Coming to a stop, I drop to my knees. “Look at this,” I say to Logan, picking up a small pink bead that’s lying on the ground.
“Does it seem odd to you that this would be here? It’s not weathered at all. I think it’s been dropped recently.”
“You think Hallie might be leaving us a clue?”
“Her bikini was the same color on the CCTV. I didn’t see any beads, but her back was to the camera most of the time. It could have fallen off as she was walking, but keep a look out for any more. If I’m right, she might be dropping them for us to follow.”
I hope my hunch is right. Time is running out, and I have to find her. Anything else isn’t an option.
We find two more beads, and after finding the second one, I’m more convinced than ever that Hallie is dropping them on purpose. Suddenly, a gunshot sounds, quickly followed by a scream, and I stop, my heart thundering in my chest.
“That came from over there, right?” I say to Logan as I gesture in front of me and off to the right. Logan nods, and I take off through the trees, desperate to get to her. I run silently, coming to a stop when I hear muffled voices. Looking to Logan, he points to the left, and I edge to the right. I use the trees as cover to get closer, stopping when I can make out the voices.
“He was going to kill you, you know that, right? He said you were the one who got away. The one who brought everything crashing down,” Blake says, his voice almost euphoric. “I never thought I’d be the one to kill you. I never thought I’d have that honor.”
“Honor?” Hallie says. Her voice sounds strained, and I move, trying to get a glimpse of her. Blake is in the way, and I can’t see her without giving away my position.
“You’re fucking crazy. Why are you…” She pauses and groans. “Why are you doing this?”
“You have no idea what it’s like to be in a foster home, do you?” Blake spits out. “Someone always wants something from you. Food, clothes, money, company…” I watch as he shakes his head. “Matt saved me more than once from some desperate sicko preying on young kids…” he trails off and is silent for a few seconds. “I wrote to him while he was locked up, and we became friends again. When he asked for my help, I couldn’t say no. He saved me when I was a kid, and I owed him big-time.”
“You don’t have to do this, Blake. Please,” Hallie begs. She sounds breathless, and I’ve heard enough. I look over to Logan, who’s moved to the other side of where Blake and Hallie are located. His eyes meet mine, and I gesture with my gun, pointing at them. He nods, confirming he has my back.
Moving from my hiding place, I walk toward them. My eyes are fixed on Blake’s back, but I still can’t see exactly where Hallie is sitting. Thick bushes and undergrowth seem to be hiding her from me, and I’m frustrated I can’t just kill this asshole. I can’t shoot and risk hitting Hallie, not when I don’t have a clear view. A twig snaps under my foot, and I silently curse as Blake spins around, his gun firing randomly in my direction.
Dropping behind a tree, I steal a look, only to see Blake dragging Hallie to stand, his gun pressing into her side. Blood is trickling from a wound on her thigh. Anger courses through me as I realize the bastard has shot her.
“Let her go, Blake!” I shout, moving out from behind the tree, my gun aimed at him. I finally have my eyes on Hallie, and my heart breaks. Tears are tracking down her cheeks, and her beautiful face is pale. Looking at the ground, I can see she’s lost a lot of blood. I need to get her to the hospital and fast. Her empty eyes meet mine, and I know she’s close to giving up.
I can’t lose her.
I won’t let that happen.
“It’s over. Let her go,” I repeat, discreetly trying to make eye contact with Logan but not being able to see him.
“No fucking way. I’m ending this,” he yells back. “It’s too late.” A gunshot sounds out, and I watch helplessly as Blake and Hallie both drop to the ground.
“Hallie!” I scream, my heart pounding. Running over to where they both lie, I kick Blake’s dropped gun away, falling to my knees next to the two tangled bodies. Neither of them is moving, and panic creeps up my spine.
“Sawyer,” Hallie whispers, and relief floods me.
Pushing Blake’s lifeless body off her, I see he has a bullet through the back of his head. Logan must have taken the shot. Still not seeing him, I reach for Hallie, and she winces as I pull her into my arms.
“I’ve got you,” I soothe as she sobs in my arms.
“Is she okay?” Logan asks, finally appearing from the cover of the trees.
“I need to stop the bleeding.” Not wanting to let her go but knowing I have to, I lay her gently on the ground, quickly removing my belt. Using it as a tourniquet, I loop it around her thigh, tying it tightly above the wound. She groans as the leather bites into her skin.
“I’m sorry, baby. It has to be tight.” She nods, her eyes closing. Her face is deathly pale.
“Stay awake, Hallie. I need you to stay awake, sweetheart.” Her eyes open briefly, and I pull off my T-shirt, wrapping the material around her leg in a makeshift bandage. Her eyes close, and despite begging, I can’t make her open them again.
“I need to get her to the hospital,” I tell Logan as I holster my gun and scoop Hallie up into my arms. Her head lulls onto my shoulder, and I carry her back along the path.
“He’s dead. I’m coming with you,” Logan says as he follows me back to the cabin. “I’ll bring the cops back later. They should be here by now.”
My eyes drop to Hallie, seeing she’s still unconscious. “We found the beads, Hallie,” I tell her, hoping she can hear me. “They led us to you.” I watch her face for any sign of acknowledgment, but there’s none. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here, baby. I’m so sorry…”