Matt and Amanda stole six months of my life when they kept me a prisoner in Cedar Falls.
In reality, I lost so much more.
I lost my teenage years and every experience that comes with that. I never went to parties or college. Hell, I barely finished high school. I never experienced spring break or girly vacations. I didn’t even get my driver’s license until I was twenty-two. I might be twenty-four now, but I sometimes wonder how I made it to where I am today, seemingly skipping the last ten years of my life.
After another couple of hours of dancing, along with too many drinks to count, I’m ready to call it a night. Kitty’s still wrapped around her date, if that’s the right word for him, and we slowly fight our way across the dance floor toward them. Coming up behind Kitty, I tap her on the shoulder.
“Hey, you two,” she shouts over the music as she turns and sees us. “This is Nick.” She winds her arm around the guy next to her, a huge smile on her face. “Nick, these are my friends, Hallie and Jess.”
“Good to meet you,” he shouts. He’s tall, about six foot two, and up close, even better looking than he seemed when Kitty first spotted him across the bar. He has messy blond hair and bright blue eyes that match the color of the shirt pulled tight across his chest.
“Hi,” Jess and I say in unison, and he chuckles as he pulls Kitty closer to him.
“So, we’re heading home, Kitty. Are you about ready to go?” She glances at Nick and nods before going up on her tiptoes to kiss him. I’m thankful she hasn’t insisted on staying. I wouldn’t have been comfortable leaving her here with a man she’s just met.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, babe,” Nick says as he steps back. “Great to meet you, ladies.”
I smile and link arms with Jess as Kitty waves over her shoulder to him.
When we’re outside, Kitty stops and squeals. “Oh my God, isn’t Nick amazing? I’m sorry I ditched you. I never intended to stay with him all night.”
“He is hot, Kitty. We don’t blame you,” Jess assures her as she flags down a passing cab. We climb into the back and head to Jess’s place first. Kitty is talking nonstop about Nick, and despite watching them kiss all night, it does seem they talked quite a bit in between sucking face.
“He’s an investment banker at Bank of America,” she gushes, turning to look at me and then Jess. “An investment banker,” she repeats, her eyes wide. “Can you imagine how hot he’ll look in a suit?” She pauses and then grins. “Can you imagine how hot he’ll look out of his suit?”
The cab driver clears his throat, and the three of us laugh.
“I think we’d better save this conversation for another time,” I say with a giggle as we pull up outside Jess’s apartment. We say a quick goodbye, with Kitty promising to keep Jess informed on how things progress with Nick. We watch her until she’s in her building, then wave as the cab pulls off.
It’s only a five-minute drive from Jess’s place to mine, and despite Kitty’s initial flurry of conversation, she’s quiet as her fingers fly over the screen of her phone. There’s a huge smile on her face, and I’m guessing it’s Nick messaging her already. As we pull up outside the apartment entrance, I pay the driver and guide Kitty out of the cab, her eyes still fixed on her phone.
“He wants to take me out tomorrow,” she tells me excitedly as I punch in the code for the main door.
“That’s great, Kitty.”
She follows me into the elevator and slips her phone into her purse. “I really like him, Hallie. I hope I don’t mess it up.” I turn to look at her in surprise. This is the first time I’ve seen a vulnerable side of her. She’s always been so confident with everything. It never occurred to me it might all be a front.
“Why on earth would you mess anything up?”
“Well, I’m twenty-seven, and I’ve managed to mess up every relationship I’ve ever been in, so…” she trails off and shrugs.
“Doesn’t mean it’ll happen this time. Take your time, see where it goes.” She gives me a small smile as the elevator doors open on our floor. I link her arm, and we walk slowly down the hallway, coming to Kitty’s apartment first.
“Thanks, Hallie. And I’m sorry for being a crappy friend. Next girls’ night out, I promise to not disappear on you.”
“It’s fine. There’ll be plenty more nights out. Let me know how tomorrow goes?” She nods as I pull her into a hug. Throwing a wave over my shoulder, I head across the landing to my apartment. My feet are killing me, and I’m glad to kick off my shoes as I close the door behind me. The clock on the wall reads almost two o’clock, and I yawn, suddenly exhausted. I lock the door, then head to the bedroom, knowing I’ll be asleep before my head hits the pillow.
“Ughhh!” I groan as my phone’s shrill ringtone blasts out from the nightstand, waking me far earlier than I’d planned. Reaching my hand out from under the comforter, I blindly feel around, refusing to open my eyes. As my hand lands on it, the ringtone cuts off. Rolling over, I ignore whoever was calling, knowing they can leave a message if they need to. Seconds later, the ringtone starts again, and I sigh, forcing my eyes open. Reaching for my phone, Jess’s name illuminates the screen. I hit the answer button and bring it to my ear.
“Hey, Jess—”
“Turn onCNN, Hallie,” she interrupts, her voice strained.