“She’s your responsibility!” I hear Kelly hiss. “I gave that selfish prick a daughter years ago, and I refuse to do it again. Just deal with her. Make sure she keeps her mouth shut.”
I listen to the recording once we’re back at home, fuming at the nerve of that cunt of an egg donor.
“I’m handling it,” Chad hisses back at her. “She’s mine to do with as I please, and she hasn’t said a goddamn word to her mother.”
Dylan holds my hand, squeezing it in support as we continue to listen to the recording.
“Make sure she doesn’t. I have my own to keep quiet. I can’t very well be taking care of yours as well,” Kelly says angrily, making my stomach roll.
She gave birth to me specifically for my father to do what he did before leaving with Chad? Why?
“Your mother is a piece of fucking work, princess,” he says, seething with his hands balled into fists. “I want to kill that cunt.”
“We will.”
“Sophie is perfectly docile and lets me do whatever I want with her. I have it under control, wife,” he says in a tone like he hates her.
“I married you for a cover and vice versa. Don’t call me that,” she growls, and I feel my eyes widen.
“No love lost in our marriage,” Chad laughs. “Excuse me while I go play,” he says sweetly, making my stomach turn.
“You do that.”
We hear footsteps before a door pushing open. Clearly, Sophie was within earshot during this discussion. That poor, sweet girl.
“Hi, sweetie,” Chad greets her with a sickeningly sweet voice.
“I don’t feel well,” Sophie whispers, her voice breaking.
“Oh, baby, that’s okay. We can just cuddle tonight. You love me and want to make me happy, don’t you?” he asks, still using that voice, but there’s a hint of darkness there as well.
“Just cuddle?” she asks quietly. I can hear the pain and tears in her voice, and I want nothing more than to go over there right now and kill them in their beds.
“If you’re sick tonight, I don’t want to push you. But next time you’ll have to be a good girl, okay?” he says sternly, and she agrees with just the faintest of a whisper.
I slam the computer shut, standing to pace the floor. “Any luck on the search for the special friend that sealed those records?” I ask Dylan.
I know it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours, but I need this to move fast.
“According to the reports, they were all sealed by a Judge Matthew Harris. But I haven’t gotten any information dug up on him yet since we haven’t been home,” Dylan says, giving me a sad smile.
“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to rush you,” I whisper, still pacing the floor.
“I know, Brie. I’ll find something soon, I promise.”
“Until then, what’s the plan for those two?” Devon asks, and I bite my bottom lip in thought.
“Dylan, can you hack into Harris’ phone and send Chad a message to meet at a private location before deleting the evidence from his phone?” I ask, stopping to look at him.
“I can. What are you thinking?”
I take a deep breath and let it out. “A few hours before we send the files on the judge to the right people, Chad can receive a message saying someone started digging into their lives and they need to hide. We can find a secluded cabin on the border about six hours from here,” I explain.
“How do we procure the cabin?” Devon asks.
“Untraceable shell corporation,” Dylan responds. “We have a few set up for the future. We’ll just have to get rid of this one afterward. It can’t be used again and have it connected to any other crime.”
“So we let them pack themselves up and run straight to their death?” Dev nods. “Savage. I like it.”