“I’ll be okay with what I’m wearing. I don’t want to wear your sister’s clothes without her even knowing.” She looks uncomfortable, and I can tell I’m not going to be able to change her mind.
“What about if I lend you some of my T-shirts? They’ll be big on you, but we can launder everything you’re wearing then.”
“Okay,” she agrees. I leave her in the guest room while I get her some things.
I sort out a handful of T-shirts, along with a couple of pairs of shorts. They’ll all be big on her, but at least she’ll have something clean to wear. While making my way across the hallway, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Glancing down at the screen, I notice Logan is calling. After placing the clothes on her bed, I hold the phone in the air.
“I’ll leave you to get changed. I’ve got to get this.” I can see the apprehension on her face, her eyes flicking to my phone. I smile reassuringly before closing the door and heading back to my room. I hate to leave her feeling unsure, but I need to speak to Logan.
“Hey,” I answer as I close my door. “Any news?”
“Yeah, and you aren’t going to like it,” Logan replies cautiously.
“Go on...”
“Can Hallie hear me?”
“No. She’s in another room.”
“Her apartment’s been ransacked. I’m sorry, man.” I close my eyes. “You still there?” Logan asks when I don’t respond.
“Yeah, I’m here. God! When are we going to get a break? Did they check the cameras in her building?”
“Yeah. There’s nothing on them.”
“What? How did he get in, then? There are cameras in the lobby.”
“The service entrance at the back of the building was forced. Cameras don’t cover there. Once inside, he would have had a clear run to her apartment. No cameras to pick him up.”
“Fuck!” I slam my hand against the wall in frustration. “I should have picked that up when I surveyed the building.”
“Sawyer, this isn’t your fault. You’re the reason she’s safe. You followed your gut and got her away from Savannah. You could have been there.” He’s right, but fuck, it feels like I didn’t do enough.
“Who called it in?” I ask.
“One of her neighbors. They saw the door open and went to check.”
“Kitty?” I ask. “I don’t know her surname.”
“Umm…” I can hear papers being moved around, and he’s obviously checking the file. “No, it was a man. The guy in the apartment next to hers. Jake. Jake Owens. You met him?”
“No. I’ve only met her friend across the hallway.” I drop down on the edge of the bed. “I guess we won’t know if he took anything until Hallie can come back and check.”
“We’ve got her parents going around this afternoon once CSI has finished dusting for prints.”
“Okay. Keep me updated.”
“You’ll be the first to know. Are you at your parents’ place now?”
“Yeah. We got here not long ago.”
“Stay safe, Sawyer. I’ll be in touch.”
I end the call and flop backward on the comforter. My stomach twists at the thought of having to tell Hallie what’s happened. She’s still reeling from everything that occurred yesterday. I’m not sure how much more she can take before she breaks.