I wasn’t safe anywhere.
If he’d found us in Hilton Head Island, what was stopping him from finding us here or at Sawyer’s parents’ cabin?
Hearing the shower end, I tug the comforter around my chest, a million butterflies taking flight in my stomach. As well as having to deal with all the shit Matt was throwing my way, I would now have to share a bed with Sawyer. Despite telling him I trusted him, which wasn’t a lie, I’d never slept in the same room as a guy before, let alone in the same bed. There was no denying I was attracted to Sawyer. My whole body seemed to come alive when he touched me. As much as I tried to control my feelings for him, it was hard with how attentive he was. I was acutely aware that under the comforter I was only wearing my tank and panties. My jean shorts were uncomfortable to sleep in, and I’d taken them off once he’d gone to shower.
“Hey,” Sawyer says as he emerges from the bathroom.
I sit up slightly, holding the comforter around me. He’s wearing his boxers, and I can’t help but stare at the impressive bulge. Dragging my eyes upward, I take in his broad, tanned chest and wide shoulders. As my eyes land on his face, I’m mortified he’s watching me gawk at him, a small smile playing on his lips. Heat floods my face, and I drop my head back on the pillow, my fingers fiddling with a loose piece of cotton on the comforter.
“I thought you’d be asleep.” He finishes toweling off his hair before tossing the towel into the corner of the room. There’s a small light above the bed, which he flicks on before turning off the main light. Despite it still being early, the room is plunged into darkness except for a slight glow the light right above the bed is giving off.
“I couldn’t switch my mind off enough to fall asleep,” I admit as he pulls the comforter back before sliding into the bed.
He turns to face me, a sad smile on his lips. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks gently while holding my gaze, but I shake my head.
“What’s there to say? It’s a mess.” I shrug halfheartedly and continue to fiddle with the edge of the comforter. “How about we talk about something to take my mind off it all?”
“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”
“Tell me about you. You know pretty much everything about me and my fucked-up life. You said Brooke was your younger sister? So, how old are you?”
“Your life is not fucked up.”
I raise my eyebrows at him. “It’s pretty fucked up, Sawyer. Stop avoiding the question. How old are you?” He rolls his eyes and props himself up on his elbow.
“I’m thirty-one. What else do you want to know?”
“Are you close to your parents?”
“Fairly. I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like, especially when I’m working.”
“What about Brooke? Do you like her fiancé?”
“What sort of question is that?” he asks with a chuckle. “Of course, I like him. Liam’s a great guy.”
“You’re not one of those older brothers who think no one is good enough for their baby sister then?” I prop myself up on my elbow, mirroring him while I await his reply. The small light above the bed is positioned directly above us, and it’s only being this close I realize how beautiful his eyes are. They’re green, but not like any green I’ve seen before. They remind me of the ocean with flecks of blue edging the green. They’re perfect, and I find myself staring into them. It’s only then I notice Sawyer staring back. Our eyes remain locked for a few seconds, and my stomach flips before I finally look away, breaking the connection.
“I think you’ve read too many romance novels.” He smiles, his whole face lighting up.
“Even though I protect people for a living, I’m not overly protective of Brooke. I’d be the first there if she needed me, but Liam adores her.”
“That must be nice,” I say wistfully.
He frowns. “What must be nice? That Liam adores her?” I nod. “You could have that, Hallie. You’re beautiful.” I close my eyes, embarrassed by his compliment. “You really don’t date?”
I’m taken aback by his question but shake my head.
“Why not?”
Dropping back onto my pillow, I stare at the ceiling. “Matt and Amanda took away my confidence. I found it hard to trust people when I came back, guys especially. I never went to parties or proms. I couldn’t bring myself to go.” I let out a sarcastic laugh. “I was never even asked. Once I came back, I faded into the background. I didn’t want to be noticed. Instead, I got lost in books and photography, and that was enough.”
“And now?” he asks gently.
I shrug. “I wouldn’t even knowhowto approach a guy, let alone what to say to him.”
“But you talk to me.”