Page 55 of Crossing the Line

“I guess I have. I’ve never felt like this. I wish…” I trail off and stare out of the window again. “I wish I’d met her under different circumstances.”

“Sawyer, you’re so focused on your job, how would you ever have met her?”

“That’s true. I can’t remember the last time I even went on a date.”

“Have you thought about what happens when this assignment is over, and you move on to the next one?”

“Not really.” I sigh and take a pull of my beer. I’m not an idiot. This job doesn’t lend itself to relationships. It was never something I wanted to do forever. I always saw myself meeting someone and having a couple of kids. I just never thought I’d fall so quickly and for someone off-limits.

“What’s the latest with Hallie? I’ve seen the news, but are they any closer to catching the guy?” Taking another pull of my beer, I look out onto the patio again. Hallie must sense I’m watching her, and she turns to look at me, a smile erupting on her face. I wink at her, and she gives me a small wave.

“Her apartment was trashed last night. No CCTV footage or prints. It had to be him, though. He’s getting careless.”

“You think he took the girl from Morrel Park?”

“Seems too much of a coincidence for it not to be him,” I say with a frown. “I hope to God she’s still alive. It’s been radio silence since she went missing.” I stand. “I’m going to check Hallie’s okay.” My dad laughs, and I shake my head. “Iamher CPO.” I leave him chuckling as I head out onto the patio.

“Having fun?” I ask, sitting on the edge of the tub close to Hallie. Her shoulders are out of the water, and without thinking, my hand goes to her bare skin. My fingers gently stroke her shoulder, and she turns, smiling at me.

“Hey,” she says, her eyes fixed on mine. “You coming in?”

“Maybe later.” There’s no way I’d be able to keep my hands to myself if I were in there with her. She looks beautiful. Her hair is piled on top of her head, and her cheeks are flushed pink from the heat of the water, or maybe it’s the prosecco she’s drinking. Whatever it is, she looks the happiest I’ve seen her in days. I can’t take my eyes off her.

“You two are so cute. I think my brother’s finally in love,” Brooke exclaims from the other side of the tub. Hallie’s eyes widen, and I drop my head, brushing her lips with mine. Squeezing her shoulder, I turn to Brooke. “Stop freaking her out, Brooke.”

“Exactly how close does a close protection officer get?” She’s smiling, but I can feel Hallie tense beside me.

“Brooke,” I warn.

“I’m kidding. I think it’s great. You’ll bring her to the wedding, won’t you?” she asks me before scooting across the hot tub to sit next to Hallie. “You’ll come, won’t you, Hallie?” Hallie glances up at me, her cheeks even pinker than before. I’m guessing this time it isn’t the warm water or the prosecco making her flush.

“We’ll be there,” I tell her.

“Great. I’m going to get showered before Liam arrives. I think Mom’s making lasagna tonight.”

“What time’s he coming?” I ask, passing over her towel as she climbs out of the hot tub.

“About five. He needed to go to the office this morning.” She wraps the towel around her and picks up her glass. “I’ll see you both later. Thanks for keeping me company in the hot tub, Hallie.”

Hallie gives her a smile and a small wave. “I really like her, Sawyer,” she whispers in my ear as she walks past me and into the cabin.

Going back to Hallie, I take the empty glass from her hand and place it on the ground. “You okay? You’re quiet.” She’s chewing on her bottom lip, and her face is full of uncertainty.

“Do you feel sorry for me?”

“What?” I ask, sitting next to her on the edge of the tub.

“Do you feel sorry for me?”

“Where’s this coming from? Is this because of what Brooke said?” I could kill my sister. She rarely engages her brain before she speaks.

“You haven’t answered me,” she says quietly.

“I know what you’re thinking…” I pause as I wait for her to look at me. When she does, I slip my hand around her neck, my thumb stroking her face. “You’re thinking I kissed you because I felt sorry for you?” She shrugs. “No, Hallie. I kissed you because I had to since every fiber of my being is drawn to you. I couldn’t stop myself.” I drop my head to hers and capture her lips with mine. She tastes of prosecco, and as her tongue pushes into my mouth, I moan. Her hands grab my T-shirt as our kiss intensifies, and I wish I was in the hot tub with her. A few seconds later, she pulls back, and I rest my forehead on hers.

“I’m sorry,” she mutters. “I just…” she trails off. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

“You don’t have to have all the answers. God, I know I don’t.”