our way to the dance area, our previous conversation forgotten for now. After about thirty minutes of dancing, Kitty stops and leans in close to Jess and me.
“That guy over there…” she gestures with her eyes to the corner of the room, “… blue shirt, blond hair?” Jess and I turn to look at who she’s talking about.
“What about him?” I ask.
“Do you know him? He keeps looking over here.”
I steal a glance again, only to see him staring at me. “I’ve never seen him before, but he’s cute. Do you know him, Jess?”
She shakes her head.
“Well, I’m going to say hi.” Kitty wriggles her eyebrows at us, and I smile as she makes her way toward him, his eyes now fixed firmly on her. She flirts with him, placing her arm on his chest before throwing her head back and laughing at something he’s said.
“She’s not shy, is she?” Jess says with a laugh. “Come on. Let’s get a drink. It looks like she’s going to be busy for a while.”
I turn back to where they both are. Kitty’s arms are already around the guy’s neck, and she’s kissing him. I can’t help but feel a little envious of her. I’d never have the confidence to walk up to a guy in a bar like that, let alone kiss him within a few minutes of meeting.
“You okay?” Jess asks me, her hand slipping into mine and squeezing it gently. Pulled from my thoughts, I drag my eyes off Kitty and turn to face her.
“Yeah, fine. Shall we get that drink?”
When I follow her to the bar, we get served quickly. Finding a table where we can see Kitty, I flop down on the chair, the balls of my feet burning from my heeled pumps.
“Looks like it’s going well,” Jess says, gesturing to where Kitty and the guy are slow dancing on the edge of the dance floor.
“I think we’ve lost her for the night. Can’t say I blame her.” My voice sounds melancholy even to my ears, and I can see by Jess’s face she’s picked up on my tone.
“Grayson’s got a brother, you know.” She grins and winks at me, and I burst out laughing. “I’m serious, though. If it goes well with us, I’ll set you up.”
“What is it with people offering up with their brothers?” I say, laughing. “Dana from work tried to set me up a few weeks ago.”
“Well, you haven’t said no. I’m taking that as a win.” I shake my head at her and smile.
She means well, and I love her for it. The thing is, I have no idea how to date. Sure, I had the odd date in middle school but nothing serious. While all my friends were experimenting with boys and dating, I was having nightmares and weekly counseling sessions, terrified to leave the house.