Page 22 of Crossing the Line

“So, you read the books that come in the mail?”

“Umm… no. If I like the book’s cover or the blurb sounds good, then I get it on my Kindle.”

“And what exactly is author swag?”

“Pens, keyrings, lip balms, bookmarks, postcards… anything that promotes an author’s work. I have tons of swag. I never quite know what to do with it all, but I love collecting it.”

Despite her crazy obsession with all things books, I’m in awe of how passionate she is about what she loves, and it’s the most I’ve heard her say all day. Books are definitely a conversation starter, I’ll have to remember that. Before I can respond, the intercom sounds.

“That’ll be the pizza,” she says as she unfolds her legs from underneath her and stands. “I’ll buzz them in.”

I follow her and watch as she pushes the button to release the door downstairs.

“Dinner’s on me. I’ll grab some cash.” I head for the small hallway that leads to the bedrooms, pausing in the entryway. “Hallie, don’t open the door. Wait for me.” Her eyes meet mine, and she nods. I grab some cash off the nightstand, and I’m back in the entryway before the delivery guy even has a chance to knock on the door.

“It’s just the pizza delivery,” Hallie whispers, her wide eyes fixed on the waistband of my jeans. My eyes follow hers, and I drop the hand unconsciously resting on my gun.

“Shit.” I sigh and shake my head, knowing I’ve freaked her out. “I know—” She jumps as a knock sounds on the apartment door, cutting off what I was going to say. “I’ll get it.” I walk toward the door, looking through the peephole. Waiting in the hallway is a young guy holding two large pizza boxes. Turning to check on Hallie, she’s watching me from the archway that leads into the kitchen. “Just the pizza,” I confirm. Swinging the door open, I take the pizzas from the young guy and tip him before closing the door.

Hallie takes the boxes from me, and I follow her into the living room. We sit in silence for a few minutes as we eat our pizza. The annoying television show fills the silence as another argument breaks out on the screen. Despite hating the show, I’m grateful for the noise.

“You okay?” I ask once we’ve finished eating, and the silence has become awkward. She nods and turns to face me.

“I’m sorry.” She sighs and pulls her knees up to her chin, her arms going around her legs. “I guess it’s going to take a while for me to get used to seeing you carrying a gun around my apartment.”

“Hallie, that isn’t something you should ever have to get used to.”

“This is all so surreal. This time last week, I was normal, happy. Now… now it’s ten years ago all over again, and I’m a prisoner. Locked up byhim.” She spits the word ‘him,’ and I shake my head.

“No. That’s not what’s happening. You aren’t a prisoner here. This is your home. Sure, we have to be careful, but you don’t have to put your life on hold for that asshole again. We can go out and have fun, be normal. Iwillkeep you safe.” She gives me a small smile, but it’s sad, and I know she doesn’t believe me. Not yet anyway.

“Do you… do you know what he did? Matt?” She straightens her legs out, setting her feet down on the floor. She doesn’t look at me as she waits for my reply, her fingers twisting in her lap.

“Yeah. I’ve seen the file,” I say quietly. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, Hallie.”

“I was lucky. I got away.” I doubt she knows the true extent of how evil Matthew Bryant is. What he did to those girls, she doesn’t need to know. She is more than lucky. It’s a miracle she escaped his clutches.

“Do you think he’ll try to find me?” Her terror-filled eyes meet mine before dropping to her lap.

“I don’t know, but I won’t let him get to you. I promise.” I move across the sofa so I’m next to her. Her hands are still twisting in her lap, and I reach for one, enveloping it in mine. “Look at me.” I wait until she lifts her head, her eyes slowly finding mine. “I promise,” I repeat.

She gives me a sad smile, and I hope to God I can keep that promise.



When the sun finally begins to streak through the drapes, I throw off the comforter and sit up. Despite being exhausted last night, I hadn’t been able to sleep. The events of the day had swirled around in my head, and every time I closed my eyes, all I could see washim.Unlike most mornings, today I was happy for the sunlight to break through the drapes and chase the darkness of yesterday away.

I climb out of bed and quietly open my bedroom door. Padding across the small hallway, I knock lightly on the bathroom door, not wanting to walk in on Sawyer. Thinking of him staying in my spare room makes me nervous.

When silence greets my knock, I enter, locking it behind me. I can’t wait to stand under the hot spray of the shower and let the water wash away my restless night. I strip off my sleep shorts and tank and lean across the tub, flicking on the shower. I brush my teeth as I wait for the water to heat up. When steam begins to fill the small room, I step into the tub. Standing under the hot spray, I close my eyes and drop my head back. I probably spend far too long under the spray, and my skin is pink from the hot water as I turn the shower off and wrap a towel around my body. I dry off a little before opening the bathroom door, steam escaping into the hallway.

“Morning,” Sawyer calls from the direction of the kitchen. “Sleep well?” My eyes widen as I poke my head around the door. Catching sight of him standing in front of the coffee machine wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, my mouth goes dry. He’s facing away from me, and I take full advantage of his inability to see me. My eyes track up and over his tanned, muscled back. His hair is messy from sleep, and as I stare at him, a wave of heat travels up my neck and over my face. Thankful I’m hidden from view as I drag my eyes off him and force myself to speak.

“Morning,” I croak. “I’ll… be right back.”

I hear him chuckle softly as I rush across the hallway, darting into my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I press my back to the wood, my heart pounding. I’d been so caught up with everything that happened yesterday, I hadn’t taken a minute to notice how hot Sawyer really is.