Page 91 of Crossing the Line

Stunned, I flop back on the sofa. She’d been worried about coming between Logan and me, but I had no idea she’d been worried enough to contact him.

“You’re not pissed, are you?” he asks, and I shake my head. “She thought it was her fault we’d argued, and she hated knowing she’d come between us. I knew then I had to come here and explain why I’d been such an ass. She adores you, man. You’re one lucky son of a bitch.” He taps his beer bottle with mine before taking a pull. “We’re good, right?” he asks.

“Yeah, we’re good.” I sit up and pull him into a one-armed back-slapping hug. “I’m sorry about the girl.”

He waves his arm. “It was a lifetime ago.”

I look at him, wondering if he means that. I’ve never known him to date or be in a relationship the entire time I’ve known him. This woman, whoever she was, clearly did a number on him, and I’m betting deep down he’s still hung up on her. I don’t push it though, knowing he’s probably opened up more today than he ever has.

“Well, if you ever need to talk, you know where I am,” I tell him.

“Thanks, man. And I’m happy for you, even if I am losing my best CPO.”

“I’m sure I’m easily replaced.”

“Don’t bet on it!”

We chat for a while longer, and I fill Logan in on my plans to go back to being a cop. He offers to put a good word in with someone in the Tybee Island Police Department and I’m grateful, happy to take any and all help offered. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out, my face breaking out into a smile when it’s a message from Hallie.

“I can guess who that is by the look on your face,” he says with a chuckle. “Where is Hallie anyway?”

“She’s gone back to the cabin with her friend for Brooke’s bachelorette party.”

“A bachelorette party! You’re brave.”

“Why brave?”

“Sawyer, surely you know what happens at a bachelorette party,” he exclaims. “Strippers and shit.”

“Brooke’s not into all that. It’ll be movies, alcohol, and girly pampering shit.”

“You sure about that? Isn’t it the maid of honor who arranges the bachelorette party?” I slide my eyes to him, and he laughs.

Dropping my eyes back to my phone, I open Hallie’s message.

Hallie:We’re here. Your sister’s friends are crazy! Brooke’s already drunk! We’re getting in the hot tub in a minute. I’ll call you before bed.

Me: Have fun, baby.

As I’m messaging Hallie, Logan’s phone rings, and he walks out onto the balcony to take the call. His comment about strippers hasn’t riled me. The cabin is so remote, I doubt they’ve managed to find a stripper who would travel that far. Pulling up Brooke’s number, I shoot her a quick message to make sure.

Me: There are no strippers this weekend, are there?

Slipping my phone into my pocket, my eyes go to Logan on the balcony. He’s pacing up and down the small space, his hand running through his hair. An uneasy feeling washes over me, so I stand, and I wait for him to come back into the room.

“We’ve got a problem. Do you remember we got a print from the black van used to bust Bryant?”

“Yeah, there was no match,” I reply with a frown.

“They got a hit. A guy was taken in this morning for driving under the influence. They ran his prints and flagged him as a match to the Bryant case.”

“And?” I ask, the uneasy feeling intensifying.

“Wilmot’s questioned him, threatened to charge him with homicide. His prints in the van place him at the scene of the cemetery shooting. He’s admitted to being the driver but denies killing anyone. He’s given us the names of two of the shooters, and they’ve been picked up, but it turns out it wasn’t Bryant who arranged his escape. They dealt with another guy, and it was all organizedbeforeAmanda died. The finer details like the date and time of the funeral were left until the day before.”

“Fuck! He wasn’t working alone. Did this guy give a name?”

Logan nods. “Blake Lambert.”