Page 68 of Crossing the Line

“You think it was Matt I saw?” I ask him. He sighs, and I look up at him.

“I don’t know, sweetheart, but I need to find out.”

I frown. “What do you mean?” He can’t mean what I think he means. He can’t mean he has to go over to the other cabin.

“Hallie, I have to go and check if anyone’s been in the house. I spoke to my mom. It’s empty. There shouldn’t be anyone there.”

“Can’t you call the police? You can’t go in there alone. Please, Sawyer. Don’t go in there alone.” My voice is desperate, and I don’t care that I’m begging him.

He closes his eyes and sighs. “It will take the police over an hour to get here, baby. We’re too remote. I have to check. If it is, then all this will be over.”

“No!” I shout. “What if he hurts you or… worse. Please,” I beg. “Please don’t leave me.” My voice has dropped to a whisper, and I know I’m losing the battle. He’s going to go, and there is nothing I can do to stop him.

“I’m coming back. I promise you.”

“You can’t promise that. He’ll kill you, Sawyer. He won’t think twice about it. The man is a psychopath!”

“I have my gun, Hallie. It’s going to be fine.”

In a last-ditch attempt to get him to stay, I say the only thing I can think of that might force him to change his mind.

“What if it’s a trick? What if he’s trying to lure you out of the cabin, and he comes for me while you’re gone?” My hands grip his T-shirt, my eyes wide as saucers. I must look crazy, but I will do anything to keep him here and safe with me.

“Hallie…” Hope erupts in my chest that maybe, just maybe, I’ve convinced him not to go. “I know you’re scared, but Imustgo over there. My dad has a shooting rifle, and all the doors will be locked. There is CCTV covering the front and back of the cabin. No one is getting in here, I swear to you.”

My hope deflates at his words, and I know nothing I say will change his mind. Accepting defeat, I drop my head on his chest, silent tears pouring down my face. He wraps his arms around my body and holds me for a few minutes before pulling out of the embrace.

“I’ll only be a minute.”

I watch as he leaves the room, gesturing for his dad to follow him, and it feels like my heart is about to break. They must be right outside the door as I can hear them talking in hushed tones, but I can’t make out any of what they’re saying.

Brooke sits next to me and takes my hand. “My brother is the best at what he does. He’ll be okay.” I don’t say anything, not trusting myself not to break down. She continues to hold my hand until they both come back into the den.

Sawyer kneels in front of me. “I’m going to be right back. You’re all going to stay in here with the door locked. I’ve let Logan know what’s going on, and he’s letting Detective Wilmot know. I’m coming back, okay, Hallie?”

I throw my arms around his neck. “Please be careful.” I whisper in his ear.

“I will.” He pulls back and kisses me before standing, then walking out of the room. The lock clicks behind him as the room falls silent.

“I’m so sorry we came here and dragged you all into this,” I say to Sophia, who has come to sit on the other side of me. My voice breaks, and tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

“You have no reason to apologize. This isnotyour fault, Hallie. Sawyer knows what he’s doing. He’s going to be fine.” I know she’s trying to make me feel better, but I can see the fear in her eyes. I’m sure it mirrors my own. She wraps her arms around me, holding me while I sob against her shoulder.

After a few minutes, I pull myself together, noticing that Owen has pulled up the live feed for the CCTV covering the front of the cabin. My eyes fix on the television, watching to see if Sawyer’s coming back yet. He’s been gone about twenty minutes, and while I’m focused on the screen, Brooke and Sophia have been trying to make small talk with me about anything from the weather to how many siblings I have. I’ve tried to interact, but I’m mainly giving one-word answers, my mind swirling with what’s happening outside. Although he hasn’t been gone long, it feels like an eternity, and I wring my hands in my lap, my eyes darting from the television screen to the den door every few minutes.

After what feels like forever he appears on the screen, jogging up the driveway. Then a few seconds later, “It’s me, open up,” he calls through the door. I close my eyes in relief, my whole body relaxing when I hear his voice.

“Oh, thank God,” Sophia mutters, jumping up off the sofa.

Opening my eyes, I look up as Sawyer enters the room. His eyes find mine as his mom pulls him into a hug. He embraces her, his gaze firmly fixed on me.

“I’m okay, Mom,” he says reassuringly. Pulling out of her arms, he crosses the room and drops to his knees in front of me. “There’s no one at the cabin. It’s all locked up, and there’s no sign of forced entry.”

“We’ll give you two some time,” Sophia says as everyone leaves the room, and suddenly, we’re alone.

He takes my shaking hands in his, his thumbs stroking my skin. “He’s not there, baby,” he whispers. “You’re safe.” The floodgates open, and I burst into tears. In an instant, I’m in his arms.

“God, I’m so sick of crying,” I tell him after a few minutes of sobbing. “I’ve turned into this needy, pathetic mess. I hate it.”