Whether I’m hacking into files that are fucking disgusting, like I’ve been doing the past couple of years now, or I’m learning how to burn shit without leaving a trace, it’s addicting.
For this job, I designed an intricate sparking system and installed it inside one of Briar’s plugs a few nights ago when her father wasn’t home. It was a bitch to get placed inside without tripping it, but it leaves us with a foolproof cause of fire. When the fire department does the inspection, they’ll rule it as an electrical fire. An accident.
There won’t be any traces of extra wires or tubes to be found, because everything I’ve built it with will melt and dissipate from the heat of ignition, leaving them with the simple explanation we’re aiming for.
I can never pretend to understand my brother and our love’s need for blood and mayhem, and they don’t try to pretend they understand my love of computers and science. But we always acknowledge the fact we understand the feelings behind it. The dedication and passion propelling us forward.
We’re one hell of a solid unit, and this entire night from start to finish is more evidence of that. We were meant to be together.
“I think he has a nerd boner, princess,” Devon fake whispers, and Briar snorts before giggling.
“You had a bloodthirsty one earlier, so you have zero room to talk. Now, let my nerd be nerdy.” She kisses him gently before turning and wrapping her arms around my waist. “You ready?” she questions, squeezing me a little.
I look down to smile at her and nod. “I’m good. Let’s do this and get home.”
She nods against my chest and watches me press the button on the switch I’m holding.
“Whoa,” she whispers, watching her bedroom window as the flames eventually hit the curtain and dance, quickly getting bigger as they devour everything in their path.
“Yeah.” I smile like a complete idiot, but I’m happy. I’m burning the final, physical memories of her pain, and the assholes who caused it are going to suffer as they die.