By the time we get back from the diner and say our goodbyes, it’s almost noon. Dev and I are filled with energy now that the fun is about to begin, but I know Dylan is a bit down because he doesn’t get to set anything on fire this time around.
He’s going to be watching the cameras to make sure no one comes up the bastard’s long driveway while we torture him before making it look like a robbery gone wrong.
Unfortunately, as much as I wish Dylan could burn the evidence for every job, it would start to look like a serial killer was on the loose, and we can’t have that.
“Right. Candice is leaving for work,” Dylan says, bringing the laptop over so we can all see it.
We watch her lock up the house before they turn around, and the fear on Sophie’s face breaks my heart. It also makes me extremely angry toward whoever is harming her. Even toward Candice for not fucking noticing how scared her own child is.
“Fuck,” Devon curses, and I bring my focus back to the screen.
“No,” I whisper, feeling myself start to shake.
“Brie,” Dylan croaks.
“I know.” It’s all I can say as we watch Candice walk Sophie right to my mother’s door.
No. I refuse to call her my mother when she’s not. She is just a fucking egg donor. She’s no more a mother thanhewas my father.
“Have you gotten anything from those sealed records yet?” I ask, my voice shaking as Kelly opens the door.
Kelly Winters. If you’re going to change your identity, why the fuck would you choose a name like Kelly? Logically, I know it’s so she doesn’t stand out. The more unique the name, the easier it is to be seen in a way.
“I was about to check when my phone dinged to remind me of Candice’s schedule. Hold on,” Dyl says.
I watch as he minimizes the surveillance screen and opens up a couple more, scanning over the documents.
“Holy shit,” he whispers, lifting his head to look at me with wide eyes.
“What?” Dev and I ask at the same time.
“Those cases that were sealed for Chad? Most of them are SA and/or minor related,” he tells us as a look of rage crosses his beautiful face.
“Why the hell would those ever be sealed?!” Devon curses, jumping up in anger. “They’re fucking children!”
“All the complaints were dropped, and no charges were filed.” Dylan’s voice is darker than I’ve heard it since the night we killed my father. “Best guess is he has some pretty powerful friends to cover that type of thing up.”
“Find that friend. When you do, dig up everything you can on them before sending it to the right authorities. I don’t want any more information buried,” I tell Dylan.
“We’re not killing the friend?” Dev asks, looking down at me incredulously.
“We can’t.”
“Why the fuck not?!” he snaps, and I smile.
“Because we’re going to torture and kill Chad.”
“And your mother?” Dylan asks quietly, so I turn to him.
“We’ll see what happens tonight with the recording device you put into Sophie’s necklace during the class last night. If that bitch knows anything or is a part of that little girl’s fear in any way, she’ll die too.”
“It’s recording everything to a backup, right?” Dev asks, and Dyl nods.
“Of course. We’ll be able to listen to everything when we get back tonight, but I’ll also be listening in while you two are getting rid of that other creep.”
“Good.” I look at the time on the computer and stand. “It’s time to get ready. It’s a four-hour drive, and I want to make sure we get there and hidden long before he gets home from work,” I tell the guys, and they both nod in agreement.
It’s going to be a gruesome night now that I have even more anger to expel.