Page 58 of Crossing the Line

“It’s my secret she’s keeping. Girly wedding talk. Nothing to concern you,” Brooke tells him. “Let’s get the movie on.”

He chuckles and holds his hands up in surrender. “Wouldn’t dream of getting involved in your girly wedding talk. I’ll get the lights.”

The room plunges into darkness, the only light coming from the giant television screen on the wall.

As the movie begins, Sawyer sits next to me. I curl my legs underneath me, cuddling up against his chest. His arm envelops me, and I can feel the rhythmic pounding of his heart under my ear. Nothing has ever felt more right, and I find myself wishing I could stay like this with him forever, tucked away in the cabin, the worries of real life forgotten.

Halfway through the movie, Brooke’s phone rings. Standing, she holds it out, a huge smile on her face. “It’s Liam, he must be on his way.” The excitement is evident in her tone, and I smile as she makes for the door. “Hi, babe. You nearly here?”

The den door closes behind her, leaving Sawyer and me alone. During the course of the movie, we somehow ended up lying on the sofa. My legs are tangled with Sawyer’s, and his arms are wrapped around me.

“Alone at last,” Sawyer mutters. Before I know what’s happening, he’s flipped me onto my back, his body hovering over mine. My breathing accelerates as his eyes gaze into mine. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the opening scene.” Before I can respond, his lips crash against mine, and butterflies erupt in my stomach. His kisses seem to ignite something deep inside. Something I’ve never felt before. Something I can’t put into words. Reaching up, I wind my fingers into his hair, holding his mouth to mine. As the kiss intensifies, Sawyer moans, and I find myself tugging at the hair on the base of his neck. My body feels like it’s burning from the inside out, and I’ve no idea how to extinguish it. Right now, I’m not sure I ever want to. Sawyer’s kisses drop from my lips, his hot mouth finding the hollow of my neck. Pulses of electricity race through my body, and in my lust-filled haze, I struggle to decide if I prefer Sawyer’s mouth on my lips or my neck. Both are equally addictive.

“God, I should stop,” he says against my skin. His breathing is labored as he lifts his mouth, resting his forehead on mine. “If I kiss you one more time, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.” My stomach flips, and I bite down nervously on my bottom lip. I’m not sure I want him to stop. His words make me flustered but excited at the same time. I feel so comfortable with him. I can’t imagine being in this position with anyone else.

The door to the den suddenly opens, and my cheeks heat. I hadn’t even thought about Brooke coming back when I’d been making out with Sawyer. If she had come in a few minutes earlier, I’m not even sure I’d have noticed if she were dancing around the room. Pushing on Sawyer’s chest, he chuckles as he moves off me.

“Everything okay?” I ask as I sit up. Realizing my tank has ridden up, I hurry to pull it down, covering my exposed stomach.

“Liam’s almost here. He needed some last-minute directions,” Brooke replies excitedly as she sits back down on the loveseat. Thankfully, she seems swept up in Liam’s call and doesn’t notice she walked in on us making out.

“Fuck! I hopeyoudidn’t give him directions. He’ll never get here,” Sawyer says, his voice deadpan.

“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m great at directions,” Brooke exclaims. Sawyer raises his eyebrows, and she laughs. “Okay, okay,” she concedes. “I gave the phone to Dad, and he gave Liam directions.”

“I knew it!”

“Doesn’t he have GPS?” I ask.

“The GPS sends you about five miles down the road for some reason. Always has,” Brooke says with a shrug. “He’s about twenty minutes away. Just in time for dinner.”

“Does your mom need any help?”

She shakes her head. “I’ve offered. She likes the kitchen to herself.”

Sawyer pulls me gently back against him.

“Might as well finish watching the movie while we wait for Liam.” His arm snakes around me, and I sink into his side. “You okay?” he whispers into my ear. I nod, not wanting to tell him of my embarrassment. I’m not exactly experienced when it comes to guys. I don’t want him to think I’m being childish.

“I don’t care who sees me kissing you, Hallie,” he whispers. “You’d better get used to it. I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.” I look at him in surprise. It’s as though he read my mind. He’s wearing a contented smile on his face, and I can’t help but smile myself before settling back against him.

An hour or so later and the six of us have finished dinner. Liam arrived shortly after Brooke spoke to him, and it’s easy to see how happy they are together. He hasn’t stopped touching her since he arrived, and the glances between them show how much they love each other. He seems like a great guy, and Brooke clearly adores him. The conversation over dinner is relaxed, and no one mentions my situation or why Sawyer and I are here, which I’m grateful for.

Once we’ve cleared away the dinner dishes, it’s beginning to get dark outside, and I can’t keep my eyes open. Sawyer notices and comes to stand by my side.

“You okay?”

“Just tired. The last few days have caught up with me.” I smile reassuringly at him. “I think I’ll go up to bed. I’ll say goodnight to everyone.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“No, stay. It’s still early.”

He shakes his head. “I want to be with you.”

I reach up and cup his face with my hand. “Spend some time with your family. You don’t see them as much as you’d like.” I can read the indecision on his face, and my fingers stroke over the stubble on his cheek. “I’m fine, Sawyer. I promise.”

He sighs. “I’ll come up with you, make sure everything’s okay, then I’ll come back down… just for a little while, though.”