Page 20 of Beautiful Revenge

“Hrpphght,” he tries to scream through the gag, but it’s impossible to know what he said.

“I wouldn’t try to speak, Daddy. The more you inhale the bleach, the worse you’re going to feel internally,” I say in a singsong voice. “You look much better when you’re compliant,” I snap the words at him. Words he had once used against me.

“You’re so much prettier when you shut up, sweetheart.”

Dylan makes a choking sound behind me, but I can’t focus on him right now. I need to focus on the hatred that’s brewing inside of me.

“You were a terrible father, Robert” I hiss, getting in his face while I hold my knife to his dick.

I get immense satisfaction when he pales, worried I’m going to harm his precious dick. He can think that all he wants, but his penis is the last thing I want to see and remember, and I need to make this look like his friends ganged up on him before killing him. It’s statistically improbable for a man to cut off another man’s dick because they’re so sentimental when it comes to their own.

Guys feeling another man’s pain and all that. If you ask me, it’s bullshit, but I don’t want the police thinking I had anything to do with it, so here we are.

“Oh, are you starting to regret the things you’ve done to me?” I ask, spitting in anger as he whimpers behind the gag.

“I think he started to regret it the second you stabbed him, princess,” Devon snarks, and I chuckle.

“Maybe he should have regretted it years ago,” I say, leaning over my father. “You know, when I started threatening to kill you.” I slap him across the face so hard his head jerks back.

God, that felt good.

“She threatened to kill you, and you still kept hurting her?” Devon taunts, walking around my father.

My guys aren’t small. So, their size paired with the position my father is in, I don’t blame him for looking afraid. Devon isn’t the real threat to him tonight, though, and he should know that.

“Hey, Dyl?” I say his name as a question, asking him to come here, which he gladly does.

“What’s up, Brie?” he whispers into my ear, sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

“Make sure their hands are ready with impact bruises before they burn to death? We need to make it look as real as possible after all.” I smile at my father before turning my eyes on the other sick fucks.

Walking toward their paralyzed bodies, I can see the fear in their eyes, and the power I have over them pleasures me to the core.

“You got it, babe,” Dylan responds as I kneel in front of the other offenders, losing all of my patience, ready to end the taunting.

They aren’t my father, they’re just men I hate more than anything, and I can’t wait to watch from the shadows as they burn to death.

“You chose this fate the day you decided fucking an innocent little girl was something you needed.” I give them looks of disgust before continuing. “I was ten years old,” I spit out, standing and shaking out the anger I feel for them. If I want our plan to succeed, I can’t harm them. But oh, how I want to.

“I can’t kill you. Not the way you deserve, but watching as you die helpless in a fire will have to be enough.” I smile at them, and I see the fear in their eyes. They can see the monster they’ve created in me. “In the end, I’m going to have to thank you for making me who I am today. You four gave me the push I needed to save other women and children from the scum of the earth.”

“Hrmphgu!” Dad screams behind the gag, and I sigh before turning my attention back to him.

“What part of not speaking don’t you understand?” I shake my head in disgust at his inability to keep his shit together. “You know, I thought you’d be a little more pliant,” I state before pulling my knife back out.

“You know,” Dylan says, coming to stand beside me as he stares down at my father. “His body is still very pliant, even if his brain isn’t.”

“Ooo, I like that idea!” I clap excitedly before pulling him into me and kissing him senseless. “Love you.” I wink at him, and he chuckles.

“Love you too, Brie. I’m going to go take care of idiots two, three and four and get them placed where they need to be.” He kisses me gently before walking off.

“Dev, can you do me a favour?” I ask sweetly, and he smirks.

“Anything for you, princess,” he moves from behind my father to stand beside me.

“Break his legs for me? You’re physically stronger than me,” I admit, blinking up at him with a devious expression.

“That’s easy.” He kisses me roughly before kneeling in front of my father and lifting one leg up.