A blender. She wants a goddamn blender, and I already know what she’s going to do with it. Jesus fucking Christ, I’m going to be sick.
“Did she say a blender?” Dylan asks me through my earpiece. I know he’s talking to just me rather than letting Briar in too, because he sounds as sick as I feel.
“Yup,” I say, grabbing the thing from the kitchen counter.
“That’s… fuck, man. Good luck with that one,” he states, and I snort.
“Thanks for the pep talk, bro. Really felt it in my soul.” I groan as he chuckles a little.
“Sorry, man. I have no words of wisdom for you if Brie is about to do what I think she is,” he states offhandedly. “Guys, Chad is home now,” he says into the earpiece, and I know Briar can hear too.
“Anything weird happen yet?” princess asks as I walk back into the room with the blender and set it on the dresser.
“Not yet. He’s a little odd around her, but so far, I haven’t heard anything too alarming. He’s more just… sweet to her in a nauseating way.” Dylan sounds sad and worried as he relays this information to our woman.
“Notify me the second something is off. I need to know what the hell is going on so I can protect her,” Briar whispers so Philip can’t hear.
“You got it, Brie,” Dylan promises.
“So, Philip. How is that imagination of yours working?” I taunt, moving to tower over his shaking body. “Have you figured out what she’s going to do to you next?” I ask, smirking.
“Please,” he begs, looking at me like I can somehow stop this.
I probably could if I really wanted to, but this is Briar’s show. What princess wants, princess gets.
“He won’t help you, Phil,” she says cheerfully. “He’s here to support me in any way I need.”
Philip whimpers as Briar moves to the other side of the bed, picking up the meat cleaver. I watch as she tests the edge with her finger to make sure it’s as sharp as she needs it to be. She already checked it once tonight, so I think this is more of a calming measure.
“I’m going to take your power away, Phil,” Briar says so sweetly.
“Please don’t. Fuck, just kill me. Please,” he begs quietly as tears start falling down his face again.
“Request denied. You don’t deserve a quick death.” Briar shrugs before lifting the clever and quickly chopping it down, cutting off his dick in one swing.
Philip is screeching as blood starts spurting all over him and the bed before quickly passing out from the shock to his system.
“Oh, Phil. You think you’ve escaped the pain?” Briar asks in a voice so dark and cheerful it’s actually creepy. Doesn’t make me love her any less, though.
“Fuck,” I groan, running my hand down my face.
“You okay, baby?” she asks me in a teasing tone.
“I’m good, princess.” I nod.
She cackles as she lifts the torch up to turn it on, waiting until the flame is blue before heating up the cleaver until it’s hot, then hands the torch to me to turn off.
“You can go out to the hall if you can’t handle this,” she says, giving me the chance to pussy out of this, but no. I won’t walk away from her.
With a quick shake of my head, Briar pushes the cleaver against the nub still left of his dick. A hissing sound echoes in the room before Philip comes to, screaming in pain.
“Stop. STOP, PLEASE!” he screams, but she doesn’t let up until the wound has basically stopped bleeding.
“I told you, Phil. You don’t get to die that easily,” she growls in his face.
The man has lost all fight in his body at this point. I can’t even imagine how unbearable the pain must be.
“That’s just wrong, princess,” I tell her as she picks up the severed appendage and moves to throw it into the blender.