Page 97 of Crossing the Line

A feeling of dread settles in the pit of my stomach as I run with her, careful not to trip on any of the undergrowth.

After a few minutes, the path suddenly opens, and I can see the cabin. Relief surges through me as police cars and an ambulance come into view. EMTs run toward me with a gurney, and I gently place Hallie on it, following as they wheel her inside the ambulance.

“We’ll get her stable, and then you can come inside,” one of the EMTs says, and I watch as they close the ambulance doors. My whole world is behind those doors, and I’ve never felt more helpless. Falling to my knees, my head drops into my hands.

In an instant, Logan’s next to me.

“She’s in good hands, Sawyer,” he says, his hand on my back.

“I owe you, Logan,” I tell him, my voice breaking.

“You don’t owe me anything. I’ll always have your back.”

“When I heard the gunshot…” I trail off and shake my head.

“You thought he’d shot her.”

I nod. “I looked, but I couldn’t see you.”

“When he fired at you, I couldn’t see Hallie,” he says. “I couldn’t risk hitting her if I took a shot, so I moved around, hoping he’d be concentrating on you. My hunch was right, and I managed to get behind him. I saw an opportunity, and I took it.”

“You always were a better shot than me.”

He squeezes my shoulder. “I was lucky, that’s all.”

“You saved her life.”

“She’ll be okay, Sawyer.”

“God, I hope so.” Hearing a commotion, I look up to see Brooke trying to force her way past a cop to get to me.

“He’s my brother, let me go. He’s right there,” she yells, pointing across the driveway at me. The cop turns in my direction, and I stand up, gesturing for him to let her through.

“Sawyer,” she cries as she throws herself into my arms. “Are you okay? Where’s Hallie?” She steps back and looks me over, her face etched with worry.

“I’m fine. Hallie’s… Hallie’s been shot. She’s with the EMTs now.”

Her hand flies to her mouth, and she stifles a sob. “Is she going to be okay?”

I run my hand through my hair as I try not to break down. “I don’t know, Brooke. I can’t lose her. I promised I’d keep her safe. I promised.”

“Hey! You did keep her safe. You got her away from him. She’ll be okay, Sawyer. She has to be.”

I stare, not knowing what to say. I know from experience willing someone to be okay isn’t enough. It wasn’t with Noah. I had to hope and pray I’d gotten to her in time. She’s a fighter, and I knew she would fight to stay with me.

“We’re ready to go to the hospital, are you coming?” the EMT calls from the back of the ambulance. Pulling myself together, I give Brooke a sad smile.

“We’ll meet you there,” Logan says, and I jog over to the ambulance.

“How’s she doing?” I ask as I climb aboard, the EMT gesturing for me to sit next to Hallie.

“She’s stable for now, but she’s lost a lot of blood.”

“Has she woken up?”

He shakes his head and positions an oxygen mask over her face. Scooping up her hand, I bring it to my lips, brushing a soft kiss on her cool skin. Watching her lying there hooked up to various machines, a cannula in her other hand, makes my stomach roll. Guilt overwhelms me. This wasneverhow it was meant to be.

I should have been with her.